Reciting the Yellow Court for thirty years, stone monkeys come to worship

Chapter 50 Ao Yu took office as Sui Jun and went up the mountain to invite

Chapter 50 Ao Yu took office as Sui Jun and went up the mountain to invite

"Cultivators also have sect views and doctrinal disputes." Jiang Yun said indifferently.

"Students know that they can achieve their own way after hearing the teacher's preaching, so they entrusted Zhu Xianzhang to ask the fairy." Zhang Shouzheng replied.

"You know yourself well, and you already have awe-inspiring spirit, which saves you a lot of hard work."

Jiang Yun pondered for a while: "You can build a residence, in this square inch of mountains, and listen to the Tao naturally."

"Thank you teacher." Zhang Shouzheng bowed.

"Go." Jiang Yun waved his hand, took out the fruit wine offered by the land, and read the Tao Te Ching while drinking.

Zhang Shouzheng found an open space and went down the mountain to cut wood and build a house.

Bai Ying and Zhu Ganglie wanted to help, but he refused: "This is the task taught to me by the teacher, I should do it myself, and it cannot be done by your hands."

"Since it's a mission assigned by the head of the fairy, then my old pig will not interfere." Zhu Gang said.

Bai Ying said: "Then should I also build a residence?"

"It's time to build a house and practice." Zhang Shouzheng said.

Zhu Ganglie scratched his head: "Now that I have found the residence of the Immortal Elder, my old pig should go back and give up the cave."

After speaking, he drove away on the cloud.

Now that he has reached Fangcun Mountain, he will give up what he did before and concentrate on listening to the sermon here.

As for the cave mansion before, let it go to some little demons, and they can also escort mortals to the Supreme Dao Sect.

Regarding them, Jiang Yun didn't say much, and let them do what they did.

How to do it, how to do it, he never interferes.

The arowanas in the pond competed for fruit wine, and they bred wine Mengzi again.

Jiang Yun's life was leisurely again, and there were three more simple wooden houses in Fangcun Mountain.

Barely able to shelter from the wind and rain, weaving weeds into futons, without much decoration.

Zhang Shouzheng meditates three times a day, not to collect the righteousness of the world, but to simply close his eyes and rest his mind. This is a habit he has developed himself.

Bai Ying and Zhu Ganglie were cautious at first, but after a long time, seeing that he had no airs, they relaxed.

For three meals a day, they pick some wild fruits that lack aura to satisfy their hunger.

After Jiang Yun finished reciting Huang Ting, he said calmly: "There is fertile land under the mountain, you can reclaim some and plant some grain to satisfy your hunger."

"Thank you for your mercy." Zhang Shouzheng saluted.

Zhu Ganglie also hurriedly said: "My old pig is going to find some seeds, and I will be back in the evening."

Now listening to Huang Ting, his speed of driving the clouds is also much faster.

"Why is it so long?" Xue Ling was surprised: "You also return the pill with gold liquid, and you have the way to do it. It should only take a few quarters of an hour to go back and forth."

"My old pig is stupid, and I can't use the true method of driving clouds, so I have to pass it down from my parents, and use the method of climbing clouds." Zhu Ganglie said awkwardly.

Hearing this, Xue Ling murmured: "The method of driving clouds is not very good for the little old man, but I can teach you the method of escaping from the ground, and it will be more convenient."

"Thank you, Land Master." Zhu Ganglie was overjoyed, and quickly thanked him.

After getting the method of escaping from the ground, he immediately runs the Tao and escapes from the ground.

"This stupid pig, the little old man hasn't finished talking yet." Xue Ling said dissatisfiedly: "I haven't told you yet, how can I be more anxious than a monkey to bring some wine back to the fairy?"

Jiang Yun said with a faint smile, "It's all right, it's all right whether you have wine or not."

"Senior Brother Wu Dao must be infected, which made Zhu Ganglie so anxious." Wu Song laughed.

Zhang Shouzheng said: "The teacher is good at wine. The student once heard from Immortal Zhu that when the students grow food, they can brew some for the Immortal to taste."

"You know how to make wine?" Xue Ling said happily.

"Someone knows it, but not proficient. Miss Bai Ying has this skill." Zhang Shouzheng said.

Bai Ying said: "The little girl was the daughter of a restaurant before she was alive, so she learned a little."

"Very good, very good." Xue Ling nodded again and again, and continued: "Little old man has doubts in his heart. Why do you survive in this world when mortals pass away and ghosts hold your soul?"

"Speaking of which, it's my fate."

Bai Ying said sadly: "She is a girl from a restaurant, she made wine with her father for a living, but a demon made a disaster, cast evil spells, forcibly restrained the soul, and ordered me to take people's yang energy."

"I don't want to cause misfortune, whipping and scorching. Fortunately, Mr. Zhang and the elder of the Taishang Taoist sect saved me, so I followed Mr. Zhang."

"It turned out to be a miserable person." Xue Ling sighed, "Why don't you invite Taishang Daozong to cross your reincarnation?"

"Mr. Zhang has the grace to save my life. Although I am weak, I can protect Mr. Zhang from the wind and rain, but I shouldn't abandon my kindness and enter reincarnation." Bai Ying replied.

"Know how to repay kindness, is a kind person."

Xue Ling said: "Your kindness, in exchange for your fate today, is also God's mercy."

"My father taught me before I was alive that the kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by a spring." Bai Ying said.

While the two were talking, Zhang Shouzheng had already left and closed his eyes.

"What is he doing? He closes his eyes three times a day, sits upright for half an hour, and doesn't see him doing exercises." Xue Ling asked curiously.

"Zhang Xianggong said, follow the actions of the sages of Confucius, and save yourself three times."

Bai Ying said: "Zhang Xianggong is a student of Confucianism. He respects the scriptures of the sages, is strict with himself, and examines himself three times a day to see if he has broken the rules."

"It's not as good as a little old man." Xue Ling said shamelessly.

"Zhang Xianggong will definitely become a saint and save the suffering and common people of Xia Kingdom from being disturbed by evil spirits." Bai Ying showed reverence.

"To be able to cultivate a noble and upright spirit, one should be a gentleman in the world." Xue Ling said with admiration.

One god and one ghost didn't talk too much, so they went to practice separately.

In the afternoon, Zhu Ganglie came back with a lot of seeds and thirteen altars of spirits.

"Sir, this is my old pig's filial piety to you." Zhu Ganglie put the strong wine in front of Jiang Yun: "Although it is not very good wine, it is brewed with the heart of the people."

Before Jiang Yun could open his mouth, he continued: "Don't worry, Immortal Chief, they are all donated to Lao Zhu voluntarily by the common people, not stolen by Lao Zhu."

"I have a heart." Jiang Yun nodded slightly and accepted the spirits.

"As long as the immortal head likes it." Zhu Ganglie said happily.

The strong wine entered the throat, it was indeed more flavorful than the fruit wine, and the dragon fish became drunk faster.

After drinking from an altar, he slept on the ground. Wusong built a wall with branches to protect him from the wind.

The leylines also flatten the ground, allowing him to sleep more comfortably.

Continue to recite Huang Ting in the early morning, and occasionally solve their doubts, so that you can feel at ease.

In the blink of an eye, one month passed, and just as Huang Ting was about to be recited, a golden light broke through the sky, and a dragon and a white fox came through the sky.

The golden dragon turned into a human body, with a multicolored diamond-shaped mark between its eyebrows.

But it's not the girl at the beginning, but the appearance of an adult, although there is an immature aura, it is more mature.

Wearing gold clothes on her body, with a crown on her head, she bowed and saluted: "Yu'er has seen the fairy elder."

The white fox swayed its two tails, and the third tail had already grown: "Ling'er has seen a fairy elder."

"But you're going to take the post of Water Lord?" Jiang Yun asked.

"Exactly. Seven days later, Yu'er will take office as Lord of Qingshui River. At that time, all the demons from nearby will come to congratulate her. There will also be the gods of land and mountains, and the head of the Taoist sect will visit."

Ao Yugong said: "Yu'er would like to invite the Immortal Elder to enter Shui Jun's mansion and taste the fine wine."

Jiang Yun pondered for a while, and said: "You don't need to look for me at that time, I will watch in secret."

"Xie Xianchang." Ao Yu thanked him.

Su Ling looked at Zhang Shouzheng, as well as Bai Ying and Zhu Ganglie: "It's a coincidence that this pig demon came here. These two have been here for a while, right?"

"I've met Sister Xianhu and Sister Longjun." Zhu Ganglie hastily saluted, "My old pig was lucky enough to find Fangcun Mountain and come to listen to the sermon. These two immortals came here."

"Meet the two senior sisters." Zhang Shouzheng and Bai Ying also quickly saluted.

Su Ling snorted: "But it's full of bookishness, which is unpleasant."

"Why doesn't Senior Sister like me?" Zhang Shouzheng asked doubtfully.

(End of this chapter)

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