Reciting the Yellow Court for thirty years, stone monkeys come to worship

Chapter 57 I didn't kill you on the spot, I already gave face

Chapter 57 I didn't kill you on the spot, I already gave face
"Sir, are you not angry?"

After Zhu Ganglie finished speaking, he looked at Jiang Yun.

Aoyu is an arowana raised by a fairy, and he has worked hard to help him transform into a dragon and become the Lord of Water.

Now, on the first day of Sui Jun, Dong Hai came to the door to embarrass him before he was formally appointed.

"Why are you angry?" Jiang Yun said indifferently: "This is just Yu'er's first tribulation as Sui Jun, she can handle it by herself."

Zhu Gang grimaced, not daring to say anything.

Jiang Yun said indifferently: "Practice my own way, I will not interfere too much, you will practice the way in the future, if you have tribulations, can it be possible, can you still count on me?"

"This... Immortal Elder is really not suitable to intervene, but my old pig is angry with Zhang Shouzheng." Zhu Gang said fiercely.

"Each has his own way, and each has his own way."

Jiang Yundao: "Shouzheng has the righteous way he seeks, how can he be selfish and partial?"

Pig Gang was silent.

"In the future, if you know the way and practice the way, how can others interfere?" Jiang Yun said.

"My old pig won't be like that idiot Zhang Shouzheng. He can't find any righteous way. It's a way that his relatives don't recognize."

Zhu Ganglie murmured: "My old pig, I will never forget the kindness of the Immortal Elder, and I will also remember Brother Hou's kindness."

Jiang Yun said with a smile: "There are thousands of ways, and everyone has his own way. Keeping the heart of integrity is not a personal feeling."

Zhu Ganglie thought for a while, then looked at Jiang Yun: "Elder Immortal, you say that each has his own way, can my old pig understand his own way?"

"It's obvious." Jiang Yun nodded.

"Really?" Zhu Ganglie's face was happy, but then he said dejectedly: "How can I, old pig, have such a fortune to see the way?"

"Why belittle yourself?" Jiang Yun asked in surprise.

"My old pig can't forget emotion, and I can't let go of desire."

Zhu Gangli shrugged and pulled the pig's head, and said: "I can't control this mouth, it's delicious, I love to eat, and I can't control my restless heart, I love beauty."

"Everyone has desires, why can't they understand?" Jiang Yun said indifferently.

"My old pig is so inferior, how can I understand?" Zhu Ganglie asked respectfully.

"Your way is to ask for it yourself, not for me to tell you."

Jiang Yun said calmly: "Don't do evil, discuss with practitioners more, and you will be able to understand your own way."

"But I don't know how to seek the Tao." Zhu Ganglie bowed: "Please teach me the elder fairy."

"Let it be, you can understand the way." Jiang Yun said with a smile: "You don't have to worry, if you really can't understand your own way, I will help you again."

"Thank you, Immortal Elder." Zhu Ganglie kowtowed repeatedly.

With Jiang Yun's promise, he was relieved.

If he can't understand his own way, then the fairy elder will help, and he will be able to understand.

"Go ahead, you don't have to be honest with me, you are not stupid, so don't underestimate yourself." Jiang Yun waved his hand.

"Yes, Immortal Elder." Zhu Ganglie was praised, and couldn't help but be overjoyed.

But he went to Zhang Shouzheng to apologize, but he was unwilling.

Jiang Yun didn't force him to apologize, it was just a quarrel or two, and it was good that Zhu Gang's anger subsided.

What surprised Jiang Yun was that when Zhang Shouzheng came back from the mountain, he took the initiative to apologize to Zhu Ganglie.

"Before, it was not proper to keep upright, and I didn't worry about the feelings of the fairy head. Please forgive Shouzheng." Zhang Shouzheng bowed.

"You... It's also my old pig's fault." Zhu Ganglie scratched his head with some guilt, and said: "Your way is not personal, it's my old pig's fault."

I had complained to Jiang Yun before, but now facing Zhang Shouzheng, I really feel a little guilty.

Zhang Shouzheng bowed and said, "Thank you for your understanding."

"Don't be a fairy anymore, from now on I will be the senior, you will be the junior, and Baiying will be the junior sister." Zhu Ganglie said.

Now that Zhang Shouzheng took the initiative to apologize, he also took advantage of the steps to go down, and the little dissatisfaction in his heart also dissipated.

"Thank you, brother." Zhang Shouzheng thanked again.

Bai Ying also breathed a sigh of relief, as long as she doesn't quarrel.


Qingshui River, inside the Crystal Palace.

The Ninth Prince sent Ao Yu and the others away, and Lord Green Snake also went down to rest.

"Grandfather Ninth, is it true that the Qingshuihe Shui Lord position is given over to the Green Snake?" Ao Ming said in a low voice with dissatisfaction in his tone.

"It's not you, a worthless thing!"

The Ninth Prince said angrily: "Let that human race know what you did in the Xia Kingdom, and tell them face to face, how embarrassing have you made me today?"

"Grandpa Ninth, calm down." Ao Ming's complexion changed slightly, and he said hastily, "Grandson didn't expect that someone would know about Xia Guo's affairs. It's all because of that human being. If there is a chance, I will definitely kill him."

"You bastard, how dare you have such a heart?" The Ninth Prince's complexion changed, and he slapped him on the face: "You must not mention this again. If those Taoist disciples listen to it, you will not be spared." ,

"Grandpa Ninth, my grandson is just speaking in anger." Ao Ming covered his face and said, not daring to show any more fierce looks.

"I know you can't count on it, but fortunately you brought the green snake. Although it is not my East China Sea aquarium, if it can be done, you will also accept my East China Sea's love."

Nine Princes said: "The East China Sea has been silent for too long, and the position of Shui Jun has been divided up by these cultivating sects, but now it should be taken back."

"But that Aoyu is not an ordinary person, who can transform from an dragon fish into a flood dragon, and clean up the Qingshui River."

Ao Ming said: "The Green Snake Lord may not be able to fight her."

"Don't worry, I have made arrangements." The Ninth Prince smiled confidently: "The position of Qingshuihe Shuijun will definitely return to my East Sea."

"Grandpa Ninth just needs to make arrangements, and now it's time to look at the green snake."

Ao Ming said: "I hope that green snake has a good reputation, so don't take advantage of it."

Hearing this, the Ninth Prince became angry again: "Do you think everyone is as stupid as you? I have observed the green snake for many years, and I just recognized it. Afterwards, I will return to the East China Sea and punish you for ten years of confinement."

"Grandpa Ninth, please forgive me this time." Ao Ming's complexion changed, and he begged miserably.

The Ninth Prince said coldly: "Your matter has already been spread to the outside world, and the disciples of Qingyun Sword Sect are also there. They didn't kill you on the spot, but they did it for the sake of Donghai and Shuijun's grand ceremony."

Ao Ming's heart skipped a beat, but he dared not speak.

Qingyun Sword Sect's killers are notoriously fond of slaying demons and demons.

What he did in the Xia Kingdom, even if it was skin cramps, it would not be an exaggeration.

If it wasn't for this Shuijun Grand Ceremony, and he was by his side, the disciples of the Qingyun Sword Sect would most likely draw their swords.

"When you return to the East China Sea, you will hide in the East China Sea and confine yourself to thinking about your mistakes." The Ninth Prince said coldly.

"Yes." Ao Ming didn't dare to ask again.

the other side.

Wen Guyanyu finally waited for Yu Qiuning to come: "Junior Sister, do you have any news?"

"There is no news about Ao Ming and Mr. Green Snake, and we are still investigating."

Yu Qiuning said: "It's the elder who sent back the news of the East China Sea, but failed to meet the Lord of the East China Sea."

"Oh? The Lord of the East China Sea refused to see me, the elder of the Taishang Dao Sect?" Wen Gu Yanyu asked in surprise.

"It's just the Fifth Prince, word spread that the position of Shui Jun is for those who are virtuous, and it is not the property of the Taishang Dao Sect."

Yu Qiuning said: "Dong Haiyan, Taishang Daozong made mistakes first, so we should choose Shuijun carefully, so as not to repeat what happened to the previous Shuijun. The Ninth Prince is thinking about the Qingshui River and the nearby creatures, and he didn't intend to embarrass Daozong. .”

"It seems that Donghai really wants to take back the position of Lord Qingshuihe." Wen Guyanyu said softly, "Wait for news from Lord Green Snake."

"Yes." Yu Qiuning nodded, and continued: "Senior sister, what Ao Ming did is true?"

"Let's see how the East China Sea will explain." Wen Gu Yanyu said lightly: "After all, it is the Flood Dragon in the East China Sea, and the Ninth Prince is in front of him, so give him a little favor."

"By the way, Senior Sister." Yu Qiuning remembered something, and said: "I ran into someone on the way, and I want to meet Senior Sister tomorrow morning to explain about Shui Jun."

"Huh? Who is it?" Wen Gu Yanyu asked in surprise.

"I don't know, that person only said that he and his senior sister are old acquaintances, and they also pass through the patriarchal sect." Yu Qiuning said.

(End of this chapter)

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