Chapter 7 Are you polite?

Seeing that the female ghost didn't speak, Xu Huaixiu said, "How about we really make a deal?"

"You also understand that you are now sealed in the Zhengqi Sutra, and there is no way to get free, and if I want to, I can control your life and death to do things for me. A gentleman will do something, and I will do something. I, Xu Huaixiu, I never like to force you, if you agree to make a deal with me, I will definitely give you back your freedom in the future!"

The female ghost didn't speak, as if she was thinking carefully, she said after a while: "You didn't lie to me this time?"

Xu Huaixiu shook her head: "I have no way to make you believe me, I can only tell you that the choice is yours."


The female ghost's wicker-like eyebrows frowned slightly. She had been imprisoned in this scripture for many years. She thought she would never get out again, but now this pious guy gave her a choice, whether she should believe it or not.

Seeing the female ghost's hesitation, Xu Huaixiu said: "Well, if you think about it, you might as well go back to the scriptures first."

"No need, I've thought about it, what deal do you want to make with me?" the female ghost said bluntly.

There was a smile on Xu Huaixiu's face. He was really happy. Now he just lacked help around him. It can be said that it is difficult to move an inch in this deep palace. If this female ghost can really help him, it will be a little easier.

"Just protect me for a while."

"Protect you for a period of time? How long is that?" The female ghost frowned.

Xu Huaixiu looked at her: "What level of cultivation are you in now?"

The female ghost shook her head: "I practiced very late, and when I was about to die, I was only in the state of possessing a body, but it was only a short step away. I could break through the barrier of life and death and become a ghost fairy. If I hadn't come across this scripture by chance, maybe I would have already Maybe even dead."

"Then you still have to go out. If you get rid of the shackles of this scripture, wouldn't you die faster?"

"I have a feeling that if I can break away from the shackles of this scripture, I can become a ghost in an instant, break the barrier of life and death, and be reborn, or reincarnated!"

Xu Huaixiu nodded, and said to himself: "The realm of Mo Tuo's Soul Refining Sutra is calming the mind, leaving the body, night tour, day tour, you just mentioned the realm of possession, ghost and fairy..."

The female ghost saw what Xu Huaixiu wanted to ask, and said directly: "The cultivation level of Yangshen is divided into concentration, out of body, night tour, day tour, exorcism, appearance, possession, and ghost realm. As for the master of thunder tribulation, as for the next step, it is the legendary Yangshen realm, a real existence that transcends the other side and lives forever."

"Oh, how many masters of the Yang God are there now?"

The female ghost shook her head and sneered: "Where are there any masters of the Yang God? Since Wang Xizhi, the calligrapher, failed when he hit the Yang God realm 5000 years ago, he is the person closest to the Yang God's cultivation. People can approach this level!"

It was Wang Xizhi again.

Xu Huaixiu pondered, his heart moved, and his face turned slightly red: "Ahem, then what realm can give birth to bones... living dead."

The corner of the female ghost's mouth curled up, and she looked down at Xu Huaixiu, and the latter's lower body felt cold all of a sudden: "You want to talk about how you can regenerate a broken limb."

The corner of Xu Huaixiu's mouth twitched, she felt that the female ghost spoke too directly, it was the first time that this female ghost was so annoying.

"When you reach the realm of ghosts and immortals, you can take away your body and be reborn. It's just a matter of changing your body. As for the masters of Thunder Tribulation above, you can refine pure yang and regenerate flesh and blood. It's even easier."

Call ~
Xu Huaixiu breathed a sigh of relief, as long as there is a chance.

After all, it is a man.

Still concerned about that aspect.

"I didn't expect you, a little eunuch, to think too much. Men are big pigs, and they only have women in their eyes. Even a lifeless little eunuch is like this?" The female ghost shook her head.

Xu Huaixiu coughed lightly and interrupted the topic: "Since you are in the state of possession, then as long as you help me reach the state of possession, I will let you go, so you can't hurt me."

"You are stupid, what should I do if you fail to reach the state of possession or die in the future." The female ghost sneered.

"Am I stupid?" Xu Huaixiu asked.

The ghost didn't speak.

Xu Huaixiu took a few steps, and said with a serious face: "If I am going to die, even you can't save me. Before I die, I will definitely let you go and give you back your freedom!"

The female ghost didn't speak, but looked at Xu Huaixiu's dark and serious eyes, her brows were full of seriousness, her tone was natural and firm, and for some reason, there seemed to be slight ripples in her heart.

"I have no choice. Since I want to be free, I can only choose to trust you temporarily." The female ghost shook her head.

Xu Huaixiu nodded: "Be very cautious, it should be like this, I hope that during this period of time we can know everything and talk endlessly, no matter for you or me, it is the best, I will reach the state of possession as soon as possible, and I can pay back as soon as possible. You are free."

The female ghost had already agreed to Xu Huaixiu, so she naturally fulfilled her promise, she said, "Naturally."

"Before, Eunuch Li said that I am in the realm of ghosts and immortals. What does it mean to have the secret of the womb?"

A trace of sarcasm rose from the corner of the female ghost's mouth: "This old man, he missed his point!"

"You know Eunuch Li?" Xu Huaixiu was surprised.

The female ghost didn't explain, but instead asked: "Is the emperor Li Hongde now?"

"You mean the first emperor Hongde? The current Emperor Shengjun is his fourth son."

"He's dead? Impossible, how could this treacherous villain die!?" The female ghost's expression suddenly became agitated, her eyes filled with resentment.

There is a story, Xu Huaixiu squinted her eyes, even if she asked the female ghost, she probably wouldn't tell.

He just said: "I don't know about this, the rumor is that Emperor Hongde has passed away for many years."

The female ghost seemed to think of something: "Before you said that you didn't know about Yangshen's cultivation, why is that, you've never heard of it?"

Xu Huaixiu shook his head: "Discussing this kind of discussion is going to be decapitated in Dali, so naturally I don't know."

"He was beheaded." The female ghost was startled, and then the sneering smile on the corner of her mouth became even wider: "I didn't expect him to do this. It's really a good way. It seems that the country of Dali is already very stable."

"Who are you? You know Emperor Hongde and Eunuch Li. What kind of grievances do you seem to have?" Xu Huaixiu asked tentatively.

The female ghost just looked a little sad, and then explained: "When you reach the ghost fairy realm, you can break the barrier of life and death, and you can take the body and rebirth, or you can be reincarnated. A good way, but autopsy reincarnation will have a mystery in the fetus, will lose all memory, and wake up at a certain stage of age."

"The other way is rebirth by seizing the body, which is limited by the body, and has many disadvantages. Rebirth by seizing the body also has the mystery in the womb, but this kind of mystery in the womb, only when the body is seized, the soul is weak to a certain extent , In order to succeed in seizing the body, I will choose to voluntarily lose my memory and practice, if there is no one to help, I am afraid that because of seizing the body and dying, the soul will dissipate!"

"So that's it!" Xu Huaixiu nodded, with a flash of understanding in his eyes.

That's why Eunuch Li thought that he was a ghost and immortal, breaking the barrier of life and death, but because he was injured by a martial arts master in the palace, and his spirit was weak, in order to protect his life, he chose the life-saving method with the biggest disadvantage of rebirth!

"Thank you, female ghost... aunt... uh"

Halfway through speaking, Xu Huaixiu was speechless.

The female ghost's pretty face was frosty, her beautiful eyes were sullen, and she seemed to be talking again.

"Are you... polite?"

(End of this chapter)

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