Chapter 66
Outside the city gate, twenty or thirty carriages were waiting here, and the carriages were full of grain, which were used for disaster relief. Outside of them were three or four hundred soldiers and generals, as well as several officials at the head. One of them is Jiang Yuandao, the censor of Hanzhou Road.

It's already completely winter, and the weather is very cold. Hanzhou Dao Yushi Jiang Yuandao and some other generals are wearing thick cotton clothes and capes such as tiger fur and mink fur. They are talking from a distance, and their mouths are instantly white. Looking into the city gate from time to time, a little anxious.

"Why isn't this imperial envoy here yet? I'm standing here and I don't move around. My body is so cold. I really know how to put on airs, haha!" One of the generals said, very dissatisfied. The beard is all over the face, and the mouth is almost invisible.

"Commander Li, didn't Master Jiang say that it's just an eunuch in the palace. I don't know what His Majesty thinks. He actually let an eunuch be an imperial envoy. He has no balls. The weather is cold and the journey is long, can you bear it? Don’t complain all the way, just follow the orders of a eunuch, that’s what makes you miserable.” Another general spoke, he was fair-looking, but he was tall and stood out from the crowd. Very serious.

Jiang Yuandao rubbed his hands and let out a sigh of relief: "Commander Li, Commander Wang, this is all the decision of the Holy Majesty, how can we speculate on the Holy Will like this?"

These two people were specially sent from the Kyoto military camp to lead the troops to escort the food and grass, not the generals who were originally stationed in Hanzhou Road.

Originally, the two met Jiang Yuandao outside the city gate, and they became acquainted, but then they heard that the so-called imperial envoy was actually an eunuch, and they suddenly became a little dissatisfied. After waiting outside for so long, I naturally felt resentment in my heart. I felt that this so-called eunuch must be a person who is arrogant and greedy for enjoyment. It is strange that I let them obey such a handicapped person and go to Hanzhou this time. .

Several people were talking, and a group of people gradually came out from the city gate in the distance. The bearded Commander Li had sharp eyes, and he saw it out of the corner of his eye. He sneered dissatisfiedly at the moment: "It should be this person." , it can be regarded as coming, it really makes us wait for a while!"

"This is the eunuch imperial envoy?" the white and clean Commander Wang said. He is tall and can see far away. He can vaguely see a tall horse in the distance, and an eunuch wearing eunuch costume is riding at the very front. Come here.

"This horse seems to be Wanliju. Does Your Majesty love this eunuch so much? It's a waste of such a good horse to be ridden by an eunuch!" Commander Wang frowned, and his face became a little annoyed. The output is not high, it can be said to be the best among horses, and it travels thousands of miles every day.

Comparing the horses of the group on their side, no matter in terms of size, frame or spirit, they are far inferior to the Wanli horse in the distance.

When Commander Wang said this, Commander Li noticed it, and when he glanced at it, his face turned cold: "The eunuch is involved in politics, Your can you spoil an eunuch so much that he will miss the political affairs sooner or later, and now he even rewards Wan Liju?" To this eunuch, is it because of this that an eunuch will be made an imperial envoy? It's just a joke!"

Jiang Yuandao listened to the words of these two commanders, and sneered secretly in his heart, Xiao Guizi, Xiao Guizi, you really show your sharpness, I really didn't expect that His Majesty would treat you so favorably, make you an imperial envoy, and reward you with a thousand li horse This kind of BMW, no wonder I was just a small eunuch before, and later became the chief supervisor of the imperial prison. I don’t know how much it will please His Majesty, but it’s even better. Your Majesty rewards you like this. This is flattery, these two The commander is already dissatisfied with you, which saves a lot of trouble!
The sound of a horseshoe hitting the ground sounded, Xu Huaixiu jumped off the horse, walked over, clasped his fists and said: "Master Jiang, these adults are also in charge of escorting grain and grass. It's the first time we meet, Xiao Guizi, commonly known as Xu Huaixiu, was sent by His Majesty to be in charge." The imperial envoy for this food escort!"

Jiang Yuandao arched his hands and smiled: "Eunuch Gui, we have met a few times before. Eunuch is eloquent. I have seen it before. Eunuch is here to escort the grain and grass. It should be safe. Eunuch is deeply favored by His Majesty." Pet, it can be seen that she must have outstanding ability and is deeply loved by His Majesty."

Xu Huaixiu said: "Master Jiang was joking, but he is doing things for His Majesty. There are so many things to say, but he is just doing his best."

Commander Wang and Commander Li were a little surprised. Most of the eunuchs in the palace are feminine, but this little Guizi looks no different from ordinary men. He speaks with a strong air and is rather rigid. It doesn't sound like the kind of flattery and flattery.

However, with Wan Liju and the eunuch's involvement in politics ahead, the two were still dissatisfied in their hearts and just bowed their hands.

At that moment, Commander Li said directly: "Okay, since Eunuch Gui is here, let's set off quickly, the weather is cold, everyone has been waiting here for such a long time, and the body can't take it anymore, hurry up, and the body will be fine." It will be much better if you move around."

Everyone was ready, and they were ready to set off. Jiang Yuandao noticed the carriage and asked, "Eunuch Gui, why is there a carriage following, and here is...?"

"Oh, Mr. Jiang doesn't know something. This carriage is a nobleman from the palace. He just happened to be going to Hanzhou. He wanted to relax along the way, so he took it along with him... As for who it is, I'm sorry, I'm not here yet. I can't say, let's see if this nobleman wants to come out to meet everyone." Xu Huaixiu explained.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, Jiang Yuandao was puzzled, a nobleman was still in the palace, who could be in the carriage, could it be His Majesty, and he immediately overturned it, what His Majesty said should be impossible, but I don't know who it is, Maybe His Majesty still has a backup, yes, just a eunuch supervising him, it is too insignificant, it seems that follow-up still needs to observe more.

The two commanders didn't think much about it, but when they heard that there was a nobleman visiting and following them, they immediately became a little unhappy.

This is a carriage going to Hanzhou for disaster relief, and there is actually a nobleman who wants to follow to play, what do you think of this.

"Okay, my lords, let's go now!"

"Okay, Eunuch Gui, let's go!"

The entire convoy of grain and grass began to set off, and Xu Huaixiu and the others followed at the end of the grain and grass.

Originally, Xu Huaixiu was riding a horse at the window next to the carriage, but Jiang Yuandao gradually stopped on his horse, and when the carriages escorting grain and grass had passed, Jiang Yuandao rode to Xu Huaixiu's side.

"Master Jiang, what's the matter?" Xu Huaixiu asked.

Jiang Yuandao said with a smile: "No, I just want to come and talk to Eunuch Gui. After all, the journey is far away, and this journey is still a bit hard. It is far worse than in the palace. If Eunuch has any requirements, you can just say so. I will definitely satisfy you. After all, His Majesty Having said that, this disaster relief is entirely based on the head of the horse and the saddle, and the lower officials will definitely assist with all their strength!"

(End of this chapter)

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