Chapter 24 Night Tour
Xu Huaixiu opened his eyes, and the previous memories flooded in like a flood.

When I met Dongmenzang, my soul was about to be 'broken'.

He looked around, and the spirit within the hundred-year-old peach and willow wood seemed to be weaker than before. As for the womb, it had been completely shattered, and now the entire space was filled with scattered and ungathered spirit power, but because of the veins, it couldn't overflow.


He felt better than ever at this moment, and he didn't have the feeling of being torn apart.

"My soul seems to have become stronger?"

"Could it be because of the power of the soul within the century-old Taoliu?"

Xu Huaixiu guessed, and immediately tried to run his soul, and sure enough, strands of his soul began to wrap around his soul.

But it was only for a moment, his 'head' had a feeling of 'fullness', it was not suitable to absorb it, otherwise it might explode immediately on the spot.

After a little thought, he realized that it was because although his soul was strong, the 'will' in it hadn't improved, so it was just an empty show.

"The hundred-year-old Taoliu wood magic weapon is in vain, but it is also a blessing in disguise. Such a huge power of the soul, born pure, actually made me, but haste makes waste. My foundation is not stable, but it is not suitable for absorbing it all. Slow down, I don't know how strong my soul has reached at this moment!"

Thinking of this, Xu Huaixiu got out of the peach willow tree directly.

The sunshine outside the room was really good, it happened to be in the morning, and it had already been a night, but I didn't expect that I fell asleep all night.

Standing in the room, Xu Huaixiu's spirit felt solid for the first time. He knew that his spirit strength had definitely reached the out-of-body state at this moment, and it might be even higher.

Because when I was in the state of concentration, my soul had an invisible dependence on the body, and I couldn't leave too far away. If I didn't use peach willow wood yesterday, I couldn't escape too far.

But now without relying on Tao Liumu's spiritual power, this sense of dependence is gone, and he must have reached the state of leaving his body.

Pushing open the door, Xu Huaixiu glanced at Lie Yang, still feeling a sense of fear of the sun.

Soul discomfort.

Obviously not a day tour level.


Sighing lightly, Xu Huaixiu's soul returned to her body, ready to try again at night.

Sitting on the stool, Xu Huaixiu wrote down a jargon with a stroke of his pen.

"A gentleman makes a decision before making a move, and when he knows what to stop, he gains."

Putting down the small Langhao pen, Xu Huaixiu pondered.

"I was a little reckless last night. I was too impulsive. I didn't think about it. The power of Taoliu wood made me lose my sense of proportion. I should calm down and be vigilant. I must not do it again next time. Yesterday is a lesson!"

Xu Huaixiu talked to himself and thought about it seriously, which made him feel much calmer.


"Thousand Cranes and White Hands, there are 28 postures in total, ten moving postures, and eighteen static postures, which are divided into Qiancra Spreading Wings, Thousand Cranes Greeting Wings, Thousand Cranes Returning Wings, etc. Moves are dead, but people are alive. , After learning, the moves must be used flexibly, not too rigid and rigid."

As soon as the words fell, Eunuch Li bent his wrist and moved his fingers slightly, like a crane's wings, he slashed towards a big rock next to him.

The huge boulder in front of him was torn apart!

Xu Huaixiu shrank his pupils, then nodded, and began to practice under the guidance of Eunuch Li.

Perhaps it was because of the practice of the Yangshen method that Xu Huaixiu remembered these moves with great ease.

In just half an afternoon, he was already somewhat proficient and methodical.

Eunuch Li nodded while watching, and simply handed over the seven-star step to Xu Huaixiu.

Then Eunuch Li continued to make a bucket of medicinal bath for Xu Huaixiu.

After practicing the moves, Xu Huaixiu continued to practice the Bull Demon Forging Power Fist, feeling sore all over his body.

At night, seeing the medicated bath in his room, he couldn't wait to take off his clothes, jumped in, and began to enjoy it.

"Ah, bah, you idiot, I'm kind enough to see if you're okay, and you're doing this kind of indecent thing here again, with a frivolous behavior and no clothes!"

When Zhao Zhaozhao came out, he cursed swearingly, his pretty face was pink, and he turned his back to Xu Huaixiu, chattering endlessly.

There was a burst of insults, and Xu Huaixiu, who was scolding, was speechless for a while.

"I should be the one who should be angry. You sneaked out while I wasn't paying attention. Could it be that you want to spy on me... You still entangle me and beat me up, Miss Zhaozhao, I didn't expect you to be such a person!" Xu Huaixiu was tired at all I didn't want to move, I just closed my eyes and fought back subconsciously.


Like a cat blowing fur, Zhao Zhaozhao exploded with anger. She turned her head, her face turned even redder with anger, her eyes spewed fire, and she wanted to fight her. Unexpectedly, she saw Xu Huaixiu's half-patched chest, and hurriedly covered it. Eyes, resentful: "You are shameless, you are obscene, you are despicable, you little eunuch, lifeless and rootless, how come you are exactly the same as those stinky men!"

Xu Huaixiu still closed his eyes: "Yes, I'm shameless, I'm obscene, I'm making trouble for no reason..."

Zhao Zhaozhao was dumbfounded, stared at Xu Huaixiu in astonishment, and stopped covering his eyes: "You you you..."

"I, me, me, me, me, girl Zhaozhao, you are stuttering!"

"Little Guizi without birth and roots, I didn't expect you to be like this..."

"Yes, you dislike me, don't you, dislike me for making trouble for no reason, you used to call him Xiaoguizi, but now you call him little eunuch..."

Zhao Zhaozhao disappeared in an instant and got into Zhengqi Jing.

Xu Huaixiu opened his eyes, was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled wryly.

Well, when he closed his eyes just now, his mind was wandering, and he thought he was chatting with his ex-girlfriend.

Want to coax it.

Forget it, she's a female ghost...why worry about it?

What does her anger have to do with her? To put it bluntly, it's because of her mentality.

"It's really comfortable to take a bath." Xu Huaixiu groaned and fell asleep.


When Xu Huaixiu woke up the next day, she felt refreshed, and felt that her strength was stronger, and her muscles became firmer, fuller, stronger and more powerful. Even the muscles on her arms and legs began to emerge gradually, and she also had some chest muscles.

It's just that I didn't sleep in a good bed, and stayed in the barrel for another night.

After washing, Xu Huaixiu's spirit penetrated into the hundred-year-old peach willow wood. After a night of digestion, his spirit could bear more.

In the afternoon, he continued to practice martial arts with Eunuch Li, but he basically left Xu Huaixiu alone.

For several days in a row, with the more proficiency and proficiency in the Bull Demon Forging Power Fist, even at night, Xu Huaixiu was not so tired.

"It seems that the Bull Demon Forging Strength Fist has been gradually mastered by himself, and he has truly entered the level of a martial artist. The progress of this Bull Demon Forging Strength Fist is indeed very fast. The next step is to start training tendons and enter the martial arts level!"

Xu Huaixiu pondered, and then felt that she was full of energy, and when her heart moved, her spirit immediately came out of her body.

Then rushed out the door.

When he first came to the outside world, Xu Huaixiu instantly felt like swimming in the water waves, which was comfortable and natural, and the whole soul was very comfortable, and the power of the soul was strong, and he didn't feel unsteady when he was far away from the body.

"Night tour realm!"

(End of this chapter)

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