Xiao Guizi, are you a eunuch Xiuyang God?

Chapter 5 The Death of the Traveler

Chapter 5 The Death of the Traveler

But after seeing the blurry clothes in the dark, his mind turned and he instantly knew who was in front of him.

Eunuch Li, whom he has never met before.

"Eunuch Li?"

Xu Huaixiu's tone was surprised.

"You are awake. You know our family's schedule. Day and night are reversed. You can serve me for so many years without any complaints. It is considered intentional. Our family sees that you have not come here today. What happened, so I just came over to see if you're okay."

"Okay, let's light the candles, it's very dark in this room."

Eunuch Li's voice was not sharp like other young eunuchs. On the contrary, it was full of energy and full of masculinity. It sounded like a man in his 50s or [-]s.

"Yes, father-in-law."

Xu Huaixiu lit the candles in the room, and only then did he see Eunuch Li clearly.

He is about 1.7 meters tall, wearing a blue-gray round-neck and narrow-sleeved gown with mang pattern and white pheasant pattern, his hair is already gray, and he looks old, with messy eyebrows and slightly narrowed eyes, revealing a A benevolent energy, looks very kind.

It's just that the speaking voice is a bit inconsistent.

Xu Huaixiu just glanced at it, then lowered her head.


Eunuch Li gasped in surprise, and immediately said, "Little Guizi, come here and approach our house."

Xu Huaixiu's heart skipped a beat, he secretly thought it was not good, could it be that Eunuch Li found out that he was a fake little noble son, but he was already a 'dove occupying the magpie's nest'?

To 'past' or 'not to'.

Just run away?

He is an old eunuch, what clues can he see?
I am in the state of concentration now, if I am really discovered.

At once……

Xu Huaixiu held her breath.

In the inner courtyard of the palace, if he escaped hastily, he might not be able to get out.

"Yes, father-in-law."

Xu Huaixiu walked over step by step, trying his best to keep up his spirits. If this Eunuch Li behaved differently, he would use some means.

Eunuch Li looked over with kind eyes, took a closer look, and said with a frown: "Your eyes are dull, dull, with black eye circles, and the vitality on your face is declining. This is a state of exhaustion and damage to the soul... ...Say, what happened, our family will help you, what are you scared of!"

Xu Huaixiu's thoughts turned, and the next second he complained: "Back to Eunuch..."

"Tell me, don't worry, our family will make the decision for you." Eunuch Li said in a gentle voice.

It can also be regarded as 'master and servant for many years', this Eunuch Li's voice is gentle and loving, and he seems to take care of this 'little noble son'. Some feelings?
"Back to Eunuch, do you know Concubine Nan Shu?"

"Naturally, this Concubine Nan Shu is now the emperor's most favored concubine." Speaking of this, Eunuch Li's expression turned cold: "If it wasn't because of his brother Dongmen hiding, this Concubine Nan Shu would not be like this Arrogant, today's Emperor Shengjun can only pamper her, although our family has hardly been involved in the affairs of the palace in recent years, we still know this."

"It's Concubine Nan Shu who asked you for questioning and punished you?" Eunuch Li asked inquiringly, looking at Xu Huaixiu.

Xu Huaixiu shook his head: "That's not it, it's a tea serving eunuch under Concubine Nan Shu, who always troubles me and arranges some tedious and heavy work for me. When I went to clean the official room yesterday, he tripped me with his legs. As a result, the excrement in my hand was poured on the floor, and he threatened me that he would sue Concubine Nan Shu and give me a heavy punishment... and also said..."

"Hmph, a young eunuch who serves tea is really brave, what are you talking about!?" Eunuch Li's voice was sullen.

Xu Huaixiu uttered words like pearls, round and clear: "He also said...and said that the father-in-law is just an old man now...!"


"An old... eunuch, who is not favored, can only curl up in a corner of the palace now, what kind of prestige is he playing!"

When Eunuch Li slapped it down, the solid wooden table in front of him was instantly shattered, with almost no large pieces of residue left.

Xu Huaixiu's heart skipped a beat, her eyelids trembled slightly...


"Hmph, eunuch... Back then, apart from those first-rank officials in the court, only the late emperor could laugh at me as an eunuch. He dared to call me a eunuch. It seems that no one in the palace knows me anymore..."

Xu Huaixiu comforted at the side and said: "Eunuch, this little noble son just doesn't like me. Eunuch, please don't get angry. After a while, I will bow my head and apologize to him, and say a few good words, maybe it will be useful." .”

Eunuch Li waved his hand: "Okay, you don't have to worry about this matter, I will take care of it myself."

As he spoke, Eunuch Li took out a small porcelain bottle from his sleeve, poured out a red pill from it, and handed it to Xu Huaixiu.

"This is Dayan Bushen Pill. It can soothe the nerves and nourish the brain. It is the most effective. Take it. I don't have too many of these pills. I don't want to take them out on weekdays. It's you." Eunuch Li said with a gentle face. , with kind eyes, like looking at a spoiled junior.

"How can this be done, father-in-law, how can Xiao Guizi He De, this pill is so precious, father-in-law should take it back, and I will just rest for a few days." Xu Huaixiu said with a grateful expression and a tactful refusal. .

"Hey, just take it if you tell me, and take it." Eunuch Li said in a firm tone.

"This...Xiao Guizi thank you, father-in-law."

Xu Huaixiu took the pill, which was not big, like a small clay pill, red in color, and smelled a fragrance, just took a sip, and instantly felt a little better.

He looked at Eunuch Li, his face was as usual, his eyes were full of love, and there seemed to be no clue.

Xu Huaixiu changed his mind, put the pill in his mouth, held it with his teeth, and didn't swallow it, just wanted to thank Eunuch Li again.

Unexpectedly, in the next second, the elixir actually melted in an instant, turning into a stream of heat that filled the whole body in an instant, as if... as if there was a shackle on the whole body....

not good!

Xu Huaixiu frowned, feeling remorseful in her heart, unable to guard against it, she fell into the old eunuch's way.

He hurriedly backed away, opened the distance in an instant, and without hesitation, wandered out directly, blowing out with a gust of dark wind, and went straight to Eunuch Li's ear.


Eunuch Li snorted coldly, the voice was as deafening as Huang Zhong Dalu's.

And that gust of wind fell on Eunuch Li's ears, and it dissipated in an instant as if he had encountered something.

But upon hearing this cold snort, Xu Huaixiu only felt agitated, a sense of 'fragmentation' emerged spontaneously, and signs of chaos had begun to appear in his brain.

Xu Huaixiu returned to her body without hesitation, and directly collapsed on the ground, unconscious.

"I'm going to die here."

When the last thought came, Xu Huaixiu felt unwilling.

This old eunuch... Damn Hippie, what a fucking bastard!

(End of this chapter)

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