Chapter 47
It seemed that the family was too poor back then, so the father sent the little Guizi into the palace as a eunuch. Every year, the little Guizi would also give the family the monthly salary accumulated every year.

Thinking of this, Xu Huaixiu thought, if he had time, he would go home and have a look. After all, he was Xiao Guizi now, so he could repay the friendship of this body.

"Huh? This princess asked you something!" Princess Anning said.

"Back to the princess, the servant was a little homesick just now, and there are parents and a younger sister in the servant's home."

"That's it!" Princess Anning nodded, "What's your real name?"

Xu Huaixiu hesitated for a moment and said, "The real name of this servant is Xu Huaixiu, but since he has already entered the palace, this servant has only one name, and it is Xiaoguizi."

"You do have self-knowledge, but don't you know that demons are forbidden in Dali, not to mention that in this palace, it is a death penalty." Princess An Ning immediately stared at Xu Huaixiu with a cold face.

Xu Huaixiu's eyelids twitched, and her face was calm: "Princess, I don't know what this means."

"Hmph, you don't know!" Princess Anning stood up: "You practice the Yang God method, you are a monster, and you dare to kill Eunuch Chang in the palace, which is already a capital crime. Concubine, it's really rebellious, I see, you have evil intentions, who sent you in, you are looking for death!"

Xu Huaixiu's heart was almost hanging in her throat, how did Princess Anning know, she was almost right.

"The princess is joking. The servant has lived in the palace since he was a child. This can be found. Princess, don't slander the servant!"

"Ha ha!"

Princess An Ning sneered: "It's no wonder, you really don't give up when you don't see the Yellow River, you don't know this princess anymore?"

Xu Huaixiu frowned, looked at Princess Anning, she was a little familiar, but still couldn't tell, could it be that Princess Anning still wanted to cheat me.

"The princess was joking. Her Royal Highness is a nobleman of the royal family, and the slaves will naturally recognize it."

"No, you don't know it, maybe you will know it in this way."

As soon as the words fell, Princess An Ning, who was originally slim and beautiful, squirmed all over her bones and muscles, and suddenly became taller by a few points, and her whole body became a bit burlier. The bones of her face also moved slightly, and her entire face underwent minor adjustments , Instantly became a handsome man.

Xu Huaixiu's pupils shrank, and then took a step back.

He recognized it!
This was the person who was outside the palace at that time, fighting with him for the century-old Taoliu wood.

Unexpectedly, Princess Anning disguised herself as a man.

"It's you!" Xu Huaixiu knew that it would be useless not to admit it now.

"Finally recognized me, you monster is making trouble in the palace, you are looking for death!" Princess Anning sneered.

Xu Huaixiu shook his head: "Princess, don't misunderstand, slaves are not monsters."

"Bold, you still say that you are not a monster. You bought century-old peach willow outside the palace, don't you know its usefulness!?" Princess Anning snorted coldly.

Xu Huaixiu smiled and said, "Is the princess a monster?"

"Of course not." Princess Anning frowned.

"Then how did the princess find this Taoliu?"

Princess An Ning was stunned and said: "I practice martial arts and have a keen sense of touch. It's not surprising that I can detect it. It's natural to see something like this."

Xu Huaixiu said: "To be honest, Your Royal Highness, you also know that just now in the imperial study, the servants were still competing with His Majesty. Although the servants are only martial arts students, they are also practicing martial arts after all. What's more, the slave is just a eunuch, and these martial arts knowledge was taught by Eunuch Li. If you don't believe me, you can wait for Eunuch Li to wake up and ask. If I practiced the Yangshen method, would Eunuch Li not know? , what's more, since the servant knows martial arts, why bother to practice the way of Yangshen at risk, not to mention that one mind and two tasks will affect the progress, and our Dali prohibits demons, isn't the servant looking for death?"

Princess An Ning was stunned: "Impossible, you dog slave, you dare to lie, what's the use of buying that peach willow wood, you clearly practiced the Yangshen method!"

Xu Huaixiu said in a low tone, "Why did your highness want to buy it...Since it is a good thing, you can't buy this peach willow wood just because a slave is practicing martial arts!"

Princess Anning was silent, and looked at Xu Huaixiu carefully, as if she was about to discover something, and she said after a while: "What you said is true?"

"What the servant said is naturally true."

"My princess wrongly blamed you? If that's the case, what about the peach willow wood, you take it out."

"This..." Xu Huaixiu hesitated, how could this be taken out.

Not to mention that Taoliumu is now within the scriptures of righteousness, not to mention that since Taoliumu was attacked by the martial sage Dongmenzang last time, the inside has already collapsed, and he has absorbed a lot of pure soul power. Given this Princess An Ning, she must be able to find out the clues.

At that time, I just can't tell.

Princess An Ning narrowed your eyes and said, "You also said that you didn't practice the Yang Shen method, you are a monster, you are a big rebel, this peach and willow wood must be taken by you, so you can't take it out, I'm afraid I will find some clues when I take it out, just right , this princess came back from Taixuanmen, and she has not yet shown her martial arts, so I will catch you today and show the emperor's brother my skills!"

After speaking, Princess Anning wanted to do something.

Xu Huaixiu hurriedly shouted: "Princess, wait!"

"Hmph, death is imminent, what else do you have to say?" Princess Anning snorted coldly.

This familiar line made Xu Huaixiu have an illusion, does this big villain talk like this, and this princess An Ning is also like this.

I saw Xu Huaixiu sighed, a little embarrassed to speak, and took out a large stack of banknotes from his sleeve.

He thought to himself: "Old dog, old dog, you have helped me!"

Princess Anning was taken aback when she saw Xu Huaixiu took out so many silver notes, and then sneered: "You dog slave, you are really stupid, will my dignified Princess Dali be short of these silver taels? I won't let you go of!"

Xu Huaixiu: "???"

This kid is a bit mentally handicapped.

Xu Huaixiu sighed, feeling a little guilty: "Your Highness, it's really hard to tell. In fact, the peach willow has been sold by the servant... This is the proceeds from selling the peach and willow!"

Princess Anning stared at Xu Huaixiu like a fool: "Do you think I'm stupid?"

Xu Huaixiu explained: "His Royal Highness... so much silver, how could a slave like me own it."

Princess Anning was taken aback for a moment, then hesitated: "It's also..."

"Even if it's true, how could you sell such a spiritual object of heaven and earth? It's a waste of money!" Princess Anning clenched her teeth.

"It's useless to the slave... The slave is just a martial artist!"

Xu Huaixiu looked aggrieved: "Besides, Your Royal Highness, you also know that there are parents and younger brothers in this servant's family. Naturally, I want to earn more silver taels for them. The last time I bought this peach willow tree, I almost used up my storage. If I didn't sell it Buying this peach willow wood and earning some price difference, the slaves have been working in the palace for nothing all these years."

"You you you you!" Princess Anning's chest heaved: "You slave, I'm really mad at you, such a good thing is sold for money!"

(End of this chapter)

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