Reciting the Yellow Court for thirty years, stone monkeys come to worship

Chapter 40 The stone monkey leaves, the way of the white fox

Chapter 40 The stone monkey leaves, the way of the white fox

In the night sky, the stars are dotted, and the silvery white moonlight shines down.

Ao Yu and Su Ling are practicing in front of the wooden house.

A ray of golden light escaped from Fangcun Mountain, and he knelt down on the ground.

"Disciple, pay homage to the elder." Sun Wudao prostrated himself on the ground with a sad expression on his face.

"Why are you sad?"

Jiang Yun said indifferently: "Taishang Wangqing is not ruthless, you will walk the road, you should be happy."

"The disciple doesn't give up on the immortal head, his junior sister and elder sister Yu'er."

Sun Wudao kowtowed again: "The kindness of the elder's teaching, I will always remember it in my heart, and I will never lose my heart again."

"You go here, don't use my name to be fierce." Jiang Yun said indifferently.

"I will never dare to show off my prestige in the name of the elder." Sun Wudao bowed, "If someone asks me where the truth comes from, how should I answer?"

"Fangcun Mountain in Lingtai, and the three-star cave in the oblique moon, I got it after hearing the truth." Jiang Yun said.

"Didn't that tell you about the Immortal Elder?" Sun Wudao raised his head and said.

"You can't act fiercely in my name, but it doesn't mean you can't say that you have heard the sermon here."

Jiang Yundao: "After you go, you can no longer call yourself my disciple."

"The Immortal still doesn't want to accept me as a disciple?" Sun Wudao showed a sad face.

For 41 years, they regarded themselves as disciples, but Jiang Yun never recognized the identity of master.

Jiang Yun said calmly: "Everything in the world can listen to Huang Ting. I must be a real person who has attained the Tao. I just recite Huang Ting and cannot be a teacher."

"But the elder has taught us a lot." Sun Wudao became more and more sad: "Is it not enough to be a disciple?"

"You monkey." Jiang Yun shook his head, waved his hands and said, "Stop talking too much, go quickly."

Jiang Yun disappeared and ignored Sun Wudao.

Su Ling and Ao Yu stared blankly at Sun Wudao. They had already woken up, but they dared not speak to him.

Seeing Jiang Yun disappear at this moment, Su Ling bravely stepped forward: "Monkey, is the Immortal Elder going to drive you away?"

"Junior Sister." Sun Wudao turned his head to look at Su Ling, his pupils were moist and teary.

"I knew that today would come, but I never thought it would come so suddenly." Su Ling sighed.

"You already knew?" Sun Wudao asked.

"The Immortal Elder doesn't like to be lively and carefree, but you can't stay for a while because you understand the word movement."

Su Ling said: "You are in the three-star cave of the oblique moon, can you see the surprise of the fairy?"

"I'm incompetent, my Dao heart is lost, and I can't see it." Sun Wudao said in shame.

"In the story told by the elder fairy, the monkey didn't cultivate for long, and after showing off, he was also driven away." Su Ling said.

Sun Wudao lowered his head: "I'm stupid, why did I understand the method of moving characters?"

"Follow your nature and see yourself." Su Ling said: "Now you are not left here, what should you do if you go here?"

"If I can't help it, the Immortal Elder should let me come back." Sun Wudao bowed to the place where Jiang Yun disappeared.

"The world of mortals has charming eyes, you are so good at cultivation." Su Ling said, "I hope you and I will see each other again."

Sun Wudao took a deep look at Su Ling, and then bowed to Ao Yu: "Sister Yu'er, when you become the Lord of Water, I will definitely come to congratulate you."

Ao Yu sighed: "The outside world is dangerous, act cautiously, put your own safety first, and don't cause trouble."

"Enlighten the Tao and save it." Sun Wudao bowed.

"In the future, won't you congratulate me?" Su Ling said.

"You have deep thoughts, I don't know what your plan is, I don't know how to congratulate my junior sister in the future." Sun Wudao replied.

"You monkey, life is so boring, I will always be by the side of the fairy, waiting for you to return." Su Ling said.

"Then there is Junior Sister Lao, who will serve the Immortal Elder well."

After Sun Wudao finished speaking, he kowtowed again: "Wu Dao has left, Immortal Elder, and will come back to serve Immortal Elder after enlightenment and enlightenment."

"Go." Jiang Yun's voice came from the void.

Sun Wudao jumped up, the auspicious clouds gathered, and he drove away with the clouds.

Su Ling finally shouted: "Monkey, be careful outside, don't become a dead monkey."

Sun Wudao went far away, instead of leaving directly, he went to see Wusong.

"Junior Brother Wusong, I'm leaving." Sun Wudao fell down and stood on the branch of Wusong.

"Where is Brother Wu Dao going?" Wu Song asked.

"Go to the world of mortals to seek the Tao." Sun Wudao replied: "The Immortal Elder will not leave me anymore, and you will serve the Immortal Elder well for me."

"The world of mortals is so difficult, Senior Brother be careful." Wu Song bowed and said, "I will definitely serve the Immortal Elder well."

Sun Wudao looked back at the location of Fangcun Mountain, no longer nostalgic, drove the cloud into the valley, and left the little world of mortals.

After the monkey left, Ao Yu and Su Ling were a little bit sad, and they had no intention of practicing.

Jiang Yun said nothing, and rested on his side on the mountain.

After one night passed, Huang Ting was chanted as usual in the morning, and Ao Yu and Su Ling were also careful.

Their worries were completely superfluous. After several days passed, Jiang Yun did not ask them to leave.

Sun Wudao has obtained the Yuanshi Orb, and has opened his binocular supernatural powers, so he has the power to protect himself when he goes out.

Ao Yu and Su Ling, however, are still a little weaker in the realm of returning pills from golden liquid.

Looking at the arowana in the pool, it will mature after a while.

Take out the green leaf wine, sprinkle some on it, and tease the dragon fish.

"Immortal Elder." Ao Yu squatted by the pool, and the arowanas swam over cordially.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Yun asked.

"Xianchang, Sister Yanyu has been here for a long time, and the monkey has also left." Ao Yu lowered her head and said, "Will you also drive me and Linger away?"

"Yanyu has gone to practice the Tao, and enlightenment has also practiced the Tao."

Jiang Yundao: "You all have your own way to walk, the world of mortals is rolling, and you are all walkers of the way. Only when you enter the world of mortals and come out of the world of mortals, can you attain the Tao."

"But we don't want to leave." Ao Yu said: "I often accompany the immortal elder to listen to Huang Ting, and discuss the Tao with many practitioners in my free time. I feel comfortable and happy."

Jiang Yun withdrew his hand from teasing the dragon fish, and said, "When these dragon fish mature, I should leave this little world of mortals."

"The Immortal Elder is leaving?" Ao Yu's complexion changed slightly: "Then can you take Yu'er away? Yu'er still doesn't want to leave the Immortal Elder."

"I will notify you when you leave," Jiang Yun said.

Ao Yu was silent.

Su Ling came over: "Immortal Elder, Ling'er will never change form, and will always serve the Immortal Elder."

"You also have your own way," Jiang Yun said.

"Ling'er's magic word method can be practiced anywhere, why can't he accompany the fairy around?" Su Ling raised his head and asked.

"The world of mortals is true, and the words of illusion are false. Only the truth in the illusion can be enlightened." Jiang Yun said indifferently.

However, Su Ling said: "Elder Immortal, this little world of mortals is also a world of mortals, why do you have to go to the world of mortals? Is the elder willing to enter the world of mortals?"

"You little fox." Jiang Yun laughed and said, "You can't convince me."

"Seeking the Tao is too difficult. Ling'er is timid and lazy, and she doesn't want to be true in the illusion. She just wants to be by the side of the fairy." Su Ling said.

"When you came to seek the Tao, you already uttered people's words, and a gust of breeze entered the world of mortals, so you should return with this breeze." Jiang Yun said softly.

Su Ling was startled, and his hair stood on end: "Xianchang, do you know the origin of that breeze?"

"I haven't searched for it, but this is the fate you can't let go of." Jiang Yundao: "The breeze sent you into this world of mortals. The original intention should be to let you enter the Supreme Dao Sect, but you just happened to meet me."

Su Ling was silent.

Jiang Yun leaned down and hugged Su Ling: "You and I have this fate, but you should know it, and don't force it too much."

"If the Immortal Elder doesn't mention it, Ling'er doesn't want to search for that breeze." Su Ling said in a muffled voice.

"The one who can do this for you must be thinking of you. You have not finished your trivial matters in the world of mortals, so you should be in the world of mortals." Jiang Yun said softly.

Su Ling's heart was shaken, she thought for a while, and said: "If the trivial matters of the world are over, can I return to the fairy elder?"

"Of course." Jiang Yun said with a smile.

When you are done with your trivial matters in the world of mortals, you must have become enlightened, and it is hard to say whether you will come back at that time.

Moreover, the world of mortals is full of turmoil, and incidents follow one after another, which is endless!
(End of this chapter)

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