Chapter 88
The Immortal Taoist entered the Sanxing Cave, and Zhang Shouzheng and the others also climbed the mountain.

"Teacher, why didn't you see that senior just now?" Zhang Shouzheng bowed.

"After entering the Three Star Cave, he should have a different appearance when he comes out," Jiang Yun said.

Zhu Ganglie asked: "Immortal Chief, that senior just now is a real person who has attained the Tao?"

Jiang Yun nodded slightly: "Yes, it is also a spiritual root of heaven and earth."

"Spiritual root of heaven and earth?" Zhang Shouzheng was startled, and said: "Senior said that life is endless, could it be..."

Before he finished speaking, he could guess that it was the undead tree that Ao Yu asked for.

"I never expected that Yu'er could really find this undead tree."

Jiang Yun said indifferently: "It can be regarded as a predestined relationship. He instructed Yu'er to come here to seek the Dharma, which can be regarded as the full affection of this instruction."

"Teacher, this Undying Tree asked the descendants, and said that his life is in danger. He has already attained the Tao, so how can he still have his life in danger?" Zhang Shouzheng asked doubtfully.

"Yes, the immortal tree has an infinite lifespan, and it is born with the same lifespan as the sky." Zhu Ganglie said enviously.

Being born with the same life expectancy as the sky is a great blessing, which is envied by all living beings.

"The blessing is profound, and there must be a reason to restrict the immortal tree, otherwise, it shouldn't be like this." Zhang Shouzheng thought.

"Of course." Jiang Yun nodded: "I see the immortal friends, and I know that the immortal tree is difficult to transform, and it is difficult to seek the way."

"Although he has an infinite lifespan, it is difficult to transform into form, and it is difficult to seek the way. With infinite vitality, he understands the world and realizes everything."

"It's a pity that the immortal tree is the spiritual root of the heaven and the earth. There is only one immortal tree in the world."

"One plant?" Zhang Shouzheng said in surprise, "Since that's the case, how can he have descendants?"

"He has achieved success in Taoism and has bred many tree species, but it is against heaven and earth."

Jiang Yundao: "However, he is not greedy enough. He already enjoys the status of longevity fruit, but he vainly tries to use infinite vitality and the power of heaven and earth to warm and nourish the tree species."

"The tree species survives, but it is difficult to give birth to wisdom, let alone appear in the world, evolve the realm of life with infinite vitality, steal the power of the sky and live the tree species."

Zhu Ganglie was dumbfounded: "He wants to make countless undead trees?"

"If there are so many undead, how can heaven and earth support them?" Zhang Shouzheng frowned.

Jiang Yun sighed softly: "He wanted to seek the law of the heaven and the earth, to form the heaven and the earth by himself, so as to protect the immortal tree forever, but he messed up the way of heaven and ignorant of the heart of the Tao."

"The gods of the heavens and the earth can obtain the longevity fruit status, but the gods of the heavens and the earth are all virtuous people who have made contributions to the heavens and the earth."

Zhang Shouzheng said: "The immortal tree has no merit or virtue, how can it enjoy the longevity fruit?"

"When the water is full, it overflows, when the moon is full, it loses. If you are greedy, you will eat the bitter fruit."

Jiang Yun said indifferently: "Da Dao is 49, Tianyan is [-], everything has a chance of life, so we should seek a chance of life."

"May I ask the teacher, what is the lifeline?" Zhang Shouzheng said.

Zhu Ganglie said: "Prince Immortal, if you insist on doing this undead tree, will it really fall?"

"Mortals have reincarnation, and so do immortal trees."

Jiang Yundao: "According to my observation, although the immortal tree has an infinite lifespan, if it is punished by heaven, it will return to the state of a tree species and grow again."

"It turns out that the immortal tree can't really live forever." Zhu Ganglie said: "It's just vitality, but the soul is gone."

"If you don't do evil, you won't be condemned by the sky, and no one will harm you, you will live forever and have an infinite lifespan."

Jiang Yun said lightly.

"Selfish desires mess with the mind." Zhang Shouzheng sighed: "Dare to ask the teacher, where is this lifeline? Will it be there if you let it go?"

"The ray of life lies in oneself." Jiang Yun raised his hand, and a scene appeared in front of his eyes.

The Undead Tree entered the Three Star Cave, immersed in endless vitality.

The saplings take root in the vitality and are warmed up.

The aura of decay was even stronger, as if it wanted to destroy all the undead trees.

The undead Taoist turned into a big tree that covered the sky and the sun, covering all the small trees.

The next moment, the undead tree that covered the sky and the sun swayed, showing the spirit of death.

The endless vitality is actually dissipating at a speed visible to the naked eye. The leaves of the big tree with luxuriant branches are withered, and it is now in a state of withering.

"Is the immortal tree reincarnated?" Zhu Gang said.

Zhang Shouzheng murmured: "Put it to death and live?"

"The immortal tree, the body is immortal, and the soul is immortal." Jiang Yun said indifferently: "It has begun."

Accompanied by Jiang Yun's voice, the aura of decline turned into a long knife, which was cut down mercilessly.

The undead tree broke, and the giant tree that covered the sky and the sun fell.

But the immortal Taoist flew out from the root of the tree and bowed to the sky: "Immortal is ashamed of the sky, and is loved by the heaven and the earth. Today, I will return my infinite life to the heaven and the earth. There is no immortal tree Taoist, only the immortal Taoist."

Immediately afterwards, the spirit of decline turned into a knife again, cutting off those saplings.

"Why did you cut those saplings?" Zhu Ganglie was puzzled.

Zhang Shouzheng said indifferently: "Senior Immortal understands the world, has no merit and no virtue, how can he enjoy the longevity fruit? Only one tree can become an immortal tree, it depends on their fortune."

"Only by beheading yourself and cutting off their longevity fruit can they all survive, otherwise, the world will be destroyed."

"I see." Zhu Ganglie and Bai Ying suddenly said.

Zhu Ganglie said with some distress: "Such a sapling, even if it is not an undead tree, is full of vitality. How good it is for my old pig."

"You pighead, you are too greedy." Jiang Yun shook his head and said, "It's not over yet."

In the ocean of life, the undead Taoist struck out again.

This knife is cutting towards his own soul.

The soul is torn apart, and the spirit of decay fills the soul in the blink of an eye.

"Senior Immortal, what are you doing?" Zhang Shouzheng was also shocked.

Jiang Yun remained silent, the Immortal Taoist spirit was sluggish, and the broken undead tree also dissipated like the wind at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, the sluggish spirit bloomed with vigorous vitality, and the blue light of good fortune lit up.

"The immortal tree is the creation of heaven and earth, and it is also the creation of all living beings."

The Immortal Taoist sat up cross-legged, and the green light all over his body turned into the power of good fortune: "I have penetrated life and death, so I should comprehend good fortune. All things have a ray of life, and the undead tree is a ray of life for all things."

Accompanied by the voice of the immortal Taoist, the exuberant vitality is entangled with the aura of decline, like yin and yang, and good fortune is self-contained.

The root of the undead tree also bloomed with a blue light of good fortune, and turned into the body of an old man for his soul to live in.

"Thank you heaven and earth, thank you brother Daoist." The soul of the immortal Taoist merged into it, and bowed to the sky again: "I am no longer an immortal tree, but a tree of good fortune!"

With a sound of fortune, the sky is full of multicolored rays of light, congratulations to him.

The next moment, an old man in Tsing Yi appeared in front of Jiang Yun, bowed and said, "I'm not dead, thank you Brother Dao for your enlightenment."

"Fellow Daoists don't need to be too polite." Jiang Yun said indifferently.

"Attack the immortal Taoist, and the Taoism will increase by 300 years."

300 years of Taoism, more than Li Wei, but it can't stir up waves in my heart.

"Brother Dao, I will send the undead sapling back to the Undead Mountain first, and then I will thank Brother Dao." Taoist Immortal said humanely.

"Go." Jiang Yun waved his hand indifferently.

The undead Taoist left with a cloud and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Fate, when will my old pig be blessed." Zhu Gang grumbled and handed Jiang Yun a jar of wine.

"The day of your enlightenment is coming, wait with peace of mind." Jiang Yun said indifferently.

"My old pig wants to understand?" Zhu Ganglie put down the wine jar, widened his eyes, and said in surprise: "Immortal Elder, you are a real person who has learned the Tao, so you can't lie to me."

(End of this chapter)

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