Xiao Guizi, are you a eunuch Xiuyang God?

Chapter 62 Appointment of Imperial Envoy

Chapter 62 Appointment of Imperial Envoy
The little emperor shook his head, with a happy smile on his lips.

An Ning said: "Brother Emperor, what were you thinking just now, why are you so preoccupied, what happened?"

The little emperor sighed: "It's not about the drought in Hanzhou."

"Drought in Hanzhou, after I entered the palace, I heard my mother mention it, what's going on now, it makes the emperor's brother so worried!" An Ning said.

The little emperor frowned: "Drought in Hanzhou, not long ago, the food I sent was still on the official road to Hanzhou, and all of them were robbed. This Jiang Yuan came to plead guilty. Now the drought in Hanzhou is severe, and the people still have nothing to eat. , although I ordered him to retrieve it, I also know that these few days of hard work are naturally impossible. Now that the new food and grass are ready, tomorrow I plan to let the Jiangyuan be transported to Hanzhou first. If the matter in Hanzhou cannot be resolved , I will deal with Jiang Yuandao again, but this time I will send food and grass, I plan to send imperial envoys to follow, it is just a selection, I am worried for a while, but I haven't made up my mind yet!"

"Hanzhou?" An Ning's heart moved, and then he coughed lightly: "Brother Emperor, An Ning has a candidate."

"Oh, you have, who are you talking about, the minister of the court, I have thought about it, but I haven't found a suitable one,"

"It's so far away, so close." An Ning said.

"Huh?" Suddenly, the little emperor was taken aback, then looked at An Ning: "You?"

"It's me, why, Brother Emperor, am I suitable?" An Ning smiled.

The little emperor frowned: "Your majestic Princess Dali is a woman, how can she be suitable, An Ning, you'd better stay in the palace peacefully."

An Ning snorted, "Brother Emperor, I also want to help you solve your problems. I'm almost going crazy in the palace. This time Hanzhou can go out again, and I can also help Brother Emperor solve the drought in Hanzhou, okay? ?”

"An Ning, the drought in Hanzhou is no small matter, and it's not a place for you to play around." The little emperor spoke earnestly.

"Brother Emperor, I know. I just went out for a walk. Naturally, I know the priorities of the matter. And you also know, Brother Emperor. Although I am a princess, I am also a member of the Taixuan Sect and a great master of martial arts. I came back to the palace from Taixuanmen, but I came back alone, but I went to Hanzhou to escort food and grass. Why can't I go? If you are worried that I am Princess Dali and a woman, then I have thought of a good way. "

The little emperor didn't answer, just murmured, and raised his head after a while: "You tell me what to do first, and I will make plans later!"

"Brother Emperor, in this way, you can find someone to be an imperial envoy, and I will follow around. I am the one who is really in charge. This will have a reasonable explanation, and those ministers will not refute it. As for the candidate, Brother Emperor, what do you think?" How about Xiao Guizi, he is a eunuch, he is smart and reliable, he is an internal official, and he has martial arts. If an eunuch is an imperial envoy, they will relax their vigilance, maybe they can follow the clues and solve the problem of food theft, how about it?" An Ning laughed.

"Little Guizi?" The little emperor frowned.

"Brother Emperor, although I want to go out, don't you realize that this matter is feasible?" An Ning saw that the little emperor was clearly moved and was deep in thought, so she immediately said.

"What you said is indeed feasible, but if there are really court officials who secretly colluded with bandits and guarded themselves to steal, wouldn't your life be in danger? If something happened to you, how would I explain it to the queen mother!" The little emperor expressed his worries.

Princess Anning said: "Brother Emperor, you underestimate me too much. I am a great master. Unless I meet a martial saint, who else is my opponent? Moreover, Brother Emperor can also send some guards to follow me, so I can rest easy !"

The little emperor fell into deep thought.

An Ning continued: "Brother Emperor, what else are you thinking about? Do you just agree? I will definitely solve this matter for Brother Emperor!"

An Ning shook the little emperor's arm and kept urging him.

The little emperor was so shaken that he became dizzy, so he had no choice but to say: "Okay, okay, can't I promise you?"

Of course, this matter is not simply because of loving An Ning too much. As An Ning said, this matter can be regarded as a solution, not to mention what she said is right, a great master, unless he meets a martial sage, ordinary people It's really hard to hurt her.

Hearing this, An Ning was immediately overjoyed, and couldn't help jumping up for joy: "Ah, Brother Emperor, you agreed, you are really kind!"

The little emperor shook his head helplessly.

"I will send someone to inform Xiao Guizi later," the little emperor said.

But as soon as he finished speaking, An Ning stopped him: "No, Brother Emperor, there is no need to inform Xiao Guizi, just summon him tomorrow!"

After finishing speaking, An Ning showed a sly look in his eyes.

"That's fine, I'll call Xiao Guizi directly tomorrow." The little emperor had no doubts about him, not to mention that it was indeed a bit late today.


"My lord, what should I say when your Majesty comes down later?"

In the imperial study room, Shangshu Wang Lian and Hanzhou censor Jiang Yuandao had already been waiting here. At this moment, Emperor Hongyi hadn't come yet, and they were standing in the imperial study room waiting.

Wang Lian lowered his eyebrows and closed his eyes slightly: "What else can I say, of course it is telling the truth."

Jiang Yuandao nodded: "If that's the case, the officer understands!"

"His Majesty is here!"

Following the message from the little eunuch, the two lowered their heads, and the little emperor walked in from the door in a hurry, and immediately sat on the dragon chair.

"My minister sees Your Majesty, long live Your Majesty!"

"Well, Jiang Yuandao, how is the matter of the theft of food and grass going, and have you found it?" The little emperor said, his voice cold.

With a thud, Jiang Yuandao fell to his knees directly: "I beg Your Majesty to forgive me, my ability is limited, and the time is short. So far I have no clue about the matter of food and grass. I am guilty of crimes, please be punished by Your Majesty!" "

"Humph, good Jiang Yuandao, as the imperial censor of Hanzhou, you can't escape the responsibility for the drought in Hanzhou. You can even lose the food and grass for disaster relief. I ordered you to find it, but you can still do this. See if you don't want your head anymore!" The little emperor opened his mouth and asked directly, and the reprimand like a thunderstorm made people feel like the hairs were standing on end in an instant, and they couldn't help but feel a chill in their hearts.

In the entire imperial study room, the atmosphere was suddenly dull and gloomy, making it difficult to breathe.

Even though Jiang Yuandao already knew the result, he also knew that His Majesty would not blame him at this point, but when he heard these words, he still couldn't help but feel chills all over his body, and his heart was terrified.

"Your Majesty, I beg your majesty to let me take the blame and make meritorious service. Now that Hanzhou is suffering from drought and the people are suffering, I can't absolve myself of the blame. Please ask your majesty to let me escort the food and grass back to Hanzhou to solve the drought. When the time comes I must plead guilty and ask His Majesty to punish me, otherwise my heart will be really troubled!"

The royal study was silent for a while.

Everyone dared not speak.

After a while, the little emperor suddenly sneered: "Hmph, you still have a heart to be the master of the people!"

"Come on, call Xiaoguizi!"

When the little emperor opened his mouth, everyone in the room was stunned, why did he suddenly call a eunuch over.

(End of this chapter)

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