Chapter 38
The former demon cultivator friend, now goodbye.

Sun Wudao was very happy and communicated with them again.

He also performed his transformation method again, the method he had comprehended, and showed off his supernatural powers.

For Sun Wudao, the group of monsters naturally praise and admire Sun Wudao.

"Brother Dao, after the ceremony, the Yuqing Sect didn't bother you, did they?" Wolf Demon asked.

"Dare they?"

Sun Wudao raised his head proudly, snorted softly, and said: "I have profound principles, and my practice is already the orb of Yuanshi. How can they trouble me?"

"Yuqing Daozong, there is a lot of true cultivation in Taoism." The wolf demon said.

"Then you have to find me. I practiced with the Immortal Elder, and I was always by the Immortal Elder's side. Yuqing Daozong couldn't find me."

Sun Wudao said with a smile: "Even if you find me, there is a fairy, Yuqing Daozong has to give face to the fairy, and retreat."

"This splashing monkey." Jiang Yun shook his head, sure enough, he couldn't stay any longer.

Sun Wudao gets along very well with the group of monsters, discussing and communicating with them every day, and teaching them how to practice.

The group of demons are also improving rapidly, digesting the principles he taught.

In this way, several years passed, and the monkeys and the monsters lived a carefree life.

He was a little bored, and he had realized the method of moving characters, and he couldn't help it anymore.

He rode a cloud to the top of the mountain, looked at the mountains and rivers in the distance, and asked, "Have you ever seen it, what does the distance look like?"

"I've never been there before." Zhu Ganglie said, "It's great to stay here, why should I go?"

"I want to go and have a look." Sun Wudao looked into the distance, his expression became more and more determined.

The group of demons said: "Then go."

"Aren't you going?" Sun Wudao asked.

"We don't understand the reason, so we won't go." Zhu Gang said.

"Then you wait for me to come back." Sun Wudao said goodbye to them and left in a cloud.

Sun Wudao bid farewell to the group of demons, drove away on the cloud, and visited the mountains and rivers.

There is a human kingdom in the distance, there are demon cultivators lurking in the mountains, and there are many Taoist sects.

Sun Wudao was polite to people and polite to monsters all the way, but he couldn't change his habit of showing off his supernatural powers.

Once again he made some new friends and, of course, enemies.

There was a Taoist disciple who wanted to accept him as a spiritual pet, so he fought.

There are evil factions oppressing human beings, and he took action to punish them.

There are also ignorant human beings who thought about his fur, but were beaten to death by him instead.

There are demon cultivators as friends, and there are also demon cultivators who covet him for his Taoism, want to use him as medicine, and want to kill him.

Experience all kinds of friendship, hardships and dangers, roll around in the world, and kill all directions in the world of practice.

Disciples of the Dao Sect jointly captured him, and he was alone and helpless, so he joined the demon king and was blessed.

I don't know how many years have passed, the demon king fell in a battle for treasure.

He raised the banner high, became the demon king, and fought against Daozong and other demon cultivators.

In the blink of an eye, more than ten years passed, Sun Wudao was tired of this kind of struggle, and suddenly remembered Zhu Ganglie and the others, why they didn't want to come out.

He also thought of the Immortal Elder, and understood why the Immortal Elder was chanting Huang Ting in the little world of mortals, but he did not enter the real world of mortals.

He abandoned his identity as a demon king and wanted to find Zhu Ganglie and that mountain.

However, he searched for several years, but he couldn't find that mountain, and he couldn't see Zhu Ganglie and the others.

"Xianchang, Zhu Ganglie, where are you?"

Sun Wudao stood high in the sky, looking at the mountains, but he couldn't find the group of friends.

He had no choice but to return to the world of mortals and roll around in the world of mortals until one day, when he crossed the ocean, he saw an island with countless monkeys on it.

He blended into the group of monkeys, pretending to be an ordinary monkey without revealing his Taoism.

The monkeys did not make things difficult for him, but accepted him and made him their king.

After Sun Wudao and the monkeys had been carefree for a while, a demon came to attack.

Sun Wudao revealed the Taoism and killed the evil cultivators who came to offend him, but he attracted the practitioners.

He used to be the demon king, but was also found out by the other party. The practitioners teamed up again, and he became the demon king again.

"Why, I just want to live an ordinary life with the monkeys, why don't you let me go?" Sun Wudao roared up to the sky.

The only one who answered him was Dao Fa Tianlei, and many practitioners joined forces to besiege and kill him.

Sun Wudao had no choice but to summon the original demon cultivators again to fight against the enemy together.

In this battle, the sky was dark, the sun and the moon were dark, human cultivators and demon cultivators, corpses piled up like mountains, and blood stained the river red.

After the tragic war, the island was destroyed and all the monkeys died.

These are just ordinary monkeys, facing the Dao Fa Tianlei, even if it's just the aftermath, they can't resist it.

Reminiscing the scenes of his walk, Sun Wudao became discouraged, turned into a boulder and sank into the sea.

The outside world, but in March.

Jiang Yun recited Huang Ting as usual, but now only a hundred people came to listen to Huang Ting.

No one helped them hear the news, Ao Yu and Su Ling didn't make a move, and most of them were not allowed to enter. They felt that there was nothing strange, so they left.

Only a small number of people with good talents were able to hear the Tao, but they only heard half of the inner scene scriptures.

If there were really talented people, Taishang Daozong would have taken them away long ago.

After Huang Ting finished reciting, these people also left.

"Sir, enlightenment has been in for three months, when will it come out?" Ao Yu asked.

Su Ling also pricked up his ears, wanting to know about Sun Wudao.

"Soon." Jiang Yun said lightly.

"Brother Dao, I'm here to disturb you again."

An old voice sounded, Li Wei, the elder of the Taishang Daozong, appeared not far away.

Li Wei looked haggard and pale, and there was even a trace of ruthless demonic energy lingering all over his body.

"Old man, what do you look like?" Ao Yu and Su Ling were taken aback.

If it weren't for Jiang Yun's presence, they would all have run for their lives.

This is a sign of becoming a celestial demon.

"Your situation is very bad." Jiang Yun said softly.

Li Wei said: "Practice your own way, very good."

"Why this time?" Jiang Yun asked.

"I have the audacity to come here, and I implore Daoist brother to help me one more time." Li Weizuo bowed.

"I can't help you anymore." Jiang Yun sighed: "You have already chosen the way to go, unless you give up halfway and stop yourself."

"I don't ask brother Tao to save me, but brother Tao to help me walk the way." Li Weidao.

Jiang Yun was silent for a moment, then said, "How can I help you?"

"Back then, my disciple Qi Daoyuan was still alive, but I saw his body in pieces.

My junior sister and I slayed demons, the way was secret, but we were blocked. "

Li Weidao.

"Someone murdered you?" Jiang Yun said, "You want to find out who murdered you?"

"Yes." Li Weidao: "This person must be a member of the Taoist sect, and he is not inferior to me. I can only ask Brother Dao for help."

"I don't know much about Taoism, how can I find the person who harmed you?" Jiang Yun frowned.

"I would like to turn into a heavenly demon to find him. I only hope that Brother Dao can protect my spiritual wisdom. Then I ask Brother Dao to help protect my Taoist sect forever." Li Wei bowed deeply.

"Once you become a demon, it will be difficult for you to turn back." Jiang Yun's expression darkened.

"My Dao can be achieved." Li Wei smiled: "In this way, the Taoist sect can be clear, and even if I die, I can also become Dao."

"I agree." Jiang Yun agreed, and then said: "In a few days, find a dojo for me."

"Brother Dao is leaving this little world of mortals?" Li Wei sighed, "Are you going to hide from the world, or enter the world of mortals?"

"Where in this world is not the world of mortals? The world of practice is just another world of mortals."

Jiang Yundao: "My heart is in doing nothing, I am content with doing nothing, and it doesn't matter where I am."

"Why did Brother Dao leave?" Li Wei asked.

"Practice the way and seek the way, I have doubts, I should go to solve it." Jiang Yun said.

"I understand." Li Wei nodded: "When Brother Dao leaves, I will come and present Brother Dao to the dojo."

(End of this chapter)

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