Chapter 65
Shui Jun sealed it, and there were no more accidents.

Zhang Shouzheng and the others didn't go out again, they practiced peacefully in Fangcun Mountain and took care of the fields.

Su Ling also left, left the Qingshui River, and entered the world of mortals.

Jiang Yun followed the shackles to understand Su Ling's movements.

Unlike monkeys, who go to visit friends, she travels alone to find the fox family.

When there was a breeze back then, someone must have helped her. She is a white fox, and she should also go to the fox clan when she goes out this time.

The days of Fangcun Mountain are quiet, and the days of Zhu Ganglie are the most leisurely. They practice, eat, and sleep, and they are not in a hurry to seek their own way.

Jiang Yun recites Huang Ting every day to preach for them.

A few days passed by, and my mind sank into the shackles connected to Sun Wudao.

Qingyun Sword Sect.

A young swordsman returned with his sword and went straight to Qingyun Jianfeng.

"Jianzi, I'm back."

The swordsman came down with his sword and bowed his hands in salute.

"It can be counted as coming back."

Sun Wudao jumped out, came to the side of the swordsman, scratched the hair on the back of his hand, and said: "My sister Yu'er, the appointment of Shui Jun, is it a success?"

"Although there are twists and turns, it doesn't have much impact." The swordsman said.

"Twists and turns? What twists and turns?" Sun Wudao frowned and said, "With the Immortal Head and the Supreme Dao Sect, where are the twists and turns?"

Qingshuangzi came over and asked curiously, "Oh? What's the twist? Does anyone dare to make trouble?"

"It's that Donghai, who wants to take back the position of Shuijun, and joined forces with the demon."

The swordsman said: "Donghai invited a Green Snake Lord, led by the Ninth Prince..."

He told everything that happened in Qingshui River without any concealment.

When talking about the embarrassment of the Ninth Prince, Sun Wudao grinned his teeth and showed a fierce look: "Well, you old dragon, how dare you embarrass my sister."

When he heard that Ao Ming was a disaster, he was also angry. How could such a wicked dragon, who has done so many evil deeds, compete for the position of Water Lord?

On the contrary, the Green Snake Lord had done a good deed, which made him worry a bit.

"Mr. Ao Yulong, with the righteousness of sacrificing for the common people, is better than Lord Green Snake and becomes Lord of Water."

The swordsman said: "It's the man who cultivated Zhang Shouzheng, which is quite strange. He actually beheaded the evil dragon Ao Ming in his dream."

"Slaying the dragon in the dream? Good, good." Sun Wudao said again and again: "You are worthy of being the one who listens to the Tao beside the elder, not weaker than me. Tell me in detail, tell me in detail."

But the swordsman said: "Ao Ming died, the dragon's soul left his body, the Nine Princes were furious, and we are no match for our joint efforts. Lord Ao Yulong and Xianhu are almost robbed."

"Hey." Sun Wudao bared his teeth and furiously said, "Well, you old loach, you dare to hurt my sister Longjun and junior sister Baihu, you really don't know what to do!"

"Fortunately, the elder of Daozong arrived in time to let the Ninth Prince leave his arm, and it's just a matter of time." The swordsman said.

"This East China Sea is really abominable, the evil dragon's evil deeds, can't you kill it?" Sun Wudao said angrily.

Qingshuangzi said: "After all, the Ninth Prince is in person, if there is no elder present, he will be beheaded if he is killed."

"That's right, this action made Donghai feel ashamed." The swordsman sighed softly, and continued: "The Ninth Prince has meritorious deeds, regardless of his merits, but he favored Ao Ming. Shouzheng, beheaded in a dream."

"Zhang Shouzheng cut well, such an evil dragon, he should be cut." Sun Wudao clapped his hands and applauded.

"So it's an enmity with Donghai." Qingshuangzi said lightly: "But it's okay, Immortal Elder is a Daoist real person, and Donghai doesn't dare to seek trouble."

"He dares?" Sun Wudao said with a sneer, "Those old loaches in the East China Sea have no way to teach them. If they dare to go to Fangcun Mountain, the Immortal Elder will have to skin them."

Qing Shuangzi pondered for a moment, then said: "What about Lord Qing Snake?"

"After the defeat, Donghai also ignored him. Lord Long talked with him, but he didn't know where he was going." The swordsman shook his head and said, "I didn't care too much."

"I hope you can figure it out. Lord Green Snake can be regarded as a virtuous cultivator. If you can't figure it out, it would be a pity to go into evil ways." Qingshuangzi said.

"Then let people pay attention to the news of Lord Green Snake." said the swordsman.

Qing Shuangzi nodded slightly, and the swordsman said: "Brother Sun Dao, do you still need to talk about the Shui Jun contest in detail, do you want to slay the dragon in your dream?"

"No need, I already understand the Shuijun competition." Sun Wudao waved his hand and said, "You don't know the details of slaying the dragon in the dream, so there is no need to talk about it."

"Jianzi, I'm going to rest first." The swordsman bowed.

"Thanks for your hard work." Qing Shuangzi returned the salute with her hand cupped.

The swordsman left, Qingshuangzi looked at Sun Wu and said, "Is there anger in your heart?"

"How can you not be angry?" Sun Wudao snorted coldly, and said, "Donghai bullied Sister Yu'er so much, I can't swallow it."

"The East China Sea is powerful, not weaker than Qingyun Sword Sect, please bear with it for now."

Qingshuangzi sighed: "In the future, if we encounter Donghai again and do evil, they won't be able to say anything."

"Naturally, naturally, it's impossible for me to talk to that old loach." Sun Wudao rolled his eyes and smiled, as if thinking about it.

Qing Shuangzi nodded slightly: "Fellow Daoist, practice with peace of mind, and you will be able to get out of the Yin God soon."

"I've been bothering you for so long, but it's time to leave." Sun Wudao bowed.

"Why does Fellow Daoist have the intention to leave?" Qing Shuangzi said: "I just came back less than half a month ago, and I'm going to Jingyue Xianzong, Xuantianzong again?"

"No, no." Sun Wudao smiled and said, "I'm just practicing the way, and I have some understanding, so I should go."

"Since it is a practice, then I will not keep friends."

Qingshuangzi bowed and said: "It's just that the outside is dangerous, fellow Taoist, be careful, don't take risks."

"I save it, save it."

Sun Wudao jumped up, and Xiangyun came back, bowing back: "Qingshuangzi, I will go here, and I will not return. I will meet again someday."

"See you again by fate, I wish fellow Taoists to become enlightened soon." Qingshuangzi returned the courtesy.

Sun Wudao didn't stay any longer and left with a cloud.

Qing Shuangzi sighed softly, and said, "I hope Fellow Daoist Sun won't mess around."

Sun Wudao left Qingyun Jianzong, and flew all the way into the sky, far away from the realm of Jianzong.

A smiling face also turned into bared teeth and fury, and his actions were agitated endlessly.

"Well, you old loach from the East China Sea, how dare you bully my sister like this!"

Sun Wudao couldn't suppress his anger anymore: "I still want to kill my junior brother Zhang Shouzheng, if I let you live in peace, how can I be safe?"

After finishing speaking, he immediately drove the cloud and went to the East China Sea.

Ao Yu is his older sister, and it was Ao Yu who helped her when she first worshiped the Immortal Elder, so she was able to hear the truth.

We have been together for 41 years, discussing the Tao every day, with deep emotions.

Furthermore, Aoyu is the arowana raised by the Immortal Elder, and the Immortal Elder loves it very much, so how could he be bullied by that East Sea loach?
"Although I can't fight that old loach from the East China Sea, those little loach of yours can't stop me."

Although Sun Wudao was angry, he never lost his mind.

He is a Daoist of the Yuanshi Jewel Realm, so he can't provoke the old dragon of the Yang God, but the rest of the gold liquid is still pills, and the Yuanshi Jewel Realm is not in his eyes.

In the past ten years, I have been discussing the Dao with Jianzi and the saint, and the Dao has made great progress. Ordinary Yuanshi Orbs are no longer in my eyes.

"Sun Wukong makes troubles in the East China Sea, and I, Sun Wudao, make troubles too!"

Sun Wudao drove the clouds with all his strength, and within half a day, he had already reached the sky over the East China Sea.

Immediately, he transformed into a fish, submerged into the East Sea, and went deep into the bottom of the sea.


Recommend a book from a friend: If you like pets, you can read it

Title: I Have a Pet Containment Space

Introduction: Yu Mufeng, who is full of sympathy, does not know if it is because of the favor of the goddess of luck, he unexpectedly got a pet shelter, and started a different life journey from then on...

No, it should be because I met a lucky cat, and from then on I started the mode of salted fish turning over...

(End of this chapter)

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