Chapter 84 An Ning Temple

Sun Wudao casually took out an elixir from the mustard bag, threw it to the Taoist as a thank you gift, and left on a cloud.

The Taoist took the elixir, his eyes widened, and for a moment, he was too excited to speak.

This elixir was obtained by Sun Wudao from the treasure house of the Dragon Palace, and it is a treasure for practitioners like Taoists.

"As expected of a great disciple, such a rare elixir is easily rewarded." The middle-aged Taoist sighed.

Taishang Daozong is indeed rich, and a disciple throws out rare elixir at random.

Sun Wudao didn't care about any rare elixir, he had already arrived at the top of the hill near the Anning Temple.

Anning Temple is not in the city, but on a hill outside the city.

There is a village at the foot of the mountain, and the villagers all believe in Buddhism.

With golden light in Sun Wudao's eyes, he looked at the Anning Temple from a distance.

The temple is full of magic circles, even with his magic eyes, he can't easily see through them for a while.

"There are a lot of magic circles in this temple, and it's a bit difficult to find the culprit directly."

Sun Wudao pondered for a moment, and Fayan looked at the village, all of which were loess houses.

Many villagers are busy in the fields, and some villagers are harvesting crops.


Under Sun Wudao's eyes, he saw a circle of magic circles covering the house.

The magic circle here is not strong, and the line of sight penetrates the magic circle, but there are streaks of pitch-black demonic energy.

Black spiders with glamorous faces live under the magic circle, gnawing on flesh and bones.

Several villagers were putting buckets of flesh and blood under the magic circle for the human-faced spiders to enjoy.

"Black Widow?"

Sun Wudao's eyes turned cold: "What an evil monastery monk dares to raise this poison. The plague of Qingshui River has the poison of the black widow."

The Qingshui River plague must have something to do with the Anning Temple.

"Wait for me to inform Sister Yanyu." Sun Wudao thought for a moment and left first.

That thief is in the realm of Yin and God, he can't deal with it, so he has to ask Wen Gu Yanyu to take action.

He already has the method of contacting the disciples of the Supreme Dao Sect, and he can entrust them to pass it on to Wen Gu Yanyu.

After informing the Taoist disciples, Sun Wudao turned into a golden light and submerged into the body of a villager.

While the villagers were feeding the black widow, he quietly caught one and escaped from the village.

Flying to the top of the cloud, looking at the black widow in front of him, Sun Wudao said coldly: "You goblin, how dare you harm someone here?"

"Great Immortal, please forgive me, the little demon has never harmed anyone." The black widow begged for mercy with a frightened expression on her face.

"You still say you haven't harmed anyone? Living in a villager's house, eating raw flesh and blood, can you have human flesh and blood?" Sun Wudao said coldly.

"The little demon doesn't know, the little demon was born to live in the dark underground, was fed by someone, and never left."

The black widow panicked, and said truthfully: "Those humans feed the little demon and his brothers and sisters, and the little demon provides them with toxins. He has never had any intention of harming anyone."

"Let me ask you, have you ever seen an old man in green clothes with gray hair?" Sun Wudao asked.

"I've never seen it before." Black Widow said.

"Huh? How dare you lie to me!" Sun Wudao sneered, and took out his half-meter-thick iron pillar on the spot.

This time, if it is smashed down, there will be no scum left of the black widow.

"Great Immortal, please forgive me. The little demon has never seen the old man in green. Every time he collects poison, it is the monk from the temple who comes."

Black Widow panicked.

Sun Wudao frowned, and then asked: "Do you know that the monk took your poison and used it?"

"I don't know, the little demon lives in the dark underground all year round. Only when enough toxin is provided can it come out to let the wind go."

The black widow hurriedly said, and after a pause, she said: "The little demon just remembered something."

"Say it quickly." Sun Wudao urged.

"About three years ago, the monks urged us to produce more poison, and to hurry up. It seems that they want to cooperate with Donghai to develop a strange poison."

Black Widow said.

"Oh? How about the development of this poison?" Sun Wudao's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly asked, "Do you know the antidote?"

The black widow's heart skipped a beat, and she said cautiously: "My lord, have any relatives or friends been poisoned by this kind of poison?"

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and come to the antidote!" Sun Wudao sternly said.

"The little demon doesn't know the antidote either, but if the Great Immortal wants to enter the Anning Temple, the little demon has a way." Black Widow said.

"What can you do once you refine the little demon that transforms energy?" Sun Wudao said disdainfully.

"The monk in Anning Temple is unclean. He often chooses some pretty women in the village. One of them happens to be selected and will go up the mountain tomorrow night."

Black Widow said.

"It really is a group of demon monks, you should be punished!" Sun Wudao's eyes were cold: "Tomorrow night I will climb the mountain with you, if you dare to lie to me, you will be killed."

"The little demon won't dare to deceive the Great Immortal." The black widow hastily bowed, "I just ask the Great Immortal to spare the little demon's life."

Sun Wudao put away the iron pillar and waited with the little spider.

The sky is still long, and we won't act until tomorrow night, enough for Wen Gu and Yanyu to come.

As for where Su Ling is, Sun Wudao will not bother her for the time being. After all, this place is dangerous and has to face the Yin God Realm.

When Wen Gu Yanyu received the summons, he immediately came out on a cloud, and when he brought people to the vicinity of the Anning Temple, it was noon the next day.

Sun Wudao quickly appeared to meet him.

"Sister Yanyu, this is that little demon." Sun Wudao released the black widow.

"With you as evidence and a village of black widows, the evidence of the crime in Anning Temple is convincing, so you can go straight to the mountain." Wen Gu Yanyu said coldly.

"Sister Yanyu is here, so I feel at ease, and I don't have to wait until night." Sun Wudao said with a smile: "I'll go and call for battle first, and smash that ruined temple."

"After many years of training, you are still so impatient." Wen Gu Yanyu said indifferently: "I have informed Ling'er that she will arrive later."

"Junior Sister Linger, what is she doing here?" Sun Wudao asked doubtfully.

"A dead monkey, why don't you see me fail?" Su Ling came in a cloud and said coldly.

When Sun Wudao saw Su Ling, he hurriedly said: "Good junior sister, good junior sister, I'm just worried that things are dangerous, and I don't want you to get involved."

"Hmph." Su Ling snorted, and said, "You're a wise man, let's go, I'll take you into this An Ning Temple."

"Junior sister can enter?" Sun Wudao asked in surprise.

"A group of monstrous monks, with Sister Yanyu around, still can't see through my method." Su Ling said proudly, "If you act so arrogantly, if there is an antidote, they will be destroyed if they are defeated."

After finishing speaking, he took them and rode the clouds straight into the Anning Temple.

In front of the gate of Anning Temple, two novice monks were guarding them. When they saw them, they hurried up to greet them: "Amitabha, welcome Zen Master Fahui."

"Amitabha, the incident happened suddenly, and I am here to pay a special visit. Please host me." Wen Gu Yanyu said calmly.

"Master, please." The two monks welcomed them in respectfully.

"Junior Sister, who is this Chan Master Fahui?" Sun Wudao said via voice transmission, "Why play Fahui?"

Su Ling responded via voice transmission: "I don't know this Fahui. Illusions come from the heart. This monk Fahui should be the most honorable monk they know."

Suddenly, Sun Wudao took the black widow into the temple.

Hidden by Su Ling's magic word method, these monks are all respectful wherever they pass.

"Zen Master, the host is waiting in the main hall." A monk said.

Wen Gu Yanyu nodded slightly, and then came to the main hall, an elderly Buddha, wrinkled and wrinkled, but his breath reached the realm of Yin God.

"Zen Master." The old monk clasped his hands together and saluted respectfully: "Congratulations to Zen Master, you have been promoted to a saint, and you are here this time because of the East China Sea?"

"Exactly." Wen Gu Yanyu said.

"Don't worry, Zen Master, Qingshuihe Dragon Lord has already panicked and went to find the legendary immortal tree."

The old monk laughed and said: "The immortal tree is a legend, it is impossible to find it, Taoism is also helpless against the plague, so Ao Qing can only obediently enter the seat of the Zen master and become the guardian dragon."

"Huh?" Wen Gu Yanyu frowned slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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