Xiao Guizi, are you a eunuch Xiuyang God?

Chapter 22 The Battle of the Martial Saints

Chapter 22 The Battle of the Martial Saints
The little burnt wood, Xu Huaixiu entered the burnt wood, similar to ants entangled in the wood, did not expect the burnt wood to be hollow, and opened up an inner space the size of a room, surrounded by the hundred-year-old peach willow wood The texture, in which meridians similar to human blood vessels and wood grains are intertwined, seems to see real flesh and blood.

Not only that, just entering the interior, Xu Huaixiu instantly felt a feeling of 'like a spring breeze', and wanted to 'groan' in comfort, the whole soul seemed to be soaked in warm warm water, and the soul was extremely full. .

In the center of the interior, there is still a group of airflow visible to the naked eye entangled together. He saw a small group of flesh and blood trembling slightly, as if breathing, as if it had life.

Xu Huaixiu understood that this was what Zhao Zhaozhao was talking about.

It is not a real womb, but a figuration like a phantom, giving people this illusion.

For the current Xu Huaixiu, the power of the soul in it is like a vast river. The power of the soul is so huge that Xu Huaixiu's heart trembles. Moreover, this womb is unformed, has not produced basic spiritual wisdom, has no People's 'distracting thoughts' are pure power of the soul.

"I don't have a body. I'm satisfied if you can lend me a little eunuch. You can take out a trace of your soul and let the womb devour it. You can recognize the master. This hundred-year-old peach and willow wood is your magic weapon!" Zhao Zhaozhao Words came from outside.

"Is that so?" Xu Huaixiu said to himself, and then parted a trace of his spirit and drifted towards the womb, and was immediately swallowed by the womb. In an instant, Xu Huaixiu and the womb had a feeling of 'mind connection'.

The meat fetus is unconscious and ignorant, but the pure thoughts conveyed are friendly and well-behaved, similar to flattery, which surprised Xu Huaixiu.

He conveyed his intentions, wanting to control the century-old peach and willow wood, and in an instant, the fleshy fetus directly wrapped Xu Huaixiu.


The power of his soul soared and merged with the power of the fetus.

"This power!" Xu Huaixiu took a deep breath and felt his own strength, which was more than a hundred times stronger than before. Is this what Zhao Zhaozhao called the power of the soul that is similar to the power of half-step ghosts and immortals?
However, he is only in the state of concentration. After all, he is not as good as Zhao Zhaozhao. He can't fully exert the power of the original womb, but he is already strong enough.

The scorched wood trembled, Xu Huaixiu shot straight into the sky, instantly penetrated the room, and galloped outside.

"Little eunuch!" Zhao Zhaozhao in the room was stunned and wanted to call out, but she glanced outside the door and did not dare to go out.

Infected by this power, Xu Huaixiu lost her sense of proportion and rushed into the night sky in an instant.

The feeling of flying.

The black peach wood that is as thick as an arm floats in the night sky with a speed like a shooting star.

It was also the first time for Xu Huaixiu to gaze at this majestic imperial palace from a bird's-eye view.

Tao Liumu quickly arrived at another place, which was somewhat close to Nanshu Palace.

With a move in his heart, Peach Willow sank directly, floating around the walls of Nanshu Palace.

"This damn bitch dared to punish me and keep me from going out for several days. It's really damned, brother, why didn't you tell the emperor and let the emperor punish this bitch and spare me from punishment. It should be mine, if I have had an heir early, then this bitch will be my turn!"

A somewhat ruthless female voice sounded, full of resentment.

"Is it Concubine Nan Shu?"

The body of 'Xiao Guizi' had a memory of the sound, Tao Liumu floated over in an instant, and stuck to the door.

"Hmph, I'm speaking to the little emperor. Who knows that this little emperor is now in the position of dragon, and he has already forgotten who guarded his Dali for him. He dares to scold me. Don't worry, sister, it's just a few Days of punishment, why don’t you stay behind closed doors, stay here for a few days first, and in the future, the elder brother of the queen will definitely take it for you!”

"I heard that the little emperor often comes to you. Why haven't you seen that you are pregnant? If you are pregnant, it will be easy for the empress to be yours!"

"Dongmen Zang?" Xu Huaixiu listened more carefully: "Well, this Dongmen Zang really has no upper and lower ranks, and every little emperor seems to have evil intentions."

"Brother, how can you blame me for this? I checked the imperial doctor and found that there is nothing serious about my health. I also took a lot of folk prescriptions and medicinal food, but I just have no children." Concubine Nan Shu complained.

"I think there is something wrong with this little emperor. Maybe he doesn't have the ability to give birth to heirs. Otherwise, there is no heir in the Sangong Sixth Courtyard. We knew that the little emperor was short and thin when we were in Si Age's mansion. As a man, it's unbearable, if you don't value his future potential, brother will not let you marry him!" Dongmenzang snorted coldly.

"Now that things are up to now, what's the use of my brother saying these things? With this complaint, my brother might as well make more military exploits, so that my younger sister can be regarded as a supporter in the harem, and let the queen fear and fear me!" Concubine Nan Shu said.

"Hmph, with my current achievements, the little emperor doesn't dare to touch me. After all, the empress is the lord of the harem. If she doesn't dare to punish you, what's the point? Just bear with me, and my brother will find it for you." Dongmen Tibetan Road.


"Bold monster, dare to make trouble in the palace, it's just looking for death!"

The door directly shattered and exploded, and Dongmenzang rushed out in one step, and came outside the door in an instant.

"not good!"

Xu Huaixiu's heart tightened, just as he was about to escape, he had already witnessed Dongmen Zang.

Huge energy and blood surged like an oven, Xu Huaixiu could tell that the energy and blood hidden in the East Gate was strong even within a century-old Taoliu wood, worthy of being the body of a martial sage, his body was like a scorching sun.

If he hadn't hid in the peach willow tree, Xu Huaixiu's soul would be blown away by the shock.

"Huh? You're really a monster. If you meet me, Dongmenzang, it's a pity for you to die!"

Dongmen Zang punched, and in the space in front of him instantly, a phantom of an arhat appeared, hidden in the fist.

The golden body of Arhat Dharma Xiang is the same as Dongmenzang's movement, it is also a punch, and Dongmenzang's punch is shot towards Xu Huaixiu in an instant.


Xu Huaixiu had a warning in his heart, but he still couldn't escape the shadow of the fist, as if locked, no matter where he fled, he would be attacked.

The powerful fist shadow instantly hit the century-old Taoliumu!

Even Xu Huaixiu, who had temporarily fused the power of the womb, felt a huge force of Qi and blood rushing towards him.

Xu Huaixiu's mind was shaken, and he felt a little broken, and suddenly felt that his soul was about to burst. If it wasn't for the power of the womb, he might be obliterated directly.

Tao Liumu was directly bombarded to a distance of several tens of feet, and fell to the ground, motionless.

The palace was already in chaos, the commotion was too loud, and Concubine Nan Shu hurriedly shouted: "Hurry up and call the imperial army over!"

Dongmenzang blocked it with his hands: "Calling the imperial army will immediately alarm the little emperor, and let him know that I came to the harem late at night...Forget it, he should already know by now!"

"Little monster, just kill it, why do you need the forbidden army!"

(End of this chapter)

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