Reciting the Yellow Court for thirty years, stone monkeys come to worship

Chapter 67 The finely molded golden body of the earth vein?Gone!

Chapter 67 The finely molded golden body of the earth vein?Gone!

As soon as he floated out of the Dragon Palace, a ruthless demonic energy engulfed Sun Wudao and left quickly.

In an instant, across a hundred miles, away from the East China Sea.

On the top of a mountain, the ruthless demonic energy turned into a human form and released Sun Wudao.

"You Poor Monkey, you are so bold, how dare you enter that Dragon Palace?" Qi Daoyuan shouted coldly.

"Hmph, those Donghai old loach dare to bully my sister Yu'er, I will definitely not let them live in peace."

Sun Wudao snorted coldly, took out the mustard seed bag and the treasure wrapped in his clothes: "You helped me, just take whatever you want."

"I don't want your treasures."

Qi Daoyuan said lightly: "Before doing something next time, think clearly, don't lose your life in vain."

"You don't want treasure?" Sun Wudao was taken aback, and said, "Then why did you help me?"

"I owe you Fang Cunshan's favor, so I will pay it back this time." Qi Daoyuan said lightly, "If there is another time, I will not help you."

"You don't need your help. Since you have entered the ruthless way, you should be ruthless."

Sun Wudao frowned: "You just said that you owe Fang Cunshan a favor, whose favor is it?"

"The fairy who taught you." Qi Daoyuan said coldly: "As for my way, you don't have to ask."

"I'm too lazy to ask." Sun Wudao curled his lips.

"Before in Dragon Palace, you must have heard that Li Wei fell into the ruthless way."

Qi Daoyuan said coldly: "I advise you not to spread the news, otherwise, the catastrophe is imminent."

"You don't care what I do." Sun Wudao said coldly.

"Go three hundred miles away, the demon king is entrenched, you go and hide there."

After Qi Daoyuan finished speaking, he didn't stay any longer, turned into a streak of devilish energy, and disappeared.

Sun Wudao looked at the treasures poured out from the Dragon Palace: "First refine a suitable treasure for me, and save the rest first, and find a way to give some to Sister Ao Yu and Junior Sister Su Ling."

He can't run out of this pile of treasures. He can refine the treasures by himself and use up a few pieces.

"What Qi Daoyuan said is not unreasonable, I really should hide for a while." Sun Wudao thought of this, and left in a cloud.

After looting the treasure house of the Dragon Palace just now, and then going out in a big way, it would be really fatal.

Hide first and refine the treasures.

It's a pity that I'm not with the fairy head, otherwise, I can ask the fairy head to help refine it.

"This monkey." Jiang Yun withdrew his mind.

Sun Wudao was really bold, for fear that he would not know that he stole the Dragon Palace treasure house, and stayed here for a visit.

Those treasures are too difficult to refine with Sun Wudao's Taoism.

Jiang Yun looked indifferent, and had no intention of helping Sun Wudao.

He doesn't care about Sun Wudao, this monkey dares to go to the Dragon Palace to steal the treasure house.

If it comes forward, the monkey doesn't know where it will go. It can't be said, it really dares to make a fuss about Donghai, and ask Donghai Dragon Palace if there is a Dinghaishenzhen.


Zhang Shouzheng made a bow and said, "Can the students go to Qingshui River and exchange the way of cultivation with Lord Long?"

"Of course you can." Jiang Yun said calmly: "But now Yu'er should be entangled in trivial matters, so let's go after a while."

"Students don't have to." Zhang Shouzheng said with a bow.

Shuijun's mansion was just destroyed by the Ninth Prince, and it has not yet been completed, and Ao Yu still has a lot to do.

Zhu Ganglie brought him some spirits. Although he gave up the previous cave, the demon cultivator of the cave had a very good relationship with him and prepared wine for him.

Drinking strong wine, Jiang Yun glanced at the shackles on his body, and Lord Green Snake also had one.

Today's Lord Green Snake has returned to the east of Daling, protecting the people and the wild beasts and monsters as before.

The days are leisurely and carefree.

Every morning, chant Huang Ting for them.

Zhang Shouzheng practiced with peace of mind, and his Taoism can be said to be a thousand miles a day.

He has already understood the way, and his practice is much faster than ordinary practitioners.

Although Zhu Ganglie envied him, he couldn't envy him either.

Bai Ying was happy for Zhang Shouzheng, but she didn't care about herself.

The land and Wusong communicated with each other on the way of practice every day, and the progress was considered rapid.

More than a month later, Ao Yu finished rebuilding the Palace of the Lord of Water, and came to say hello.

"Sir, the Qingshui River is already clear, can Yu'er come to listen to Huang Ting every day?" Ao Yu asked respectfully.

"You can come at your leisure, but you can't come every day."

Jiang Yun said lightly: "You have learned the truth, you don't need to come and listen to Huang Ting."

"Yu'er just misses her husband." Ao Yu opened a jar of fine wine and said, "Yu'er is learning how to make wine from the human race, and she will brew fine wine by herself in the future for her husband to taste."

"As long as you want to, don't waste your business." Jiang Yun said.

"Yu'er understands." Ao Yu said: "I don't know what happened to enlightenment, and sister Su Ling also doesn't know whereabouts."

Jiang Yun smiled lightly and said nothing.

Seeing that he was silent, Ao Yu stopped talking, and exchanged the way of cultivation with Zhu Ganglie, Zhang Shouzheng and the others.


East China Sea.

Ninth Prince's arm has regrown, but it's just a newborn arm, still a little fragile, far worse than before.

"Fifth Brother, I am Ming'er, and I will take some spiritual objects." Ninth Prince said.

The fifth prince said: "There is still an essence of the earth's veins in the treasury, which can be transformed into it by reshaping the golden body tomorrow."

"Thank you, Fifth Brother." The Ninth Prince said joyfully, "With the essence of this earth vein, I will be able to recover quickly tomorrow. On the day of achieving the golden body, the orb will be perfect, and I will take the opportunity to glimpse the realm of the Yin God."

"Prime Minister Turtle, with the Ninth Prince, go to the treasury to get the essence of the earth's veins." The Fifth Prince said.


Prime Minister Gui bowed in response, and took the Ninth Prince to the treasure house of the Dragon Palace.

Before coming to the treasure house again, he opened it with a token, and the Ninth Prince walked in first.

As soon as he entered the treasure house, the Ninth Prince froze and stood there dumbfounded.

Prime Minister Gui behind him asked doubtfully, "Why doesn't Ninth Prince take the treasure?"

"Get the treasure?" The Ninth Prince trembled, gritted his teeth, and said solemnly: "Where is the treasure? You asked me to take the treasure, where is the essence of the earth's veins?"

Prime Minister Gui was taken aback, and quickly passed the Ninth Prince, looking at the empty shelves, the essence of the earth veins, the dark topaz python, had long since disappeared.

There are also the Gengjin Stone, the Ice Crystal Snow Lotus, these precious treasures are all gone.

A shelf, all empty, not a single treasure remained.

"Damn it, who did this?"

Prime Minister Turtle screamed, a whole shelf of treasures, no, a few items from the rest of the shelves were also taken away.

"Who?" The Ninth Prince's face was cold: "Who has been to the treasure house during this period of time?"

"One month ago, the Supreme Demon Qi Daoyuan came here." Prime Minister Gui said with hatred: "You are not a son of man, but you did this!"

"Qi Daoyuan... No."

Ninth Prince's gaze was fixed, and he landed on the shelf, where there was a line of writing: "Sun Wudao came here for a visit?"

"Sun Wudao?" Prime Minister Gui also noticed, his face was cold: "Who is Sun Wudao?"

"Find it, find it for me, even if you turn Donghai upside down, you must find Sun Wudao!"

The Ninth Prince roared angrily.

The essence of the earth veins was used to reshape the golden body of Ao Ming.

Now that it is lost, Ao Ming can only create an ordinary golden body, and it cannot be recovered in a short time.

"Yes, yes." Guicheng scrambled out of the treasure house, went straight to the Dragon Palace, and cried out sadly: "Fifth Prince, something is wrong, the treasure house has been robbed."

"What?" The fifth prince's body trembled, his eyes frightened: "What are you talking about?"

"The treasury was ransacked by a man named Sun Wudao, and the essence of the earth veins is gone." Prime Minister Gui fell to the ground, trembling.

"Sun, Wu, Tao!"

The fifth prince read out every single word, and said in a cold voice: "The order will be passed down, and Sun Wudao is wanted, and I will arrest both life and death!"

(End of this chapter)

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