Chapter 53 Confrontation
Princess Anning couldn't help it even more: "Dongmen hides you boldly, what are you, a dog slave, this big li is the emperor's brother's big li, not your Dongmen hidden, as for learning literature and martial arts, the emperor's brother As the emperor of Dali, he naturally has his own decision, why do you need to dissuade him, why, you still want to order the emperor's brother to fail!"

"Princess Anning, you say that Weichen is a dog slave?" Dongmenzang's eyes widened, with a trace of murderous intent leaking out, and his eyes were full of anger. He looked very attractive, like a lion, staring at Princess Anning. This prey.

Princess An Ning's eyelids twitched, feeling the great pressure. The other party was a Martial Saint after all. Even if she restrained a lot, she felt that she was in danger of dying.

Just as Princess An Ning was about to speak, the little emperor immediately said: "Dongmen Zang, what are you doing? This is the Imperial Study Room. Do you still have a clue about me? The princess has always been like this, she has no intentions, so why get angry with her!"

Dongmenzang's eyes were cold, and then he sighed heavily, with a tone of thinking about Dali: "Your Majesty, since His Majesty ascended the throne, my ministers have fought south and north to help His Majesty quell the war and stabilize the world, whether it is the court or the palace. In addition, Weichen died after devoting himself to Dali, not to mention that Weichen has been with His Majesty since he was in the elder brother's mansion, and Weichen's younger sister is also His Majesty's concubine. Princess An Ning's speculation about this minister really chills this minister's heart, this position of general... I don't care if I don't want it!"

Speaking of this, Dongmen Zang directly took off the top wearing flower feathers on his head.

Princess An Ning's eyes fell on the other party's Dingdai Hualing, and then looked at the little emperor.

The little emperor also stared at Dingdai Hualing for a moment, lost his mind for a moment, and then hurriedly said: "General Dongmen, what did you say, I naturally know the credit you made for my great departure from the South and the North, and it was An Ning who was wrong just now. That being the case, how about I punish An Ning and confine her for five days, as for resignation, don't say any more, if Concubine Nan Shu finds out, she will be sad too."

Dongmen Zang frowned and said: "Your Majesty loves the princess, and I know this, but the princess is a woman after all, and she is younger, and jade is not perfect. If this is the case, why don't you punish the princess to follow your majesty?" Studying with the Tai Tuo, so that the princess can know what kind of female virtues should be as a woman, what does your majesty think!"

"What are you talking about, let this princess know what a woman's virtue is, so you, Dongmenzang, act boldly!" Princess An Ning was so angry that her chest heaved.

Hearing this, the little emperor was silent for a while, and immediately said: "So... just follow what General Dongmen said!"

"Haha, Your Majesty is the good emperor of Dali. If the former emperor Quan Xia knows, he must be very pleased. In this way, after an hour, His Highness will take the princess to the Taifu, and I will go and tell the Taifu. If you know that His Majesty is willing to learn lessons, you will be extremely pleased."

Dongmenzang put Dingdai Hualing back on, let out a hearty laugh, a little smug, then turned and left.

After Dongmen Zang left, the pen in the little emperor's hand burst into several pieces, and it collapsed everywhere.

Princess Anning, who was still angry at first, was also taken aback.

Turning his head to look, he found that his elder brother's face was flushed red at the moment, gloomy as water, and there was an unconcealable anger in his eyes.

"Good one, let me study literature instead of martial arts!"

"Good one, if the princess is punished to accompany me to study, isn't it also saying that I am also punished to study!"

"Okay, okay, Dongmen Zang, you are really getting more and more rampant. Is this Dali from Dongmen Zang, or from me!"

Princess An Ning stepped forward and comforted her: "Brother Emperor, don't get angry, the body of the dragon is important, this Dongmen Zang is extremely hateful, but he is just a dog slave, the emperor brother can't be angry because of a slave! "

After a while, the little emperor calmed down a little, leaned back on the chair, and frowned.

Princess An Ning said: "Brother Emperor, since Dongmen Zang is about to resign from office just now, why not just take advantage of the situation and let him be dismissed and returned to the farm!"

The little emperor opened his eyes, with a trace of coldness: "This Dongmen Zang is now in power. Not only does he hold a heavy army in his hands, but he also colludes with other officials. There are many cliques in the court, and it is said that he is secretly cooperating with other sects." , The power is huge, and it can affect the whole body. Although I am the emperor, in the eyes of all the officials, it is not an exaggeration to say that Dongmenzang is the emperor. It is just a false name for an official position. Why, his Dongmen Zang is still there, and this Dongmen Zang doesn't see me at all, and he still treats me like a child a few years ago, coaxing me at will, it's simply hateful!"

Princess An Ning also frowned: "Brother Your Majesty, this Dongmen Tibetan is getting more and more powerful, and it must be resolved as soon as possible. Why don't I write a book for the Taixuanmen, and let the Taixuanmen send some experts to subdue this Dongmen Tibetan?" !"

The little emperor shook his head: "The reason why Taixuanmen accepted you is because you are the princess of Dali, and you are a member of the royal family. There are only advantages and no disadvantages for Taixuanmen to accept you, so naturally they will let you go to Taixuanmen." Cultivation is more like a transaction. If you ask them for help, it will be different. Of course, I believe that you are in the same sect, and you may have a few friends, brothers and sisters. Xuanmen is Taixuanmen, and the interests in it are impossible to be mixed together. This Dongmen Zangzhen will solve it sooner or later, but now is not the time, wait, wait..."

"Wait, Brother Emperor, how long will we have to wait for our royal family to be manipulated by a dog slave? It's a shame!" Princess Anning couldn't help but say.

The little emperor sighed: "An Ning, why not I, that's all right, this matter is over for the time being, this is not something you should think about, don't you want to go out to play... so, in a few days, I... um, yes Now, let Xiao Guizi go out with you. He is smart, knowledgeable, and has martial arts skills. He is much better than ordinary eunuchs. I will send a few more experts to protect you. Just remember, don’t leave the capital. !"

"Xiao Guizi?" An Ning raised her eyebrows, rolled her eyes, and said nothing.

"I will review a few more memorials, and you will accompany me to the Taifu's place." The little emperor said.

Princess Anning was stunned: "Ah, I really want to go, can't I not go?"

The little emperor said: "I don't have to go, but I'm afraid that after the court tomorrow, all the papers handed by the court ministers will fall on my table like snowflakes, and I don't have the strength to deal with them for the time being, just read it. Deal with it."

Princess Anning made a gesture and wanted to run away: "Brother Emperor, go, I still have something to do, I want to visit my mother, so I will leave first!"

The little emperor grabbed Princess An Ning's hand: "Didn't you say that you want to accompany me to tide over the difficulties? You won't be with me after reading a book. Let's go together?"

Princess An Ning had a mournful face in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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