Chapter 12
Xu Huaixiu sat on the chair, gently rubbed the center of her brow with her fingers, stretched her back and leaned on the chair.

He doesn't like places like gambling houses very much. If it wasn't for the fact that he could go to the Imperial Study Room, he probably wouldn't go there for the second time in his life.

"You left the palace?"

Zhao Zhaozhao appeared in the room, sitting on the desk in front of Xu Huaixiu with his buttocks that could not be concealed by the veil, his feet were bare, showing his fair ankles.

"Yes." Xu Huaixiu nodded slightly, not wanting to answer.

"If I knew you were going out of the palace, I would have come out, and I haven't been out for a long time." Zhao Zhaozhao looked a little depressed.

She has recently become more human-like, regaining her original human nature and character.

After ensuring his current safety, the charm and ferocity that tempted Xu Huaixiu before have been temporarily abandoned.

"Next time I have a chance to go out of the palace, I will ask you to come out." Xu Huaixiu replied, but he was still thinking about finding Lanting Xu in his mind.

Although the little stool had agreed to him, it would take a certain amount of time to turn around, and if, as the old eunuch said, even if such important things as Lanting Xu were in the imperial study, it might not be easy to find.

Such a valuable thing must have been hidden somewhere in the Imperial Study by the Emperor Shengjun in a safer and more confidential place.

Not so easy to find.

"What a boring eunuch."

Seeing Xu Huaixiu's absent-minded look, Zhao Zhaozhao curled her lips. She was hostile to Xu Huaixiu before, but it was out of self-protection, not to mention that she didn't really hurt Xu Huaixiu.

She has lived in Zhengqi Jing for many years, relying on Zheng Qi Jing to survive, she has not talked to outsiders in the past few decades, who can tell this kind of loneliness.

In the past few days, she was reserved and unfamiliar, but she didn't bother Xu Huaixiu too much, she still kept a cold face on her, lest the little eunuch think that she could really be driven by him at will.

When Xu Huaixiu came back to the palace just now, she woke up from the Zhengqi Jing and wanted to go out, only to find that it had just entered the palace gate, and only then did she know that the little eunuch had sneaked out of the palace behind her back.

If it wasn't for the inner courtyard of the palace, she would have come out a long time ago without daring to show her head, so she waited for Xu Huaixiu to return to the room before running out.

Unexpectedly, this little eunuch is really a dull, uninteresting... person....

"That's right. What's so funny about a man without his work? It must be that he has lost interest in his heart and has no interest in women?"

"Looking at your appearance, it's not bad, what a pity."

Zhao Zhaozhao looked at Xu Huaixiu's appearance, sighed inexplicably, and then turned into a puff of smoke and entered the Zhengqi Jing.

Xu Huaixiu, who came back to his senses, suddenly looked astonished and confused.


"What was this female ghost talking about just now!?"

Shaking his head, Xu Huaixiu was about to get up when footsteps came from the door.

"Little Guizi!?"

As soon as he heard the voice of the old eunuch, Xu Huaixiu's expression became very ugly.

"What's the matter, Eunuch Li?" Xu Huaixiu didn't even get up, he was still sitting on the chair, he didn't intend to open the door for this old dog at all.

"How is things going?" Came a gentle and comfortable voice, hearing that Eunuch Li was not in a hurry, but Xu Huaixiu was more anxious.

"It's coming soon, we can go in in a few days if there is no accident." Xu Huaixiu's voice was neither painful nor itchy.

"Well, that's right, so our family can rest assured, and you have to be careful." Eunuch Li said with concern.

Xu Huaixiu sneered, and said: "Thank you, Eunuch Li, for your concern, I will be careful!"

The footsteps gradually faded away, Xu Huaixiu snorted coldly, returned to the bed, sat cross-legged and continued to condense his soul.


"Xiao Guizi, you have to be careful. Remember, after your majesty comes, you have to take a look and come out quickly. You know, your majesty doesn't like someone staying in the imperial study to disturb him when he is reviewing memorials in the imperial study. !"

It has been three days, and Xu Huaixiu has not been out of the house for these three days, instead, he kept calm and stayed in the room to practice. Sure enough, the little stool is still conscientious, and it really took care of this matter for him.

The little pigeon in the imperial study room originally disagreed, but under the persuasion of the little stool and the guarantee of enough silver ingots, he reluctantly agreed to this matter. Little people are the least conspicuous.

Of course, the little stool has also obtained his own share, so he has no complaints, but when he is on duty, he is afraid that something will go wrong after all, so he has to tell Xu Huaixiu carefully again when he comes in a hurry.

Xu Huaixiu nodded, with excitement and anticipation in his eyes, and after hearing Xiaosengzi's words, he said gratefully: "Thank you, Brother Xiaosengzi, don't worry, I will be careful, I will just take a look at Your Majesty, At that time, when His Majesty comes down, I will come out with another eunuch!"

"Okay, be smart, adapt to the situation, don't be found out, this will lose your head." Xiao Stool felt a little regretful in his heart, although it was not a big deal, what should he do if something went wrong, looking at Xiao Guizi He didn't look very smart, but when he touched the money bag on his belt, he felt a little relieved.

The little stool left after giving instructions, and Xu Huaixiu followed another eunuch into the imperial study.

The little eunuch didn't talk much, after entering the imperial study, he quickly divided half of the work to Xu Huaixiu, and the two cleaned separately.

As expected of the emperor's study room, there are many books in it, Xu Huaixiu couldn't help being amazed when he glanced at it.

Not only that, he actually saw a lot of related books on martial arts and Yangshen on the bookshelf.

"The Dali dynasty forbids the practice of monsters and Yangshen, but I didn't expect that there are so many books in this imperial palace where the rules are set, in this imperial study room. Sure enough, the rules are just to restrain the people of Dali."

Xu Huaixiu shook her head, looking at some books on the shelf.

"Yin and Yang and Heshou, Huangniu Exercise Boxing, Taiyu Huangji Jing, Taoist An Zen, and Buddhist Lion Roar!"

He wanted to watch and read carefully, but there was an eunuch still staring at him, it was really hard to stop, so he had to clean up quickly.

Half an hour later, the Imperial Study Room has been 'renewed' and 'disappeared'.

"Xiao Guizi, His Majesty is coming soon, let's get out!" Another eunuch shouted.

"Go out now?" Xu Huaixiu was surprised.

This was different from what he had imagined, even if he wanted to leave, he had to wait until the emperor arrived before he could leave, not to mention that he hadn't searched in the imperial study room yet.

"Oh, good." Xu Huaixiu verbally agreed, and followed behind the little eunuch.

When the little eunuch walked out, Xu Huaixiu was about to close the door, when suddenly Xu Huaixiu slapped his thigh suddenly: "Oh, I forgot to take the things that were put on His Majesty's table just now, if His Majesty finds out...!"

"What, what's the matter with you!" The little eunuch suddenly looked anxious.

(End of this chapter)

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