Chapter 69 Slaying Demons

Xu Huaixiu glanced at it briefly, and found that the Little Dragon Sutra and Motuo Soul Refining Sutra are similar, they are both scriptures that can be cultivated to the highest level of daily travel, and the rest are not useful, but the fox, there is still a real one. The method of dual cultivation of mind and soul, but it has no real effect, it is simply to experience the desire of flesh and blood, it is not a brilliant exercise, it can only be used for fun.


"where is this place!?"

"We're not dead!?"

Inside the scriptures of righteousness, three cages made of thick steel appeared, and the spirits of foxes, spiders and snake monsters appeared in them, but they were imprisoned by the cages, and they had no freedom at all. They looked at the surrounding space, terrified in their hearts, I don't even know where this is.


Zhao Zhaozhao floated down from the attic and came to the side of several monsters: "You were captured by that little eunuch? Finally, there are a few more people."

"Great Immortal, please forgive me, Great Immortal, we are wrong, please let us go!"

When the demons saw Zhao Zhaozhao, this spirit was stronger than the one they had seen before, even stronger than the spirit of their village master, they became even more frightened, this time they kicked the iron plate, hurriedly beg for mercy.

"Great Immortal? Haha, I'm not a great Immortal. If I let you go, I don't care. Whoever caught you in here, who do you go to?" Zhao Zhaozhao said with a smile, looking in a good mood.

"You are quite self-aware." Xu Huaixiu's voice sounded, and then appeared in the space.

Zhao Zhaozhao gave the other party a white look, and floated into the attic: "Yes, the person who arrested you is here, please beg him!"

Seeing this, several monsters quickly knelt down and begged for mercy: "Great Immortal, please forgive me, we are wrong, please beg the Immortal!"

"Yes, Great Immortal, it's not easy for us to cultivate. We have been livestock for many years, and finally opened our spiritual wisdom and produced spirits. Please have mercy on us!" Several demons cried.

Xu Huaixiu shook his head and said, "It's not easy for you to cultivate, but it's easy for me to live? You want to eat me, but also my horse?"

Seeing how the demons were weeping bitterly, Xu Huaixiu originally wanted to catch them into the Zhengqi Sutra to see their practice methods, but there was nothing there. Since she wanted to eat herself, if it was of no value, she directly Just wipe out their souls.

But seeing the begging for mercy of several people, Xu Huaixiu felt a little compassion in his heart: "You guys are already dead, and I have taken revenge. I will keep your soul first, but even if you let your soul come out, there is no body. , you can’t live for half an hour, you should stay here for the time being, at least you are still alive.”

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the little demons to answer, Xu Huaixiu waved his hand and placed the cages of several people farther away, and added a layer of barriers outside. He couldn't hear them talking, but could only see them. A few little demons were weeping with joy in the cage, and looked at a loss.

Xu Huaixiu looked at the attic, Zhao Zhaozhao was leaning on the railing, eating snacks, feeling very uncomfortable.

The former shook his head, and immediately released the righteousness meridian, which has already delayed a lot of time.

He returned to the body, first ran over to fetch a few pheasants and hares, and then rode on the Wanli horse and quickly returned to the place where he was stationed.

Princess An Ning was sitting in the carriage, she was already so hungry that her stomach started to growl, she waited and waited, but Xu Huaixiu still didn't come back, she immediately cursed angrily: "Well, little Guizi, come here If you don’t come back now, the princess will starve to death, and I’m so mad, I won’t beat you when you come back!”

With a neigh, Xu Huaixiu returned with his horse and saw that these soldiers were already eating.

When everyone saw the hares and pheasants in his hands, their eyes lit up, and they couldn't help talking. Compared with the dry food they ate, these meat and game were obviously more attractive.

Jiang Yuandao said with a smile: "So Eunuch Gui went hunting."

Xu Huaixiu nodded: "It's for the nobleman in the car, order some tooth sacrifice!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Commander Li next to him and said, "Commander Li, can you borrow a knife?"

When Commander Li saw these wild animals, he also understood that this eunuch from the palace obviously had martial arts, so he couldn't refuse immediately, so he nodded, and pointed the saber in his hand directly at Xu Huaixiu.

"Thank you!"

Xu Huaixiu thanked, took the long knife, quickly and neatly dealt with the living thing in his hand, shaved and peeled the skin, then cut a few incisions, washed them with water, sprinkled some salt that he carried with him, and put them on the stick. Among them, the rack was placed on the fire and started to grill.

After a while, the smell of meat gradually emitted from above the fire, attracting a crowd of people to watch.

After passing the exam, Xu Huaixiu only took down half of the roasted rabbit.

He said to everyone: "You share the rest of the food, these are enough for the nobles to enjoy!"

After speaking, he took the barbecue and walked to the carriage, and the people left behind looked at each other. Commander Li and Commander Wang looked at each other, and they were also a little greedy. They nodded immediately: "In that case, let's share and eat!"

"it is good!'

"Thank you Commander Wang!"

"Princess, the slave is back, and the rabbit meat is ready, the princess enjoys it!" Xu Huaixiu said beside the window.

"Really, come in the carriage!" Princess Anning's flat voice sounded.

"Yes, princess."

Xu Huaixiu stepped into the carriage, and a pair of white and tender hands came to meet her, directly grabbing her thigh.

The strength of the great master of martial arts instantly made Xu Huaixiu let out a scream!
Commander Wang and others not far outside the carriage were startled, and immediately raised their heads. When they saw Xu Huaixiu in the carriage making such a scream, they all looked at each other, not knowing what happened inside.

"What happened?" Commander Li was puzzled.

"Could it be that the nobleman in the carriage is punishing Eunuch Gui?"

Everyone discussed and became even more curious about who the nobleman in the carriage was.

Inside the carriage, Xu Huaixiu endured the severe pain: "Princess...what do you mean?"

"What's the point, you little Guizi, why did you come back now, and made me wait for a while, you want to starve me to death!" Princess An Ning clenched her teeth, staring at Xu Huaixiu fiercely, Bai Ning's little hand was firm. Instead of weakening, it turned violently in one direction a few times, causing Xu Huaixiu to grin her teeth in pain.

"Princess atonement, the mountains and forests are dense and vast, wild animals are really hard to find, and the servants searched for a long time before finding them, and they came back non-stop, roasted them in a hurry, and brought them over in a hurry, just because they were afraid that the princess would be hungry." Xu Huaixiu said in his mouth, his heart Unceasingly slandering: "Good you shrew, sooner or later, I will return it, and it will be hard to chase after the husband's word!"

(End of this chapter)

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