Chapter 14 Interrogation
Bang bang bang!
Several consecutive bookshelves were shattered and broken, and Dongmen Zang was about to approach Xu Huaixiu.

Xu Huaixiu understood that if she continued to hide here, she would definitely die.

He didn't believe that he could deal with Dongmen Zang with a small state of concentration, not to mention that even if he could deal with it, he would have exposed his practice of Yangshen method and was destined to be killed.

"Okay, Dongmen Zang, you are so bold, you actually offend the superior, you have no dignity, you are disrespectful to His Majesty!"

Xu Huaixiu suddenly appeared from the side and yelled loudly, but seeing Dongmen Zang approaching, he still couldn't help but twitch his eyelids.

"Stop it, Dongmenzang!"

Seeing that he was a young eunuch, Emperor Hongyi immediately shouted loudly.

Dongmenzang originally wanted to strike directly, but when he heard what Xu Huaixiu said, he narrowed his eyes and sped up his movements, but after hearing what Emperor Hongyi said, he turned his claws into palms and hit Xu Huaixiu with one blow over the shoulders.

Xu Huaixiu let out a muffled snort, feeling as if the bones in his shoulders were shattered, he flew upside down in an instant, hit a bookshelf, and collapsed, and there was a sweet taste in his mouth, it was blood!

The whole royal study was in a mess.

"Protect Your Majesty!"

The guards outside the door heard the movement, broke open the door and rushed in. After seeing the scene in front of them, they directly blocked Emperor Hongyi. Dongmen hid his head and glanced at the guards indifferently. Immediately, he dared not look directly.

Xu Huaixiu was in severe pain all over his body, especially in his shoulders, but he still struggled to get up quickly, and Emperor Hongyi also pushed aside the guards and walked here.

"Your Majesty, don't come close. Let me kill this person. It's so bold. Hiding in the imperial study, I must want to harm Your Majesty!" Dongmenzang said.

Xu Huaixiu hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, this slave is Xiao Guizi, and I am here to clean the imperial study today, but before the cleaning is finished, His Majesty suddenly arrived. The slave is terrified, afraid of offending His Majesty Long Yan, so I hide here and dare not Speak up!"

Emperor Hongyi summoned his guards: "Go, check this person's identity!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

After a while, the guards arrived: "Your Majesty, this person is indeed the eunuch who cleaned the imperial study today."

Emperor Hongyi nodded, and heaved a sigh of relief: "It's just the eunuch cleaning the imperial study room, General Dongmen made a fuss."

"You raise your head and let me see, there is no need to be afraid, I am not a person who kills indiscriminately."

Xu Huaixiu raised his head with a respectful face, and saw Emperor Hongyi's face at this moment.

At the age of fourteen or fifteen, wearing a decent dragon robe, this is the size, which is a little different from what Xu Huaixiu thought. He thought that the majestic Emperor Dali must be a man with a strong figure and mighty figure, but he did not expect that he was a little petite and had a good-looking appearance. It is also too delicate, with red lips and white teeth.

Seeing Xu Huaixiu's face, Emperor Hongyi also froze for a moment, marveling at Xu Huaixiu's face, there is such a young eunuch.

"Your Majesty, although this person is the cleaning eunuch of the imperial study, but knowing that your majesty is in the imperial study, this little eunuch hides in this corner and eavesdrops on your majesty's conversation. He is damned, not to mention he insulted the humble minister just now. , To separate the relationship between you and me, it is better to let the minister kill him!"

Said, ready to shoot again.

Xu Huaixiu yelled angrily directly: "Dongmenzang, you are the one who is disrespectful in the imperial study room. I am just a little eunuch who cleans the imperial study room. I am afraid of offending Long Yan, so I hide here. You are a first-rank general. Just now, you actually regarded yourself as a family member and His Majesty, without any ethics, and even claimed that you are His Majesty's brother-in-law, Your Majesty is the reincarnation of the dragon, the true son of heaven, how honorable, how can you stand shoulder to shoulder with Your Majesty, let alone think about it If you want to be equal to His Majesty, what kind of thing are you, how can you be compared with His Majesty, I think you are a traitor and traitor, could it be that you have the intention of treason!"

"You, looking for death, a little eunuch, an ant-like existence, dare to speak like this!"

Saying that, Dongmenzang Lightning shot.

"Stop, bold, do you still dare to do it in front of me, Dongmen Zang, are you really like what this little eunuch said, you have evil intentions towards me!" Emperor Hongyi said instantly.


Dongmenzang let out a cold snort, and bowed directly to the ground: "Your Majesty, this humble minister is loyal to His Majesty for putting down the rebellion for Da Li. Your Majesty, please don't listen to the slanderous words of this little eunuch, it's nothing more than scaremongering!"

"General Dongmen, what this servant said just now was all yours, and everything is true. Didn't you say what you just said?" Xu Huaixiu said again from the side.

Now that things have come to an end, he is ready to break the jar, death is one thing, life is one thing, it is better to directly and completely offend this Dongmen Zang, anyway, it sounds like this little emperor does not have a good impression of Dongmen Zang!
"You!" Dongmen Zang stared.

"What are you looking at? Is it right?" Xu Huaixiu continued to sprinkle salt.

"Your Majesty, you have to trust me, the king is the king, the minister is the minister, and the minister will always be His Majesty's minister!"

"Of course, you are still His Majesty's dog!" Xu Huaixiu said.


A piece of the floor under Dongmen Zang's feet was slightly cracked!
Xu Huaixiu's heart skipped a beat, she didn't speak, it was enough.

Emperor Hongyi spoke at this moment, with a slightly relaxed voice: "You little eunuch, Dongmen Zang has made great contributions to Dali, how can you have a rebellious heart, a little eunuch like you dare to speak like this to a first-rank official, what a shame! You are also courageous, if it is not because you are still loyal to me, General Dongmen is not a person who kills and kills indiscriminately, and can tolerate other remarks, otherwise you will definitely be fined dozens of boards, and do your part in the future Just do it, don’t say such things in the future!”

Xu Huaixiu knew that he had made the right bet. He had heard that Emperor Hongyi was a wise emperor who respected scholars, respected Confucianism and Taoism, and ruled the country with literature. On the contrary, the murderer is very lenient.

What's more, the words I scolded that Dongmen Zang just now may have reached the other party's heart.

"Your Majesty!" Dongmenzang opened his mouth, hearing what Emperor Hongyi said, how could he bear it, this little eunuch, with a low life, dared to insult him like this, if he didn't kill him, it would be hard to dispel the hatred in his heart.

"General Dongmen has just returned from abroad, since he has also met Concubine Nan Shu, you should leave the palace and go back to the manor to rest as soon as possible!" Emperor Hongyi waved his hand.

Although Dongmenzang was unwilling, he had no choice but to leave, but he looked at Xu Huaixiu with a cold killing intent.

After the other party left, Xu Huaixiu breathed a sigh of relief, and his upright body relaxed. The sharp pain in his shoulder became more obvious, and the bone in his shoulder was definitely broken.

"Your name is Xiaoguizi?" Emperor Hongyi asked.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Xu Huaixiu replied.

"Grandpa Li's personal eunuch in Nanjian Yuan, Xiao Guizi." Emperor Hongyi said to himself.

Xu Huaixiu's heart trembled.

"Since you are Eunuch Li's personal eunuch, why don't you take good care of Eunuch Li in the South Supervisor Garden, and why are you cleaning the imperial study today?"

Emperor Hongyi looked at it with his eyes!
(End of this chapter)

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