Reciting the Yellow Court for thirty years, stone monkeys come to worship

Chapter 53 How can I not know?How dare you not know? !

Chapter 53 How can I not know?How dare you not know? ! (Thank you for your support, add one more)
Behind the Crystal Palace, the palaces are connected, and the coral is magnificent.

Jiang Yun drank the fine wine, and frowned slightly: "Donghai Dragon Palace? How can you hook up with the demon?"

The huge monster that stirred up the river was accompanied by shrimp soldiers and crabs all around. Before it arrived, the dragon's power had already enveloped the Crystal Palace.

In the palace, the faces of many practitioners changed, and many demon cultivators in the river trembled with fear on their faces.

Ao Yu stared at the gate of the palace with a serious expression on his face.

The disciples of the Dazong Dapai also frowned. The aura of the East China Sea Dragon Palace was obviously not for congratulations.

However, with Wen Gu Yanyu present, there was no need for them to intervene.

Wen Gu Yanyu frowned lightly, his face was a little colder, but he didn't attack: "Dragon Palace is a visitor, but congratulations?"

"I'm here to congratulate you."

Accompanied by the voice, a white-haired old man appeared at the gate of the palace, and there were two young people beside him.

A man in Tsing Yi, with a handsome face and white and tender skin like a baby's, although his body is profound, he still has a bit of evil spirit remaining.

A man in black, holding a spear, with a faint dragon power on his body.

"It turns out to be the Ninth Prince of the East China Sea, the Taishang Dao Sect, Wen Gu Yanyu is polite." Wen Gu Yanyu got up and bowed: "Since you are here to congratulate, I invite the Ninth Prince to sit down."

"Being the seat of honor," the white-haired old man nodded arrogantly, his eyes fell on Ao Yu: "This king wants to sit on the Dragon Throne of Water Monarch."


As soon as this remark came out, all the practitioners present changed their faces.

There is a demon cultivator in the water, but his face is happy.

Now that Ao Yu is taking the post of Water Lord, no matter who comes, except her, no one can sit in the position of Water Lord.

The Ninth Prince bluntly said that he wanted to sit on the Dragon Throne of Water Lord, obviously he wanted to snatch Qingshui River's position as Shui Lord.

Ao Yu smiled, bowed and said: "The Ninth Prince is a senior of the Shui tribe. If you feel that the Shui Lord is in a comfortable position, how about waiting for the imperial seal to be over, and the younger generation prepare fine wine and delicacies to entertain you?"

"Today, this king is going to sit on the dragon seat. Tell me, do you want to sit or not?" Ninth Prince said coldly.

Ao Yu's face was slightly gloomy, and he still didn't have any seizures. He said: "The East Sea is in charge of the Dongfang Aquarium. Senior is the Nine Kings of the East Sea, so I can sit down."

"Then why don't you get out of the way?" Ninth Prince said.

"Wait a minute." Wen Gu Yanyu said: "Although Donghai is in charge of the Dongfang Aquarium and can be granted the title of Dongfang Water Lord, this is the territory of the Supreme Dao Sect."

"Daozong obeyed the will of the heavens, and was merciful to the Taoist ancestors, and bestowed imperial seals and talismans to take charge of the surrounding land, mountain gods, and rivers and waters."

"Donghai Dragon Palace also agrees. The Ninth Prince came here in person today. I don't know if it's the Dragon Palace's intention or the Taishang's intention?"

"It is the will of the Dragon Palace." The Ninth Prince said arrogantly: "It is true that the Supreme Daozong is in charge of Shuijun, but it is wrong for any Shuijun to fall into the way of the demon?"

"The previous Shui Jun, the fault of Daozong, has been suppressed on Taishang Fumo Cliff, and he pleaded guilty." Wen Gu Yanyu's complexion changed slightly.

This Ninth Prince is talking about the previous Qingshuihe Jiaolong.

The Supreme Heavenly Demon planted a demon seed, and the previous Qingshuihe Dragon Lord failed to cross the catastrophe and transform into a dragon, and fell into a demonic way.

Although it has been suppressed, they have fallen into the evil way after all, and it is their Taoist sect who can't manage well.

"After the Qingshui River Lord Shui fell into the devil's way, the Qingshui River was not governed by the Lord Shui, and the people were killed and injured."

The Ninth Prince said coldly: "If you manage this Qingshui River again, there is no guarantee that there will not be another devil."

"That's right, the Taishang Taoist sect has already lost its virtue. Since it can't control the Qingshui River, the position of Lord of Water will be returned to the East China Sea." The young man in Tsing Yi said.

The young man in black said nothing, just stared at them coldly.

"The Taishang Daozong did make mistakes, and the selection of Shui Jun was even more harsh."

Wen Gu Yanyu said: "Ao Yu's virtue is enough, he understands the way of the Lord of Water, and can manage the Qingshui River well."

"There are countless people who are virtuous enough, and there are countless people in the East China Sea who have the way of the water king."

Ninth Prince said coldly: "Can you do any good deeds, merits?"

Ao Yu looked distressed, but she didn't do much good deeds, she just followed Jiang Yun to listen to the preaching.

"There are good deeds." Wen Gu Yanyu calmly said: "The previous Shui Lord was robbed, the Qingshui River was in chaos, and the demon cultivators disturbed the people. It was Ao Yu who took the initiative to clean up the Qingshui River."

The Ninth Prince's expression was indifferent, and he didn't take it seriously: "Ensuring the clarity of the river is a basic thing, and it should not be a good deed."

"Then why don't you see the Ninth Prince, who took action before to rectify the Qingshui River?" the disciple of Shangqing Daozong asked.

"Dragon Palace trusted Taishang Daozong too much before." The Ninth Prince said: "I thought that a person with high morals would be sent to take the post of Suicun, but I never thought that it would be a little child who has not done any good deeds and is ignorant of world affairs."

"Daozong made mistakes first, and Yanyu feels ashamed." Wen Gu Yanyu bowed and said, "I don't know Dragon Palace, but did you recommend Shuijun?"

"The two people next to this king are all of great cultivation, great morality, and great benevolence."

Only then did the Ninth Prince introduce the two people beside him: "Mr. Green Snake, who has practiced for five hundred years, protects the people of one side, benefits the living beings in the mountains, and is kind and benevolent."

"This one, I am Ao Ming in the East China Sea. I am sensible. I have practiced with the great Confucianism of the human race. I have sheltered several cities in the Xia Kingdom with good weather. I am deeply loved and virtuous. I have done a lot of good deeds. I can also be the Lord of Water."

"Whether these two people beside this king are not better than this little boy, whether it is virtue or kindness?"

"Converting truth and fooling the people, is it a good deed?!"

But when he heard an angry shout, Zhang Shou's face turned red, pointed at Ao Ming and said, "You said that he protected several cities in the Xia Kingdom, and the weather was good. You said that he practiced with the Great Confucianism, and his virtues were perfect?"

"You are?" Ninth Prince frowned.

Ao Ming's complexion changed slightly, and his face turned ugly. Looking at Zhang Shouzheng, he didn't have any impression.

"Shouzheng, do you know this Ao Ming?" Wen Guyanyu asked.

"How can you not know it? How dare you not know it?!"

Zhang Shouzheng gritted his teeth and said, "Eight years ago, the Xia Kingdom conquered the city, flooded the fertile land, and the people were robbed, but what did you do?"

"Nonsense, who are you?" Ao Ming shouted angrily, "Why did I ever do this?"

"Where did you ever do it? Just because a girl accidentally knocked over your offering, you were furious, and the thunder rang in the girl's ear for three days. After three days, the girl was stupid, but what did you do?"

Zhang Shouzheng yelled angrily: "Are you also worthy of being virtuous? Are you also worthy of words and deeds? Are you worthy of competing for the position of the Lord of Water?"

"Shut up!" The Ninth Prince was furious, and looked at Zhang Shouzheng coldly: "Is there evidence? If you slander, I, Donghai, will not spare you."

"Evidence? How many people in the Xia Kingdom don't know about the flood in Yuecheng?"

But Zhang Shouzheng was not afraid of the Ninth Prince, and said in a hateful voice: "That stupid girl, after her family was ruined, her parents died of illness, she has become a poor beggar, if heaven favors her, that beggar is still alive, you can find her! "

Ninth Prince's eyes were cold, Ao Ming's eyes were as cold as ice, and the spear in his hand suddenly stabbed out, pointing directly at Zhang Shouzheng's heart.

Zhang Shouzheng was terrified, he felt that the long spear was hitting like a pillar of heaven, and the arrogance in his body was suppressed before it could be lifted.

In an instant, a golden light diffused out, blocking the spear.

"Ninth Prince, this is what you brought, a man of perfect virtue?" Wen Gu's misty face was as frosty, with murderous intent in his eyes: "Do you bully me too much?"

"Ao Ming!" The Ninth Prince yelled.

Ao Ming hastily retracted the gun, his expression still angry: "I'm just angry, this person is so slanderous, and my reputation is ruined."

"Bad your reputation? Just check and you'll know, I, Zhang Shouzheng, will never do anything to ruin a person's reputation!" Zhang Shouzheng said, poking his neck.

...recommend a friend's book:
Book Title: Weird Cultivation of Immortals: I Can Reverse the Cost of Practice
Introduction: The way of heaven is out of balance, and the way of deceit is lonely.

There is a price to be paid for every practice, but Su Shaoxing has obtained an unknown ancient book, which can reverse the price of practice.

【Secret technique of nourishing yang and nourishing yin】

[Brief description]: The way of cultivation is difficult and difficult, dangerous and dangerous, there is no hope in cultivation, harvesting yang to nourish yin.

[Practice cost]: This exercise is not a technique of practice, but a method of building a yang tripod. The yang tripod is also the cauldron furnace, and the master picks it up to supplement it.Practicing this method, all the energy and spirit of the body will be transformed into yang qi, but the solitary yang does not grow, once the yang qi in the body cannot be suppressed, the body will explode and die.

[Supplement]: The cost of practice can be reversed.

[Brief description]: You have reversed the cost of practicing this method. After practicing, you can cast your own furnace, and the furnace can be refined. You can harvest yin to supplement yang, use yang to supplement yang, and strengthen your body.


So, there is a person.

Love to practice, eliminate demons, defend the Tao.

Good double cultivation, fox girl, demon ghost.

 recommend a book

(End of this chapter)

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