Chapter 8 The Holy Maiden Listens to Huang Ting

Being able to be friends with the saint, it seems that Ao Yu is very talented.

This saintess should be quite capable, just a few pointers are worth two dragon fish and a kind of elixir.

However, he didn't pay much attention to it. He would not deliberately pursue such things as Taoism and let nature take its course.

After all, Taoism will increase every day, so why make yourself so tired?

In the past 20 years, his practice has increased, and he only feels that his practice has increased, but he can't figure out how much, and he never deliberately remembers it.

Lying there quietly, the body seemed to be one with the heaven and the earth.

After drinking the last sip of wine, Jiang Yun fell into a sound sleep.

Sun Wudao is still copying the scriptures, immersed in it.

Early the next morning, Jiang Yun continued to recite Huang Ting, feed dragon fish, cultivate elixir and Sun Wudao.

Once again chopping firewood for wine, Sun Wudao also followed his example. After chopping firewood, he condensed his Taoism to make up for the pine trees.

Although his knowledge is superficial and he doesn't gather much, it is enough to make up for ordinary pine trees.

What he exchanged was also green leaf wine, which was for Jiang Yun to drink.

Jiang Yun didn't let him drink common wine, so he didn't drink it.

After half a month passed, Sun Wudao realized the Tao every day and accepted the Tao, and he had a solid foundation.

Today, in the morning.

"Sir, Yu'er is back."

A crisp calling came, and Ao Yu and a woman in white walked over holding hands.

The black silk was bundled up, his expression was indifferent, and there was an ethereal air around his body, as if he was going to ride the wind.

Ao Yu jumped up and down, extremely cheerful: "Sir, Yu'er brought you strong wine this time."

While speaking, he took out the porcelain bottle and said with a smile, "It's very strong."

"You're so good, didn't you steal it?" Jiang Yun said.

"Senior Sister took it for me, but it didn't violate the sect's rules." Ao Yu said, introducing: "Sir, this is Senior Sister, Wen Gu Yanyu."

"Jiang Yun, the fish breeder, has met the fairy elder." Jiang Yun bowed.

"Sir, you're being polite." Wen Gu Yanyu quickly returned the courtesy.

"Sir, my senior sister and I are here to listen to Mr. Huang Ting." Ao Yu blinked: "Mr. has not started yet, right?"

"It's about to start." Jiang Yun glanced at Wen Gu Yanyu, and nodded slightly: "The fairy elder, please sit down."

After speaking, sit cross-legged.

Ao Yu hurriedly took out a futon and asked Wen Gu Yanyu to sit down.

Wen Gu Yanyu waved her hand and told her to put it away, imitating Jiang Yun and sitting on the floor: "Sir, please."

Ao Yu and Sun Wudao also sat down obediently.

Jiang Yun also began to chant Huang Ting: "In front of Emperor Zixiaxu in the Shangqing Dynasty, Lord Yuchen, the Supreme Daoist, lived in Ruizhu to compose seven words, scattered five shapes and transformed all gods. This is the inner chapter of Huang Tingyue..."

As Jiang Yun chanted Huang Ting loudly, the surrounding spiritual energy surged again, and the air was filled with mysterious aura.

Ao Yu and Sun Wudao were immersed in it, and Wen Gu Yanyu was peaceful and gradually immersed in Huang Ting's voice.

In the moment of immersion, Wen Gu Yanyu only felt that there were thousands of changes in front of his eyes, and colorful lights filled the world.

For a time, there are thousands of rays of light and thousands of auspicious colors.

Above the head, the starry sky changes, and the stars change.

There are thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, floating in my heart, the boundless ocean, where fish are vying for leaps.

Wen Gu Yanyu's mind was shocked, but she didn't dare to be distracted, immersed in the changes of the world.

Her own morality is also growing, and the faint Yin spirit in her body is actually solidifying.

The voice of Huang Ting led them to understand the world.

Accompanied by Huang Ting's voice, Wen Gu's misty rain blended into it, she turned into wind, into rain, into everything in the world, experiencing the changes of time...

After reciting the Inner Scene Sutra, the Outer Scene Sutra follows.

Like Sun Wudao, Wen Guyanyu couldn't bear it as soon as she heard the middle part of the Sutra, and withdrew from Huang Tingzhi's voice.

Ao Yu and Sun Wudao are still immersed in it, and their own skills are slowly increasing.

Wen Gu Yanyu didn't bother her, she sat cross-legged quietly, sorting out her harvest.

The yin spirit that has just been cultivated is condensed by [-]%, which is enough to be worth ten years of hard work.

After the recitation of the location scriptures, Ao Yu and Sun Wudao also woke up.

"Thank you, sir (prince)." The two stood up and bowed to each other.

Wen Gu Yanyu also got up and bowed: "Thank you, sir, sir."

Jiang Yun smiled faintly, concentrated his Taoism, fed dragon fish and elixir, and Sun Wudao.

After finishing all this, Jiang Yun said: "Yu'er, entertain your senior sister."

"Sir, senior sister also wants to chop firewood and exchange wine for sir." Ao Yu said.

"It's up to you." Jiang Yun led them towards the pine forest.

Sun Wudao took the lead in singing: "Watching chess is rotten, and cutting wood is Ding Ding..."

Immediately after was Ao Yu, and then Wen Gu Yanyu also joined them.

Chopping firewood for wine, leisurely life.

In the afternoon, Wen Guyanyu and Ao Yu left, and agreed to come back tomorrow when they recited Huang Ting.

"Saint, sir, did you not disappoint you?" Ao Yu sat on the white crane and said with a smile.

Wen Gu Yanyu said softly: "Mr. is a virtuous, noble and indifferent person. If you join the Taoist sect, it will look a bit vulgar."

"Is it vulgar to join the Taoist sect?" Ao Yu scratched his head.

"Yes, Mister is in the world of mortals, but he is not in the world of mortals."

Wen Guyanyu said: "This level, no matter where it is, is a place of practice. Only if you are willing, sir, can you enter the Taoist sect. If you don't want to force it, it is naturally vulgar."

"I don't understand." Ao Yu shook his head, and continued: "Saint, how much Huang Ting have you listened to today? Have you finished listening?"

She didn't dare to spy on Wen Gu Yanyu.

"I haven't finished listening." Wen Gu Yanyu shook his head and said: "Insufficient talent, I can only hear the middle part of the external scene, so I can't bear Mr. Tianwei."

"The middle part of the Sutra? Then Sun Wudao is actually the same as the saint." Ao Yu was surprised.

"That monkey?" Wen Gu Yanyu showed surprise: "He actually has such talent?"

"That's right, the monkey that Mister picked up in the valley speaks people's words, so it should be of a different species." Ao Yu said, "That monkey is also Mister's first disciple."

"Sun Wudao is really a blessing." A trace of envy also appeared on Wen Gu Yanyu's calm face.

It is a great blessing to be able to listen to Huang Ting every day, and under the guidance of Huang Ting's voice, feel the great way of heaven and earth.

"Saint, can we come and listen to Huang Ting every day?" Ao Yu asked.

"I'm afraid sir will dislike it." Wen Gu Yanyu sighed softly: "This time listening to Huang Ting, my Yin spirit is condensed by [-]%, although the effect is the best for the first time, but by daily comprehension of the Dao of Heaven and Earth, the Yin spirit can quickly improve itself. "

"But I have no name or status, how can I have the face to come every day?"

"Sir, you are very good, you will definitely not care about these things." Ao Yu said.

"I will argue." Wen Gu Yanyu shook his head and said.

Ao Yu fell silent, if Wen Gu Yanyu didn't come, she wouldn't be able to come to listen to Huang Ting every day.

Wen Gu Yanyu said softly: "I allow you to come every day, ten years will come, Qingshui Longjun will cross the catastrophe and transform into a dragon, I will take you to watch it."

"Dragon Lord is going to transform into a dragon?" Ao Yu said pleasantly.

"Yes, speaking of it, you are also an arowana from the Qingshui River, so you can be considered home to visit."

Wen Gu Yanyu said: "The fine wine in Longjun's mansion is an extremely famous fine wine. If you have a chance, you can get some and bring it to sir."

"When the Dragon Lord succeeds in transforming the dragon, he will be in a good mood, and he should be able to obtain it." Ao Yu said expectantly.

Mr. Long will definitely like the fine wine in Longjun's mansion.

A sound of shock suddenly came from Taishang Daozong, exploding like a muffled thunder.

"Huh? What happened to Daozong, calling me?" Wen Gu Yanyu pondered for a while, and left in the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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