Chapter 78 Taoism!

The one inside the sedan chair is the majestic Princess Dali, who is no more noble than an imperial envoy, not to mention that she is also going to Hanzhou, saying that she is traveling all the way, how do we know what the Holy Majesty thinks, maybe this trip to Hanzhou, the princess The identity that plays in it is unusual.

And I also know that the princess went to Taixuanmen to practice since she was a child. I heard that the martial arts are strong, and it is rumored that she is now in the realm of a grand master. When she arrives in Hanzhou, if the princess is in charge, it may go well. This is not something you and I can worry about. The duty of the two of us is only to escort the grain and grass, and it’s fine if we get to the place. There is no need to worry about the extra things! "

Hearing Commander Wang's words, Commander Li pondered for a moment, but also, he thought too much.

Looking for a job in his position, I am just a food escort officer. The winter drought in Hanzhou is severe, and the people are starved of food. It's no big deal, and now it's thankful that the food can be safely sent to Hanzhou.

"By the way, if Eunuch Gui and Master Jiang are both dead, do we need a letter of divorce and send someone to the capital to inform His Majesty!" Commander Wang said.

Commander Li nodded: "Of course it must be like this!"

"In this way, when we find a place to camp and rest at night, I will write a letter and send someone back to Kyoto to send a letter to see how His Majesty arranges it."

Commander Wang nodded: "That's very good. Now that the princess is here, should we go to greet her and see how the princess will arrange her follow-up?"


The two rode to the rear carriage.

Commander Wang and Commander Li clasped their fists together and said loudly: "My ministers see Your Royal Highness the Princess!"

Princess Anning in the carriage heard it, and her voice was weak: "What's the matter?"

"Your Highness, I am very sad that Eunuch Gui and Lord Jiang have suffered a tragic accident, but the two adults have done their duty in order to escort the grain and grass. I admire them very much, but although the two adults are gone, the disaster situation in Hanzhou It still needs to be resolved, since Her Highness the Princess is here, she naturally wants to preside over the overall situation, and I want to obey the Princess' arrangements, what should we do next?"

Princess An Ning frowned, thinking of this mess, Xiao Guizi was not there, she was immediately upset, wouldn't she have to take care of it herself.

What's next?

What else could it be?

I haven't been to Hanzhou yet, and I don't know how the disaster situation in Hanzhou is?

"Hurry up first, wait until you arrive in Hanzhou, see the local officials in Hanzhou, and the disaster situation in Hanzhou, and then make plans." Princess Anning said.

"It's the princess, I obey the arrangement!"

Immediately, the two rode back and returned to the front of the team.

Commander Wang shouted: "Take care of me, we have important positions, and we shoulder the life and death of the people of Hanzhou. The food is their life. There may be many dangers along the way. The previous incident is a lesson for the past. The two adults died in order to protect the food and grass, and we must work hard to get to Hanzhou as soon as possible, so that we can relax as soon as possible!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Everyone responded.

"Okay, let's continue on our way!"


Xu Huaixiu was not in a hurry, and occasionally paused in the rear. Now that he had the ability to fly in the air, his speed was not uncomfortably fast. After a while, he would catch up and keep a certain distance.

After the surprise at the beginning, Jiao Baobao had already fallen into a calm state, lying quietly on top of Xu Huaixiu's head and sleeping soundly.

Xu Huaixiu sat on the tree and began to study the things he got from this Jiaobao.

Xu Huaixiu looked back at the Great Dragon Scripture after reading it, and immediately felt it was amazing. The profound meaning of this scripture is very high, and it contains the phantom of a real dragon. Not to mention that although the profound meaning of this scripture is high, it seems to be too aimed at the snakes. If you practice enlightenment, your practice speed will be faster, and falling into the hands of ordinary people can only be regarded as ordinary.

Xu Huaixiu had practiced the Motuo Soul Refining Sutra and the Zangluo Sutra, and now he has read the Great Dragon Sutra.

Now I have a new understanding, most of the methods of cultivation of the soul are to increase the strength of the soul, and the scriptures in it are all the profound meaning of the soul from the method of the sun god projected into it, to help the practitioners understand.

If the person who taught this scripture has a high level of cultivation, your speed of comprehending this scripture will naturally be faster. Not only that, but also your understanding of the soul will be reflected in it.

These scriptures have different understandings of the soul, and now comparing the three, Xu Huaixiu understands more about the soul, and has a lot of thoughts in his heart.

Now his soul is increasing day by day, becoming more and more powerful. Of course, compared with the conventional soul, there is some golden light flowing in his soul. This is the Confucianism and Taoism passed down by Yisheng when he was in the palace. He was absorbed and refined. At present, Xu Huaixiu has seen that the strength of his soul has indeed increased a little, but the rest has not changed much.

Regardless of these for the time being, he saw that this Taoist technique was too empty to catch the dragon's claw.

Now that he is in the realm of repelling objects, he can already practice Taoism. Before that, he was still troubled about where to get the method of Taoism. Now this baby dragon has been delivered to him.

The so-called Taoism is just another method of using the soul.

Xu Huaixiu studied it carefully, and a moment later, a huge dragon claw handprint suddenly appeared in the void, but it disappeared after a short time.

This is because Xu Huaixiu is not yet proficient, and when he is proficient, he will be able to perform this Taoism more and more like a fish in water.

He looked at the Divine Illusion Technique and Yunyujue again.

To Xu Huaixiu's surprise, these two are also Taoism in a strict sense.

It's just that the magic illusion is an illusion method for the soul to work, just like the baby jiao turned into a dragon before, this is the use of the magic illusion.

As long as you want to, you can transform into various virtual appearances to confuse others. If you look at it purely from the appearance, it doesn’t matter what you transform into. Below it can simulate the aura of a master with a higher cultivation base.

For example, if Xu Huaixiu used the illusion technique and said that he was in the realm of appearance, many people would believe him.

This is a good thing, it can save lives at critical moments.


As for another cloud and rain decision.

Also a good thing.

This method of Taoist soul movement is very special. If it is controlled properly, it can affect the weather in a moment of space and turn into clouds and rain. This is just that there is a huge power of soul in this overwhelming cloud and rain. If it touches it, it can kill people. Kill the enemy!
Xu Huaixiu understood after a little thought. This is just like the artificial rainfall in his previous world. This spirit technique can capture elements such as hydrogen and oxygen in the space to make rainwater, incorporating the power of spirit.

Xu Huaixiu thought carefully, according to the description on this Taoism.

In an instant, within a range of [-] meters, the sky was instantly covered with dark clouds, and then wisps of raindrops began to fall.

Xu Huaixiu did not integrate the power of the soul, it really fell here like rain.

With a move in his heart, Xu Huaixiu melted into his soul!

Puff puff puff!

With the integration of spirit and soul, the rain seemed to be poisonous, and the flowers, plants and trees on the ground began to wither in a moment.

This is the result of hurting their spirits, that is, their spirits!
(End of this chapter)

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