Chapter 39 Deterring Fear
"Reporting to the Commander, Eunuch Chang's room is full of his things, and there is nothing wrong with it, and there are no other clues..."

"Looks like it really is a monster." Commander Wan nodded.

"Okay, I will report this matter to His Majesty, and with His Majesty's approval, I will conduct a thorough investigation of the entire palace!"

"Send a few people to guard here, and the others follow me!"

"Yes, Commander!"


Inside the Royal Study Room.

Emperor Hongyi was reviewing the memorial, and the commander below bowed down on the ground.

"I've heard about Eunuch Chang's matter just now. Since you said it was caused by a demon, this matter must be thoroughly investigated!"

"Last time in Nanshu Palace, you didn't catch the thief, and this time something like this happened in the palace again!"

"As the commander of the forbidden army in the palace, you cannot escape the blame. This time I allow you to thoroughly investigate the palace, but in the harem, where the empress, queen mother and concubine Nan Shu are, if they do not agree, you cannot investigate without authorization. As for other places , take my handbook!"

Emperor Hongyi didn't raise his head, and was still reviewing the memorial. Even though Eunuch Chang was the chief supervisor, to him, he was nothing more than an eunuch. It was just a matter of demons appearing in the palace. This matter needs to be resolved as soon as possible. Solve it, otherwise if something happens in the harem, it will be too late to regret it!

"It's Your Majesty, please don't worry, Your Majesty will definitely catch the demon this time!"

"Okay, you step back!"

"It's Your Majesty!"

Commander Wan began to lead his men to thoroughly investigate the murderer in the palace.


On the other side, Xu Huaixiu stayed in the imperial prison, sitting on a chair in the high hall, flipping through the account books in his hands.

And Eunuch Cha waited carefully beside him, serving tea and water, and sending him some warmth from time to time, making Xu Huaixiu so annoying.

"Eunuch Gui, you're thirsty, I'll refill the tea for you!" Eunuch Cha laughed.

"Okay, let's put it somewhere!" Xu Huaixiu said lightly.

"It's not good, it's not good!"

At this moment, a little eunuch rushed in from outside.

Xu Huaixiu frowned, Eunuch Cha checked his words and expressions, and immediately turned around and reprimanded him: "What are you doing so loudly, how decent is it? Didn't you see Eunuch Gui dealing with business? You disturbed Eunuch Gui, and I want your head , What happened, so panicked!?"

The little eunuch directly bowed to the ground: "Eunuch Cha... Eunuch Chang is dead!"


Eunuch Cha was taken aback, couldn't believe it, and exclaimed, then realized that he had reacted too much, quietly looked at Xu Huaixiu, and found that the other party didn't respond, so he breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "Are you sure, Eunuch Chang?" Dead, when did it happen!"

Behind, although Xu Huaixiu was looking at the ledger, her ears were listening.

"Just now, a little eunuch in the respect room kept knocking on the door in the morning, but Eunuch Chang didn't respond at all. When he entered Eunuch Chang's room at noon, he found that he had been dead for a long time. According to Commander Wan, it should be He died last night!"

"Also, Eunuch Chang seemed to have seen something terrible before he died, and his eyes were full of fear and fear!" The little eunuch replied tremblingly.

At this moment, Eunuch Cha has mixed feelings in his heart, which is extremely complicated.

Why did he die! ?

This is so unexpected and abrupt!
He also met Eunuch Chang yesterday. Although the other party was dissatisfied with him, he could tell that Eunuch Chang also kept Xiao Guizi in mind, and he would never let Xiao Guizi go in the future.

He was still waiting for Eunuch Chang to finish dealing with Xiao Guizi's matter, so that he could return to his position as the chief supervisor.

This father-in-law Chang died suddenly, who will deal with Xiao Guizi.

He was in a bad mood, with an ugly face: "Did you tell me how Eunuch Chang died?"

"I heard from other eunuchs in the palace that Eunuch Chang was killed by a demon!?"

"What, demon, you mean that demons have entered the palace, this!" Eunuch Cha was terrified, feeling as if his life was also threatened.

But immediately, his heart moved, and he thought suddenly.

The death of Eunuch Chang was too coincidental, too strange.

I just had a grievance with Xiao Guizi yesterday, so I had no choice but to tell about Eunuch Chang.

In the evening, Eunuch Chang died.

Is it! ?
He turned his head and looked at Xu Huaixiu quietly, secretly guessing in his heart.

But then he shook his head again, denying his thoughts.

Not too possible.

Let's not say that Xiao Guizi seems to know some martial arts, but he is not very good, he is just a eunuch, how exquisite martial arts can be.

What's more, Eunuch Chang was killed by a demon.

Is this Xiao Guizi?
Obviously not.

That's the other reason.

But, he still has some regrets!

This little Guizi's life is too good...why is he so unlucky.

It seems that if he wants to return to the position of the imperial prison, it will be indefinitely.

"Oh, you mean that Eunuch Chang, the chief inspector of the respect room, died!?" Xu Huaixiu raised her head and asked calmly, as if she had just heard it.

Just as the little eunuch was about to answer, he was robbed by Eunuch Cha: "Yes, Eunuch Gui, for some reason, this Eunuch Cha died at the hands of a demon. It was still at night, maybe it was just that a demon entered the palace. If you want to do evil, you might even meet Eunuch Chang by chance, so you killed Eunuch Chang, Commander Wan will definitely investigate this matter thoroughly."

Xu Huaixiu nodded, then sighed, feeling a little regretful: "Hey, I have always heard that this Eunuch Chang is the chief supervisor, he has rules in his affairs, and he is also very good to the little eunuchs under him. He is a kind father-in-law and treats others like a spring breeze. I always thought that one day I could meet Eunuch Chang, and it would be better to be famous than to meet him, but I never thought that it would be me, a black-haired man, who sent a white-haired man, what a pity!"

Eunuch Cha opened his mouth slightly, he felt that he had heard wrongly, and he couldn't believe his hearing. These words came from this little Guizi, why are they so unbelievable.

Yesterday, Eunuch Chang wanted to clean up you, and you also knew about it.

Now that Eunuch Chang is dead, you must be happier than anyone else. It's really hypocritical to show such a face.

Immediately, Eunuch Cha was suddenly annoyed again.

damn it.

This little Guizi is really talking about people, talking nonsense, duplicity, and now speaking kindly about Eunuch Chang in front of everyone, he suddenly understands...why this little Guizi is so liked by His Majesty.

I really underestimated him...

Now that I don't have Eunuch Chang to rely on, I can only continue to curry favor with him, but I just hope that Xiao Guizi can let me go.

Otherwise, the days behind him will be sad.

As if guessing what Eunuch Cha was thinking, Xu Huaixiu suddenly turned to look at the former, smiling at him.

"What do you say, Eunuch Cha!"

Eunuch Cha's scalp felt numb for a while, feeling that he had been seen through, but he could only smile: "Yes, yes, Eunuch Gui is very right. Eunuch Chang has always had a good reputation and has been well received by other little ones." Eunuch's favorite."

"In the future, we definitely can't provoke this little Guizi!" Eunuch Cha thought to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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