Xiao Guizi, are you a eunuch Xiuyang God?

Chapter 3 The first manifestation of supernatural powers

Chapter 3 The first manifestation of supernatural powers

Xu Huaixiu opened his eyes, feeling a different kind of feeling in his heart. His vision of the surrounding scenes has changed. If he used his physical body before, he used his eyes to see the world.

Now, he seems to be in the world, observing the world from top to bottom, completely surrounded by the world.

He looked down at the past, his body was sitting upright, looking at himself, another strange feeling arose in his heart.

He wanted to move, but he felt that his body seemed to be pressed by the huge pressure of the surrounding mud in the sea, it was difficult to move, and it was quite strenuous.

Not only that, but at this time he also felt a sense of panic in his heart. His heart was palpitating endlessly, as if a catastrophe was imminent!
The figure that was originally floating out now deliberately swayed, with a feeling of disappearing at any time.

With a movement in his heart, there was a pulling feeling in his body, and when he opened his eyes again, Xu Huaixiu had returned to his body.

Seeing the surprised look of the female ghost.

Xu Huaixiu frowned, and said lightly, "That's it? Why is it so simple?"

The female ghost's expression changed for a while, but she sneered and said: "This method of calming the mind is simple, and it is the same for anyone."

Xu Huaixiu didn't expose it, but sighed: "So it's like this. I thought I was talented, a rare genius. If I want to compare with you, I can only be regarded as mediocre."

"Hmph, can you let me out now!" the female ghost frowned.

"Good talk good talk!"

Xu Huaixiu directly picked up the book and put it in her chest.

The female ghost was pulled directly into the book, and there was a faint roar of unwillingness.

"You dead eunuch, big liar, you actually lied to... a ghost!"

Xu Huaixiu was calm and composed, and said the last sentence: "I said I would let you go, and I would let you go naturally, but the timing is not right, you should stay inside first."

According to what the female ghost said, her current state should already be at the level of calming the mind, and she can practice the Motuo Soul Refining Sutra.

But Xu Huaixiu had lingering fears when he thought of the weakness he felt just now, so he had better be more cautious.

As the saying goes, haste makes waste, I don't need to be so anxious, there is still time, not to mention that today is only my first day of cultivation, the results are touching, I should be satisfied, and I shouldn't be too greedy for merit.

Thinking of this, Xu Huaixiu decided to take a rest first. After finally getting to know the world, she felt tired for no reason.

What's more, tomorrow I have to get up early to deal with the patronage that Xiao Guizi said, and I have to serve Eunuch Cai in the morning.

Xu Huaixiu washed up and didn't take off her clothes. She just lay on the bed, closed her eyes, counted sheep silently, and then fell into a deep sleep.


The next day, before dawn, Xu Huaixiu got up, felt a hard book in his bosom, and felt more at ease.

it is true.

Concubine Nan Shu is the younger sister of Dongmenzang, the first-rank general who is now in power. , became the master of the Dali Dynasty, and when His Majesty the Holy Emperor took charge of the court for the first time, and when all parties were under pressure, Dongmenzang swept away the small towns outside the country, calmed down the border, and stabilized the court, which made His Majesty the Holy Emperor proud and stable. throne.

Therefore, he was very favored by His Majesty the Holy Emperor, and even brought his own sister to become His Majesty's favorite concubine.

The two brothers and sisters can be said to be above the court and in the harem, with power in both palaces.


"Hurry up, all of you, if our master's yard is dirty, you will be punished!"

Concubine Nan Shu's palace.

Xiao Guizi stood there gesticulating, with a dignified appearance, seven or eight eunuchs kept coming in and out of the official room, each of them with cloth strips stuck in their mouths and noses, laboriously and constantly carrying out those pickled and filthy things from the official room.

For a while, the smell was so bad that no one dared to approach it.

Among the few people, Xu Huaixiu was among them, together with another eunuch, they just walked out of the official room carrying a toilet.

Not far away, when Xiao Guizi saw this, he rolled his eyes and hurried forward a few steps. When the two came over, he suddenly stretched out his feet and stopped one of the eunuchs.

"Ouch!" With a sound, the eunuch fell down in response, Xiao Guizi pushed the little eunuch behind him, and turned sideways in an instant.

In the astonished eyes of everyone.

That commode dumped.

A large piece of green marinade poured out.

It splashed directly on Xu Huaixiu who fell to the ground.

Instantly it stinks!

"Ha ha!"

"It stinks!"

In an instant, there was a burst of snickering, and some eunuchs who were disgusted covered their mouths and noses.

Xiao Guizi looked proud, pinched his nose with his slender fingers, stared at Xu Huaixiu condescendingly, and said in a mocking voice: "Well, you little Guizi, look, what did you do, I just said don't do it Dirty the ground here, if Concubine Nan Shu finds out about it, you will definitely not be spared!"

Xu Huaixiu closed her eyes, exhaled three breaths slowly, and then opened her eyes again to feel calm.

Although this pickled thing still looks disgusting, it has already made him calm, so that he will not lose his composure and look flustered.

Gentleman, Mount Tai collapses on the top without losing its color.

Xu Huaixiu stood up, her figure trembling instantly.

Puff puff!
The filthy thing on the body immediately splashed and flew out.


Everyone screamed, they had already been infected.

Especially the little noble son who was close to him was the first to bear the brunt of it, and a lot of his face was directly smashed.

Immediately, the 'Huarong Pale' screamed in panic, like a frightened woman.

"Ahhh, good you little Guizi, you are so courageous, I will definitely tell Concubine Nan Shu that I can't spare you!"

After yelling and cursing, the little nobleman turned around and headed towards a miscellaneous room next to him, trying to clean himself up.

The other eunuchs looked at each other in blank dismay, but they didn't dare to move. After all, Xiao Guizi was the leader this time, and without his orders, he acted rashly. If he complained to his master, he would be forced to walk around.

Xu Huaixiu frowned, feeling a little unwell, and didn't care about others at the moment.

Naturally, there was a well next to the official room. He walked over and threw the bucket down, and brought up a bucket of well water.

At this point in the middle of the night, the weather was even colder, and the well water was icy cold, but compared to the sticky feeling all over his body, Xu Huaixiu naturally couldn't care about anything else.

He carried the bucket to a changing room next to Xiao Guizi, ready to wash it.

Xu Huaixiu's direct speed was very fast, even though the well water was cold, she persisted through gritting her teeth.

After the cleaning here, he was just about to go out, but his heart moved, he looked at the room next to him, and he had a countermeasure in his mind.

Glancing outside the door, the eunuchs and maidservants not far away were all busy, no one was paying attention here, he locked the door, his heart moved, and his spirit immediately wandered out.

A sense of floating arises spontaneously, but it is much better than yesterday, and I should be 'used to' it.

Seeing the room next to him, Shenhun slammed into it, instantly penetrated the wall, and came to another room.

"It's also miraculous."

Xu Huaixiu was amazed, what is the difference between this and the method of the gods.

In the room, Xiao Guizi had already taken off his clothes, but his innocent body was exposed in the world.

Although he was an eunuch, this little noble son had white skin, was born thin, and had slender limbs, just like a woman.

Xu Huaixiu looked down.

When he saw the incomplete Lao Shizi, he immediately grinned.


(End of this chapter)

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