Reciting the Yellow Court for thirty years, stone monkeys come to worship

Chapter 99 Crossing people, crossing ghosts, crossing oneself

Chapter 99 Crossing people, crossing ghosts, crossing oneself

The Ksitigarbha Sutra resounded, and Zhu Ganglie saw Ksitigarbha's filial piety, compassion, and great ambition to cross hell.

The evil desires of the ghosts are not their own desires?

Zhu Ganglie raised his head to look at Fahui, but there was a little more contempt in his eyes.

Have you really become a holy monk after studying the Ksitigarbha for many years?
After eating the fruit, he didn't want to think about it before, but now he thought about it.

Those evil spirits are greedy, lazy, and lustful, just like looking at themselves.

Ksitigarbha used the great Buddha Dharma and great compassion to transform these ghosts.

My old pig, can I be converted?

If it is crossed, is it still me?

Zhu Ganglie asked himself, finally shook his head, and his eyes fell on Fahui again.

Since Fahui is studying the Ksitigarbha, why is she comparing herself to Manzhu Shahua and getting entangled with Ye Xue?

Why was he able to practice Taoism and become a holy monk?

Zhu Gangli shook his head, and was too lazy to think about it, so let's talk when he's full.

A Ksitigarbha Sutra was recited until the end in the afternoon.

But at this moment Fahui, the Buddha's light all over his body is generous, his arms have become slender, and a meat bun appears on his head.

There is a solemn and peaceful atmosphere, just like the Buddha's presence.

"Congratulations to the holy monk, who has glimpsed the way of the Buddha."

Many practitioners stood up one after another to salute.

"Amitabha." Fa Hui proclaimed the Buddha's name, clasped his hands together, and his skin turned into a bronze color: "Today's Fa Conference, if you are interested in Buddhism, you can discuss it together."

"Thank you, holy monk." Many practitioners sat down.

People who practice Taoism have no interest in Buddhism, but there are still many monks in this ceremony.

"Holy Monk." But a Taoist spoke first, and said, "This pig demon is full of ugly appearances. When the Holy Monk is preaching, he still eats and drinks. He has no manners. It is disrespectful to the Buddha."

The eyes of many cultivators fell on Zhu Ganglie again, and some monks couldn't help but said: "The holy monk preaches the scriptures, the Dharma assembly is solemn, and he should be punished!"

"That's right, you should be punished!" Many monks echoed.

"Why punish my old pig?" Zhu Gang said: "I'm hungry, why can't I eat?"

"Holy monks preaching scriptures, how can you let yourself eat haysas below, disrespecting the solemnity of Buddhism?" A monk shouted.

"Why is my old pig disrespectful? Eating and drinking is disrespecting the Buddha?"

Zhu Ganglie said coldly: "Wouldn't it be even more disrespectful to break the lust ring?!"

"Huh? Lust and Caution?" Many practitioners were taken aback.

"Nonsense!" The expressions of the monks changed, and Fahui, who was sitting tall, trembled with his fingers.

Could it be, what does this pig demon know?
"I'm talking nonsense? Hey, I don't know which eminent monk it is, who has harmed other women and pestered her endlessly."

Zhu Ganglie sneered and said, "In comparison, what do I eat and drink? Besides, you may not know as much about Ksitigarbha scriptures as I do."


The monks were furious, and Fahui said, "Fellow Daoist, are you also familiar with Dizang?"

"I have never read Ksitigarbha, but I do know that Ksitigarbha is a source of great compassion."

Zhu Ganglie said: "The holy monk reads Ksitigarbha, why don't you go to hell and ask Ksitigarbha for advice?"

"You are a pig demon, what do you know about Ji Zang?"

"It's nonsense, the earth is hidden in the upper realm hell, how can it be in this mortal hell?" a Taoist said.

"My old pig really wants to know, this holy monk, how did you enter the way of practice and Buddhism?" Zhu Ganglie didn't listen to other people's words, and his eyes fell on Fahui.

Fahui said indifferently: "With a compassionate heart and the guidance of the Buddhist scriptures, only one can enter the Buddhist gate."

"The holy monk is merciful. Since the holy monk entered Buddhism, he has never killed any living beings. He treats living beings kindly, solves confusion for the common people, and teaches the Dharma for demons." A monk said.

"The holy monk has been truly compassionate since he entered Buddhism. I want to ask, is there anything wrong with the holy monk?" Zhu Ganglie asked.

"There is a mistake." Fahui said calmly: "Bewitched by the demons, I thought Qingshui Longjun was evil. I wanted to cast spells to punish him, but was used by someone with a heart, and became the poison of the plague. This monk is also my fault."

"I won't talk to you about the Qingshui River, are you still at fault?" Zhu Gang said.

"No mistake." Fahui said.

"What a mistake." Zhu Ganglie sneered, "Then you still remember..."

"shut up!"

A monk shouted violently and jumped out: "Holy Monk, the pig demon is rude, little monk, take him out now."

"Hold on."

But the disciples of Shangqing said: "Brother Zhu, why did you lose your etiquette? It's not wrong to ask for explanations? Holy monk Gao Jie, how could he not be able to argue against a pig demon?"

"That's right, the holy monk is Gao Jie, how could he not be able to argue with him?" A Taoist echoed.

The members of Yuqing Sect frowned, and said coldly: "How can a person with hair and horns talk about scriptures?"

"I am here on behalf of Sister Longjun. My sister is the Qingshui Longjun. She has merits in protecting the common people. Why can't I discuss the scriptures?"

Zhu Ganglie blushed, and said: "You are just bullying me, all of you are equal, it's just your hypocritical rhetoric!"

"Although my old pig has the body of a pig, I also understand the truth and have a benevolent heart. How dare I bully my old pig like this?!"

"Amitabha." Fahui proclaimed the Buddha's name, folded his hands together and said, "It is my fault that I neglected the benefactor."

"It's not that you neglected me, I'll ask you, what have you been doing all your life after cultivating the Ksitigarbha Sutra?" Zhu Gang said fiercely.

"My whole life, I have been merciful and compassionate to people. I have never harmed a single person or thing. I have given alms and protected the people around Zhuhua Temple. The weather is good."

Fahui said: "My whole life, I have practiced the compassion of the Tibetans to save the world."

"Who crosses the world?" Zhu Ganglie sneered and said, "You are the only one who will not cross."

"It's already been crossed." Fahui said with a slight expression.

"It seems that you know who I'm talking about, and you are still obsessed with resentment and entanglement. Back then, you pursued her, but you cruelly abandoned her." Zhu Ganglie said.

"Amitabha, my Buddha is merciful." Fahui said: "I have escaped into Buddhism, and I can no longer touch the secular world. I taught her the practice method, and her face is not old. The cause and effect have already been resolved."

"The holy monk is merciful." The monks said quickly.

Many Taoists were surprised, they didn't expect this to happen.

But the members of Yuqing sect helped to say: "The holy monk is merciful, and the longevity of the mortals is already repaid."

"I'm afraid that someone keeps going on purpose!" Zhu Gang sneered, and lightly raised his right hand, a coquettish flower bloomed: "Look at what this is."

"Manzhushahua!" The expressions of the monks changed.

Fahui's expression sank, her heart tightened suddenly, and she forcibly calmed down: "Manzhu Shahua, that's why Zhuhua Temple got its name."

"Brother Zhu, what's the meaning of this?" The disciples of Shangqing saw a story in it and asked immediately.

"What's the meaning of a flower?" The member of Yuqingmen said, "Okay, let's stop here."

"This flower is the means and desire of a certain eminent monk!" Zhu Ganglie sneered, suddenly startled, ecstatic, and dancing: "I understand, I understand."

"This pig demon, why is he crazy?" Many cultivators frowned. This pig is so strong, why did it suddenly rise up and dance?
"Haha, my old pig understands the truth, my old pig finally understands." Zhu Ganglie laughed loudly, but looked at Fahui again: "All living beings create delusions, evil ghosts are like humans, and the desire is oneself. Ghosts are also crossing your own body, but you are wrong!"

When Fahui heard the words, her expression changed immediately, the Buddha's light on her body was unstable, and blood oozes from the corner of her mouth.

"Holy monk." The expressions of the monks changed drastically, and they rushed towards Fa Hui.

"Donghai Dragon Lord, Ao Qing is here."

At this moment, a high-pitched voice sounded, and a green dragon came through the air.

(End of this chapter)

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