Chapter 80 Explained
"Your Excellency, don't worry, the people you send are trustworthy. Wait a minute, maybe the speed of the carriage transporting food and grass is not slow, and it may take a little time between them." Master Wu laughed.

Wang Lian nodded, it was the only way for now.


The next day, the horse-drawn carriage that escorted the food and grass moved forward a lot, and many people had come out of their grief, saying that it was grief, but it was just the shadow of the previous emergency. , but how much has nothing to do with them.

Only Princess Anning in the carriage was still in a depressed mood. After waking up, she called Xiao Guizi, but no one around her agreed.

Only then did she remember that the little osmanthus had probably been eaten.



"Commander Li, Commander Wang!"

Calls came from the rear of the carriage, not too close, Xu Huaixiu directly used the Buddhist lion's roar.

Princess An Ning's eyes twitched, and she said to herself, "Did I hear Xiao Guizi call me just now? I'm just a little eunuch. If I die, I'll die. I'm actually hallucinating, hey."


Commander Li's voice came from next to his ear.

Several horses stomped towards the back of the carriage, followed by a surprised sound from outside the carriage.

"Eunuch Gui?" This was Commander Li's voice, and Princess Anning was surprised: "Eunuch Gui? Little Guizi?"

"Is Xiao Guizi still alive?"

Hearing this, Princess An Ning immediately poked her head out of the car window, looked behind, and suddenly found a figure running towards her in the distance, it was Xiao Guizi.

Her eyes lit up, and she couldn't help showing a smile on her face, she waved her hands and shouted, "Xiao Guizi!"

Then he quickly got off the carriage and stood beside Commander Li and Commander Wang who were riding on horseback.

The entire convoy was also amazed, looking at the figure in the distance.

Commander Wang was also very surprised: "Eunuch Gui is safe and sound?"

Xu Huaixiu came running wildly, shouted at Commander Wang and Commander Li, then turned to Princess Anning and said, "Your Majesty, Your Royal Highness."

"Xiao Guizi, what's the matter with you, why are you still alive? Didn't you get captured by the real dragon? The loss-making princess was still sad for a while, but now you ran back in peace, what happened!?" Princess Anning The words popped out of his mouth word by word like a cannonball.

Commander Li also said: "That's right, Eunuch Gui, we all thought that something happened to you. We have already repaired a letter last night and sent people back to the capital. I'm afraid His Majesty will know the news that you have passed away, Eunuch Gui."

"Hey, Eunuch Gui, what about Mr. Jiang, since you are fine, didn't Mr. Jiang and Eunuch Gui were taken away by some real dragon and master from Zhenlongzhai? Why didn't Mr. Jiang come back?" After looking and looking, he didn't see Jiang Yuandao, so he asked immediately.

"Jiang Yuandao? I'm afraid he won't be able to come back. I don't know how happy he is to have so many small animals with him now." Xu Huaixiu thought to himself, and said with a wry smile: "You all have a lot of questions. In this way, let's go on the road first, and I will explain to everyone on the way?"

Seeing what Xu Huaixiu said, although they were puzzled, they still nodded: "That's it, then okay!"

In order to listen to the story, Princess Anning simply stopped riding in a carriage and rode a horse instead.

"Quick, Xiao Guizi, let's talk about it now, what exactly happened and how you escaped." Princess Anning asked, never mentioning Jiang Yuandao's affairs.

The other two commanders also looked at Xu Huaixiu, waiting for the latter's answer.

Xu Huaixiu said: "Speaking of it, it's a fluke. The real dragon is really powerful. He took the two of us into a village called the real dragon village. It's full of monsters. It's very scary. Mr. Jiang and I were arrested Locked in a house, they originally planned to kill them the next day and sacrifice to their clansmen, but maybe they felt that Mr. Jiang and I were really insignificant, too weak, they were very relaxed at night, and they were all whistling. In a deep sleep, Mr. Jiang and I found an opportunity in the middle of the night and escaped from it... It's just a pity that, about half an hour after we fled, there were monsters chasing us. In order to distract our attention, Mr. Jiang Force, the soldiers were divided into two groups, and I saw the monster capture Mr. Jiang from a long distance... I was lucky and hid, and I escaped completely after a few hours after the monster left. Chasing you, Mr. Jiang is really out of luck!"

Speaking of this, Xu Huaixiu sighed, with a faint sadness on his face.

Commander Wang and Commander Li looked at each other, and one of them said, "Eunuch Gui is still alive, thanks to His Majesty's blessing, Mr. can only blame bad luck."

Princess Anning looked dissatisfied: "That's it?"

Xu Huaixiu looked puzzled: "What does the princess mean?"

"I said you just ran out that easily. Nothing dangerous happened. You had a fierce fight with that monster. You got into a big fight, and you escaped with extreme danger!" said the princess.

Xu Huaixiu was helpless: "Your Highness, isn't this dangerous? If the slave's luck is a little bit unlucky, he will be the same as Mr. Jiang. I'm afraid we will never see the princess again."

An Ning looked contemptuously: "What is this dangerous? There was no fight between the two sides. Xiao Guizi, you are so cowardly. Hey, you are an eunuch after all. You lack courage. If I was there at the time, I was desperate. Difficulty, we must make a move, fight against the real dragon, let it see how powerful this princess is."

Commander Li and Commander Wang twitched their mouths while listening, thinking of the scene where Eunuch Gui and Lord Jiang were taken away, if it was true what Princess Anning said, she should have acted then.

Thinking of this, the two shook their heads.

"Princess, Eunuch Gui, please talk, we will go ahead and lead the way." After finishing speaking, the two drove forward directly without communicating with them.

"Xiao Guizi, do you really have nothing to hide from me?" Princess Anning narrowed her eyes, staring closely at Xu Huaixiu.

Xu Huaixiu's heart skipped a beat, and he said, "How dare the servant lie to the princess no matter what the princess says."

"Hmph, sorry you don't dare. I'm tired. The princess is back in the carriage. It's all your little eunuch who caused me to be sad for a while and mentally exhausted. If you don't take good care of the princess in the future, I will have you accepted."

After speaking, Princess Anning immediately got off the carriage.

Xu Huaixiu said from behind: "Princess, don't worry, I will do my best."

"Damn Xipi, what a shrew. If it wasn't for my situation being lower than others, I, Xu Huaixiu, would not be angry with you. Hey, I still have to practice as soon as possible to solve the problem of Gu poison, stay away from the palace, stay away from Eunuch Li, stay away from this Shrew!" Xu Huaixiu thought to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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