Chapter 19 The White Lion

Then he found that the liquid medicine in the bucket had become transparent, which meant that the liquid medicine had been completely absorbed by himself.

And he was surprised to find that he didn't feel tired all over his body, and he was even full of energy, with a feeling of blowing up everything, infinite strength?
When he climbed out of the barrel, he felt that his body was as light as a swallow, his body was a lot stronger, and his legs and feet were strong. Compared with his frail eunuch body yesterday, he was incomparable.

"It seems that this Bull Demon Forging Power Fist is indeed a fast-growing martial arts technique. Of course, this liquid medicine should not be ordinary, and it can make me recover so quickly. This old steed, he can afford it. For the preface of the Lanting collection, I really spared no effort to improve my cultivation, and also, my own life is in his hands, I can't escape, it doesn't matter to him at all."

Xu Huaixiu said to himself, and then he became more confident. He wanted to see how he could improve in three months.

He glanced at the wooden table in the room, the high-quality pear blossom wood was very hard and well-made.

The fierce Xu Huaixiu directly pinched the corner of the table with one hand, exerting force fiercely.

In an instant, the corner of the table was snapped off by Xu Huaixiu.

"This!?" Xu Huaixiu was a little surprised.

You must know that in the past, this pear wood table would require several cuts even with ordinary knives.

Taking advantage of the fact that Eunuch Li was still awake in the morning, Xu Huaixiu remembered what he had promised Zhao Zhaozhao before, took a little bit of silver, and then walked out the door directly.

He also brought a suit of casual clothes in his parcel, after all, he didn't go to Tatan, he was wandering outside the palace, and he was still wearing a suit of eunuch's attire, no wonder he didn't attract attention.

The guard on duty at the palace gate today is not the guard who is familiar with him, but after seeing the badge, he let Xu Huaixiu go.

After leaving the palace, Xu Huaixiu found a corner to wake up Zhao Zhaozhao.

"What are you doing, you little eunuch!" Zhao Zhaozhao was dissatisfied, as if he had just woken up.

"Didn't you want to go out of the palace to play?"

Xu Huaixiu was speechless, women are always like this, this Zhao Zhaozhao is the same as his ex-girlfriend at this moment.

"Ah, we're leaving the palace!"

Zhao Zhaozhao was overjoyed. He didn't know it was really outside the palace until he saw the buildings and stalls all around him.

The Dali Dynasty has been pacified for many years, so it is naturally extremely prosperous, especially in the capital, which is even more prosperous.

There are some hot shops on both sides of the street, and the streets are bustling with people of all kinds.

People in ordinary shirt sleeves, scholars in plain shirts, warriors in military uniforms, it was so lively.

Xu Huaixiu frowned and looked at Zhao Zhaozhao: "Although you are a spirit, it is easy for ordinary people not to see you, but is it inconvenient? I can't keep it."

Zhao Zhaozhao looked around, and suddenly his eyes lit up: "This is not easy!"

In an instant, Zhao Zhaozhao ran away, Xu Huaixiu looked, but found that Zhao Zhaozhao went straight into a puppy led by a scholar not far away.

This is a white lion, which was passed down from foreign countries in the Western Regions. It is considered to be all the rage in Dali at present. It is very popular with some high-ranking officials and nobles, and the price is not cheap.

But in Xu Huaixiu's view, isn't this just a reduced version of Samoyed?

smiling angel?

It looks cute too.

The white lion, who was lying next to the scholar, stood up swiftly as Zhao Zhaozhao got in, and ran towards Xu Huaixiu.


The scholar let out a scream, and was dragged by the white lion abruptly and fell to the ground, but he still held on tightly to the rein.

Then he fell face down and was dragged in front of Xu Huaixiu by the white lion.

The scholar let out a scream, and when he showed his face, he was already ugly beyond recognition, very miserable.

Not to mention that there is dust everywhere on the face, and there are several places where the skin has been scratched.

Seeing this, some scholars and ordinary people nearby burst out laughing, which is really funny.

The white lion jumped up and jumped directly into Xu Huaixiu's arms, making the latter stunned.

The scholar stood up, grinning his teeth, and when he looked up, he saw Xu Huaixiu hugging his beloved pet, and was immediately furious.

"You are so brave, this is my dog, don't let it go!"

Xu Huaixiu let go of his hand, and the white lion fell. Who knew that the next second, the white lion jumped into Xu Huaixiu's arms again, and the scholar who watched was stunned.

"Look, brother, it's your dog who insists on getting into my arms, not me." Xu Huaixiu looked innocent.

The scholar had no choice but to go directly to hug the white lion, who knew that the docile white lion in the past would be so fierce at this moment, and bit the scholar's arm back.

"Ah, you bastard, let go!" the scholar yelled in pain.

Who knew that the white lion would bite more fiercely.

Xu Huaixiu couldn't stand it anymore. You robbed someone's dog and bit the dog's owner. Could you be kinder?

"Enough is enough, don't stop talking!?" Xu Huaixiu said.

Who knew that the white lion really let go of its mouth, and jumped into Xu Huaixiu's embrace again.

Scholar: "..."

"Brother, you see that your pet seems to be destined for me, why don't you sell it to me?" Xu Huaixiu said.

"Who wants to sell it to you, am I short of these silver taels?" The scholar snorted coldly, saying that he wanted to snatch the white lion back.


The white lion bared his teeth and grinned when he turned his head, scaring the scholar so frightened that he didn't dare to go forward.

"This dog doesn't understand human nature, it even bites its own owner, brother, why do you want it?" Xu Huaixiu persuaded.

Scholar: "..."

Xu Huaixiu also heard that this white lion is considered rare and very expensive, but he has Eunuch Li's small treasury as a backer, so he is not afraid.

Simply take out a price that is higher than the market price, and put a few bank notes in your own hands.

"Brother, these silver should be able to buy several white lions, right?"

The scholar glanced at the bank note, then at the grinning white lion, hesitated for a moment, took the bank note directly, and before leaving, he said: "This beast that doesn't understand human nature, there are still people who like it." , What a fool.”

Xu Huaixiu: "..."

"Hahaha, hahahaha!" After the scholar left, the white lion laughed heartily.

"Why are you laughing? It's not your fault!" Xu Huaixiu was speechless for a while.

"Okay, stop talking, don't you want to go for a stroll, just follow along." Xu Huaixiu directly untied the rope around Zhao Zhaozhao's neck, and then he hugged her lazily, he was so tired that he was not a woman.

After Zhao Zhaozhao broke free from the rope, he ran away, which surprised Xu Huaixiu.

Who is following whom?
Xu Huaixiu was a little surprised to see the white lion standing in front of each stall with great interest.

Is this the realm of Yang God's possession? It's really amazing that he can possess animals at will.

"Wang Wang!"

Suddenly, Zhao Zhaozhao turned his head and barked at Xu Huaixiu in the distance!
 The grades are dismal, and there is no motivation. Friends who are still studying are asking for votes and comments.

(End of this chapter)

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