Chapter 78

In a huge grotto, which was clean and tidy, two female snake demons poured wine for them.

"Immortal Chief, these two are Xiao Yao's younger sisters, and they are also Xiao Yao's emissaries in Daling Mountain." Qing Min said.

Jiang Yun nodded slightly: "Following your practice, they can be regarded as on the right path."

"Immortal elder is too famous." Qing Min raised his glass and said, "Qing Min respects immortal elder."

Jiang Yun drank a cup and said: "This place is quite leisurely, but it is a good place to practice."

"If the Immortal Elder is willing to live here for a long time, Qing Min will be very happy." Qing Min said.

"But I can't live here for a long time." Jiang Yun shook his head and said: "Your way has been accomplished, and it will be of no benefit to you if I live here forever."

Living here for a long time, Qing Min must visit him every day, respecting him, which hinders Qing Min's practice.

This time I have already felt that I am about to become a Daling mountain god, and the road ahead is still long.

The Daling Mountains, stretching for thousands of miles, are no ordinary hills.

Among them are Yin gods, and even Yang gods and demon cultivators, which will cause a lot of trouble in the future.

Qing Min was not disappointed either, he already knew that it was impossible to keep Jiang Yun.

After drinking another glass of wine, Qing Min asked: "Immortal Elder, are you sure you don't want to ask about the matter of Lord Long?"

"There are many ways to resolve the Qingshuihe catastrophe this time, and I don't need to take action." Jiang Yun said.

"Oh? Immortal Elder already has a solution?" Qing Min asked curiously.

"It's highly poisonous and weird, but there is a solution."

Jiang Yundao: "He Dao Realm can be solved, Donghai also has an antidote, and even Yu'er has a solution in his hands, why should I take action?"

"The antidote is actually in the hands of the Dragon Lord?" Qing Min asked in surprise, "Then why is the Dragon Lord in trouble?"

"Just like you back then, she didn't know that she was by her side, but she didn't know that the antidote was by her side."

Jiang Yundao.

"So that's the case." Qing Min suddenly said: "Then I don't know how to solve it?"

"The poison itself can be cured, but it has been used by others. The truth I left behind, if you can understand it, you can get rid of it."

Jiang Yun said calmly: "If the method is broken, there will be no fear of the poison."

"Hey, Lord Long is flustered this time, and can't make up his mind." Qing Min shook his head and sighed.

"The Tao is in her body. If you can't comprehend it, you can only wait for the master of Taoism." Jiang Yun said lightly.

The truth he left behind is enough for Ao Yu to deal with all kinds of troubles.

Qing Min stopped talking too much, and drank with Jiang Yun in peace.

This drink lasts for three days.

Qing Min stood up, bowed and said, "Immortal Elder, Qing Min is going."

"Go, when you become a god, don't procrastinate any longer, I should go back." Jiang Yun said indifferently, his body turned into a wisp of green smoke, and disappeared.

"Respectfully send off the fairy head." Qing Min made a bow.

The two female snake demons also saluted respectfully: "Congratulations to the elder fairy."

When the green smoke completely dissipated, a female snake demon couldn't help asking: "Mr. Lang, who is this fairy elder, and why do you respect him so much?"

"The master of Fangcun Mountain is also my benefactor." Qing Min said: "Thanks to my benefactor, I will be the God of Daling Mountain, and I will also be named by my benefactor, Qing Min."

"Lang Jun's mentor?" The two female demons showed surprise, "Why have you never heard of Lang Jun's mention?"

"The master has great powers and has already attained the Tao, but I am not worthy of being a disciple, so I can only respect my master behind my back."

Qing Min sighed: "Remember, if you meet Fangcun Mountain practitioners in the future, they will all be my senior brothers and sisters."

"Remember, little demon." The two snake demons said respectfully.

"Okay, it's time for me to become a mountain god. Daling Mountain has been waiting for me for a long time." Qing Min said.

"Lang Jun, do you want to prepare a sacrifice and inform the group of demons and common people to come and pay homage?" asked the two snake demons.

"No, I already have the name of a tiger, but now I only have the real name of a tiger, so there is no need to inform me."

After Qing Min finished speaking, he stepped out of the cave, and immediately transformed into his body.

The 200-meter huge green snake, like a mountain range, is flying towards the mountain range at this moment.

As Qing Min moved forward, the huge snake body gradually became weak.

At this moment, there was a light yellow light blooming in the continuous Daling Mountains, and the dense spiritual energy poured into the body of the green snake like a torrent.

The two female snake demons rushed out of the cave and bowed from a distance: "Congratulations, sir, for winning the position of mountain god, and welcome the return of Daling mountain god."


The Daling Mountains shook inexplicably, and the group of monsters fled in panic, looking at the mountains uneasily, not knowing what happened.

Immediately afterwards, spiritual energy rose from the ground, and the energy of the earth's veins gushed out to moisten everything.

Thunder broke out in the sky, and misty drizzle enveloped Daling Mountain.

This drizzle was strange, all the monsters that came into contact with were injured and recovered from their injuries.

Those who were not injured, only felt full of energy and improved in Taoism.

For a while, the yin gods and yang gods who were latent cultivators felt it, and some people who lived in seclusion here also felt it.

They looked up at the sky and saw a 200-meter-long giant python flying through the clouds, shedding rain, and driving thunder, echoing the Daling Mountains.

All of a sudden, the big monsters knew what happened.

"Congratulations to Daling Mountain God for returning to his throne."

"Congratulations, sir, for being certified as the Mountain God of Daling Mountain."

One big demon and one human cultivator raised their voices at the same time, bowing their hands to the sky, congratulating Qing Min for winning the position of Mountain God of Daling Mountain.

At the same time, Qing Min's voice resounded: "My Qing Min, who has practiced for five hundred years, is in a daze. Thanks to my mentor, the way of heaven is merciful. Today, I am the spirit of Daling Mountain. I am the spirit of all things. I abide by the rules and cultivate the Tao .”

Above the sky, the 200-meter giant python swooped down, merged into Daling Mountain, and disappeared.

"There is a tiger in the east of Daling, whose name is Qingmin, and his body is a green snake. Unexpectedly, he was really certified as the mountain god of Daling Mountain."

A great Yang God demon sighed: "Heaven sees what he does."

"I don't know which senior is his mentor, I have never heard him mention it." Another big demon asked doubtfully.

"No matter who it is, we can't afford to mess with it." There is a man of Yangshen cultivating: "The one who can enlighten Qing Min to become the mountain god of Daling Mountain should be a real person of Hedao."

"If you can give me some advice, I don't know how many years of hard work I can save." Many big monsters sighed.

"Don't dream, although our Taoism is better than the current Qing Min, how many of our good deeds and virtues are comparable to him?" Yangshen said.

When the group of monsters heard the words, they were all discouraged and bowed their heads, far from being able to compare.

On the other side, Jiang Yun's Taoism also increased.

"Talk to Daling Mountain Shen Qingzhang, and the Taoism will increase by 80 years."

Directly adding 80 years of Taoism, Jiang Yun looked back at the Daling Mountains, hoping that Qing Min would be able to improve his Taoism as soon as possible, and enjoy himself between heaven and earth.

With the god position, Qing Min can also feel at ease. For no reason, even if he is a real person, he can't kill the gods, otherwise he will be punished by heaven.

This is also the reason why Qing Min was obsessed with the god position at the beginning, this is a life-saving talisman!

Of course, if it is an evil god, after beheading, there will also be a blessing. As for what kind of blessing, Jiang Yun is not clear.

"This Yu'er, hey." Jiang Yun shook his head: "Although he has a heart, he lacks tempering after all, and panics when things happen, huh? Li Wei."

With a thought, he has already returned to the sky above Fangcun Mountain.

"Brother Dao." Li Wei, who was full of ruthless demonic energy, bowed and said, "Why don't you come forward and call Dragon Lord?"

"You can comprehend it yourself, why call?" Jiang Yun said indifferently: "You leave the customs for this?"

"Yeah, it's highly poisonous, and it's too noisy. It's almost asking me."

Li Weidao: "If you don't make a move, Ao Yu might really go to the undead mountain to find the undead tree."

"Undead tree?" Jiang Yun was slightly taken aback, and said, "What is it?"

(End of this chapter)

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