Chapter 41 Princess Anning
Weiyang Palace.


In the palace, an old woman wearing a phoenix robe is lying on the soft bed. The old woman's hair is completely gray, like snow silk, but the decorative flower arrangements and other things on the head can show that the old woman Although her face is wrinkled, her skin is still fair and in good condition. Danfeng eyes, it seems that she was a beauty when she was young, and her kind eyes reveal a sense of wisdom.

At this time, a handsome young man in brocade clothes suddenly rushed in from the door, and he greeted his mother as soon as he came up.

If Xu Huaixiu was here, he would definitely recognize that this person was the one who fought with him outside the palace for Taoliumu.

The Empress Dowager was originally lying on the soft bed, when she heard this somewhat familiar shout, she raised her head and saw the young man in brocade clothes in front of her, who seemed to be recognizing her, and then a kind and joyful look appeared on her face.


"When did you return to the palace!"

The old maidservant serving the queen mother hastily bowed and said, "My maidservant kowtows to see Princess Anning!"

Princess An Ning first bowed to greet her, but was stopped by the queen mother: "Okay, hurry up, I haven't seen you for a long time, come to the queen mother, let the queen mother take a good look at you!"

Seeing this, Princess Anning also had a smile on her face, walked over quickly, and sat on the soft bed.

The queen mother looked at Princess Anning, feeling a little distressed: "Why are you so thin? Is it because you can't eat well or live here in Taixuanmen? It's all your fault for that emperor brother. How can you bear to let you go to Taixuanmen to practice? You are a little girl, why should you be like this, wouldn't it be good to stay in the palace well, when you are of the right age, the queen mother will look for a good husband for you."

Princess Anning was dressed in brocade clothes, she was full of energy, she couldn't hide her heroism, her face was clean, her facial features were exquisite, and her eyes were sparkling.

"Mother, don't blame the emperor's brother. I was the one who was willing to go to Taixuanmen back then. The palace is too boring, so I don't want to stay in the palace. I don't like Mr. Ruyi either. My daughter just wants to be with you. Beside the queen mother!" Princess Anning said.

"You child, women always want to get married. If you say this now, it means that you have not met your own husband. You will not say that in the future!" The queen mother said angrily.

"Anyway, I just don't want to look for it now, I just want to be with my queen mother." An Ning snorted.

"Hehe, okay, let's not mention this for now, why did you suddenly come out from the Taixuan Sect?" asked the Queen Mother.

An Ning said: "The master said that my practice has reached the bottleneck, and there is no point in continuing to stay in the Taixuanmen. It is better to go out of the mountain, and maybe find a way to break through the bottleneck. I think I have not returned to the palace for several years, so After going down the mountain, I'll be back!"

The queen mother smiled kindly, and nodded: "So that's the case, that's okay, the Ai family hasn't seen you for several years, and the Ai family is very happy that you can come back. Today I want to have a good meal with the Ai family and say some personal words. "

"That's natural, I miss the queen mother too!" Princess Anning hugged the queen mother's arm.

The two were talking, and Commander Wan had brought the forbidden army back here.

The old maid stopped several people outside, and after asking, she entered the room to report.

After hearing the feedback, the queen mother thought for a while and nodded: "In that case, let them investigate, but be careful not to damage some things in Weiyang Palace!"

"Yes, Queen Mother!"

After getting the response, Commander Wan immediately waved his hand: "Check it out for me, remember to slow down and be careful!"

"Yes, Commander!"

Princess An Ning, who was listening all the time, rolled her eyes, and then asked, "Queen, has a demon intruded into our palace?"

The queen mother nodded: "A while ago, concubine Nan Shu's palace was intruded by demons. If it weren't for the presence of General Dongmen, she would have encountered an accident. Today, the chief supervisor of the respect room is also the same, and was brutally attacked by demons." , has died tragically."

"Hmph, then Concubine Nan Shu is really lucky!" Who would have thought, Princess Anning snorted coldly.

The queen mother frowned, and hurriedly reprimanded: "You child, why are you still in such a temper, you can say such things."

"Is that right? The emperor's brother doesn't like her."

"Shut up!" The Queen Mother's voice became cold in an instant.

Seeing this, Princess Anning curled her lips a little aggrieved.

Glancing at the imperial guards who were still looking around, the queen mother grabbed An Ning's hand: "Although you are in my palace, after all, walls have ears. You are also aware of your emperor's brother's situation. You naturally know. There are some things you can say, and some things you can't say." Said, this concubine Nan Shu is your emperor's elder brother's concubine, and she is also a person in the harem who assists the queen in handling harem affairs. Even according to the folk title, she is also your sister-in-law, and you can't be like this, remember? In the future, you must be cautious in your words and deeds, and you must never say this again, if it gets to the ears of someone with a heart, wouldn't your emperor brother's plan be in vain?"

Hearing these words, An Ning's originally aggrieved mood improved a bit, and she naturally realized this, her face softened, and she said in a low voice: "I know the queen mother, I just don't say anything in the future, it's because I don't think about it." week."

"Well, as long as you understand!" The Queen Mother nodded.

A moment later, Commander Wan was waiting in the courtyard outside the door, and the guards gathered here after making inquiries.

After seeing Commander Wan, the imperial guards shook their heads one after another.

Commander Wan frowned.

Immediately, Commander Wan saluted the queen mother inside the door and said, "Your servant is bothering you a lot. The monster is not in Weiyang Palace. Queen Mother, I will leave!"

When Princess An Ning heard this, she hurriedly said: "My queen, I haven't seen the emperor's brother just after returning to the palace. I'll go and see what the emperor's brother is doing first. When it's evening, I will have dinner with my mother!"

After speaking, he ran out without waiting for the Queen Mother to respond.

Seeing this, the Empress Dowager shook her head helplessly, as if she was getting used to it.

As soon as Commander Wan led the imperial army out of Weiyang Palace, Princess Anning chased him out and shouted from behind: "Wait!"

Everyone stopped in their tracks, Commander Wan looked at the person who had just stayed in the Queen Mother's room just now, he didn't know who he was in front of, but he must have a noble status.

"I don't know..."

"I am Princess An Ning." An Ning said directly.

Commander Wan came to his senses. He had always heard that His Majesty had a younger sister, Princess An Ning. However, she went out to study art a few years ago and hadn't been in the palace for a long time. She came back unexpectedly. But how do you think this person is handsome, but she is a woman? He looks like a man, but his figure is somewhat masculine.

An Ning looked at Commander Wan's eyes and knew what he was thinking, and said immediately: "Don't doubt it, I'm going out to practice martial arts. Since I'm a woman, I naturally have some protective measures, but they are just some methods of transforming the body. "

After finishing speaking, there was a crackling sound of bones all over his body.

All the bones in her body seemed to be surging.

Immediately afterwards, it was in front of everyone.

This Princess An Ning is about half a head shorter in height, her shoulders have become narrower and thinner, her originally rough waist has also become thinner, and her originally strong chest suddenly bulges slowly at this moment. In a woman's appearance, the bridge of the nose that was originally tall on the face drooped slightly, and became more refined.

If it is said that he was originally a handsome son.

At this moment, it is a beautiful woman with a picturesque face.

This kind of appearance, I am afraid that only those few people in the harem can compare.

(End of this chapter)

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