Xiao Guizi, are you a eunuch Xiuyang God?

Chapter 17 Take Me Out of the Palace

Chapter 17 Take Me Out of the Palace
Xu Huaixiu couldn't help asking: "Eunuch, your cultivation is exquisite, you are an old slave from the previous dynasty, and your status is also high and powerful in the palace, why don't you find the Lanting Collection by yourself?"

Eunuch Li just smiled and did not explain. Instead, he stood up and said, "Although you are practicing the Yangshen method, it is forbidden in Dali. Once you are found out, you will be charged with beheading. If you want to get close to the little emperor, you will have to throw yourself into prison." It's good, the little emperor likes to practice martial arts, so you have to know how to do it."

Xu Huaixiu's tone was helpless: "Elder-in-law, it's easy to say, I haven't practiced martial arts, how can I do what I like?"

"It's not too late to learn now."


Xu Huaixiu was silent for a while.

Eunuch Li took out a book from his sleeve and put it on the table: "When the first emperor quelled the civil strife in Dali, he killed a sect called Shenniumen. The treasure of this sect is this book. The technique called Bull Demon Forging Power Fist is nothing more than a third-rate school, but its school’s Bull Demon Forging Power Fist is very miraculous. Practicing this technique can make rapid progress and give birth to many martial arts students in a short period of time. , even better than the meat-refining method of some first-class sects, so their sect has a solid foundation and many martial arts students. There is a tendency to enter the second-rate sect, but it's just a pity that he was born at an untimely time, especially when he met Dali Chuding, the first emperor suppressed the bandits, so he ended up like this!"

"This Bull Demon Forging Power Fist will naturally fall into the royal family. You start with this Bull Demon Forging Power Fist first, and I will guide you. If you learn it well, you can show it to the little emperor in the future. It will be easier to get closer like this."

Xu Huaixiu picked up the Bull Demon Forging Power Fist on the table, flipped through it, and his heart skipped a beat.

In fact, he has long had the heart to practice martial arts. After all, Yangshen's method has not yet been completed, there are really many constraints, and he can't move his hands and feet. If he practices martial arts, it can be regarded as more self-protection.

But this old steed is full of tricks, not ordinary cunning, as I said just now, this Bull Demon Forging Power Fist fell into the royal family, and he still has a copy, I don't know if it was a reward from the late emperor, or it was stolen from his own pocket .

Eunuch Li took a glance and said directly: "Don't worry, what I teach you can naturally be shown to the little emperor, so there is no need to worry too much."

Xu Huaixiu sneered, it seems that this Eunuch Li is really the late emperor's favorite slave, and he has such an honor.

"Of course I can trust my father-in-law." Xu Huaixiu said.

"Well, after you heal your injury, practice as soon as possible. I will come over from time to time to give pointers. You need to master it as soon as possible."

After speaking, Eunuch Li left.

Not long after Eunuch Li left, Zhao Zhaozhao came out, glanced at Xu Huaixiu, blushed pretty, and turned his head away: "You are not ashamed, why don't you wear clothes, I am really blind."

Xu Huaixiu was calm and composed: "The ancients said, don't look at injustice. I didn't show you, but you took the initiative to read it. Why are you blaming me? Why do you want to blame me?"

"Ah, bah, you really are a shameless person. I said before that you lied... ghost, cunning, and scheming. You are just like this Eunuch Li. Now, it seems that you are even more shameless. Such shameful words are shameless." It can be said that in the future, I don’t know how many little girls will suffer from your murderous hands... Hey, no, you are a little eunuch, hehe, even if you have evil intentions, you have no effort. Who made you a lifeless and rootless thing! "

Zhao Zhaozhao's venomous mouth seemed to be no match for Xu Huaixiu's sophistry, and he directly attacked Xu Huaixiu, cursing Xu Huaixiu as an eunuch who has no ability to produce offspring.

Xu Huaixiu was too lazy to care about it, but she didn't want to admit defeat: "I think you are too idle, why don't you go back to Zhengqi Jing and cultivate yourself?"

She has stayed in Zhengqi Jing for so many years, and once she has cultivated her soul in Zhengqi Jing, she will come out to take a breath and look at this world. Now that there is one more thing to say, then she is willing to go in again. His master has the ability to seal, so he really can't talk too much.

Walking back and forth on the floor with white bare feet, he took a sneak look at Xu Huaixiu's upper body, spat again, his face flushed, "Can you put on your clothes?"

Xu Huaixiu ignored it, and applied all the ointment on the injured part of her shoulder step by step, and then slowly put on her clothes.

Zhao Zhaozhao turned his head openly and saw the Bull Demon Forging Power Fist on the table at a glance. His eyes were a little sly for a moment, and then he regained his composure: "I didn't expect you to have the Bull Demon Forging Power Fist."

"You know this?" Xu Huaixiu was surprised.

Zhao Zhaozhao nodded: "Naturally, I have heard of this Bull Demon Forging Power Fist. It can be said that it is one of the best martial arts techniques for exercising flesh and blood. You can aspire to the peak level of martial arts students within a short period of time, when the time comes, your muscles will be full, your strength will be sufficient, and you will have the strength of nine bulls, and you will have the power to protect yourself when you meet ordinary people."

"So good?" Xu Huaixiu raised an eyebrow.

"It's just that good. It's a pity that I didn't practice martial arts at the time. If I were to practice martial arts, it must be a good start to enter martial arts from this Bull Demon Forging Power Fist."

Xu Huaixiu frowned, this Zhao Zhaozhao was cunning, he didn't know which words were true and false, but he actually praised this meat training method so much, no matter how you looked at it, it was wrong, revealing a weirdness.

But now he doesn't have any good choices. Compared with the potential harm, he can protect himself now, last for three months, obtain the Lanting Collection Order, and have a chance to prolong his life.

After all, he has no good solution at present.

"When will you leave the palace?" Zhao Zhaozhao asked suddenly, with anticipation on his face.

"It wasn't long before I went out last time, and now I have nothing to do, so there is no need to go out again." Xu Huaixiu shook her head.

Zhao Zhaozhao's face turned ugly immediately: "I didn't go out last time?"

"You went out, but you didn't come out from the Zhengqi meridian!" Xu Huaixiu replied.

"I don't know, can I call it out?"

"What does it have to do with me?" Xu Huaixiu looked at her.

Zhao Zhaozhao: "..."

"You want to go out?" Suddenly, Xu Huaixiu's heart moved.

Zhao Zhaozhao turned his head away, ignored it, and was still angry.

"Well, if you want me to take you out, can we make a deal?"

Xu Huaixiu asked with a smile, Zhao Zhaozhao's mind is impure. Although they have made a deal, they need to help each other during this time, and the other party wants to assist him with all his strength, but the other party is too careless and doesn't care about himself at all.

This is not possible. Although my Yangshen way and my state of concentration are now stable, the progress is still too slow for Xu Huaixiu.

Zhao Zhaozhao still didn't answer, but his delicate little ears were already facing Xu Huaixiu.

Obviously listening.

Xu Huaixiu suddenly smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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