Chapter 83
"This... everything is arranged by the eldest brother!" Another person said.

Xu Huaixiu squinted his eyes slightly, and took a look at the crossbows and bows in their hands. They were indeed well-made, the patterns and patterns, and the equipment used were not ordinary things, and even a congenital martial artist could injure them.

It's just that I don't know who the few people they are talking about are in their village?
Xu Huaixiu's heart moved and he had an idea.

Immediately sacrificed the Jade Embryo Sword and decided to make a quick decision.

call out!
A flash of light flashed across quickly, heading straight for those people.

not good!

Originally, several people were talking, when they saw a flash of light, they were horrified.

"Fire arrows!"

This action instantly caused a commotion among these people, and they all saw the galloping streamer.

The bow, arrow and continuous crossbow were fired immediately.

In the Jade Embryo Sword, Xu Huaixiu could feel the fiery energy of the crossbow and arrow, as if it contained the murderous intent and blazing heat of a martial arts master.

"What is this build that is so powerful?" Xu Huaixiu's heart shuddered, and his soul was concentrated at the moment.

The arrows of the Liannu collided with the Jade Embryo Sword, and only stopped for a moment. The Liannu flew out to other places, and the Jade Embryo Sword continued to move forward.

The pupils of a few people shrank, and they were shocked!

How can it be!

"This is a master who has practiced the Yang Shen method, run!"

Puff puff!
Xu Huaixiu directly pierced through several people. The power of this Jade Embryo Sword cannot be resisted by a few martial artists.

Without the slightest hesitation, he shot and killed almost all of them, leaving only one of the rough men.

In an instant, most of the brothers next to him died directly, and now the rough man had a face full of fear.

The Jade Embryo Sword was suspended in front of the rough man, motionless, so frightened that the rough man didn't dare to move.

"Great Immortal, spare me!" the rough man begged for mercy.

"Say, who told you to rob here!" Xu Huaixiu's voice came from the Jade Embryo Sword.

"I said, can the Great Immortal spare my life!" The rough man's face turned pale, his forehead was sweating, and he regretted endlessly. He didn't expect a master of Yang Shenfa to come out suddenly, and directly wiped them out.

"Okay, tell me, I won't kill you!" Xu Huaixiu said.

"Yes... it's the six or seven people who came to our village in seven or eight hours. They asked us to surround the government's escort team for food and grass. It's up to them to decide what to do. After it's done, they will promise us some good things that can improve our strength. !"

"Oh? Where is your house?"

The brutish man hesitated for a moment, and said it directly.

"Very good!" Xu Huaixiu's voice came.

The brutish man was about to speak.

The Jade Embryo Sword directly pierced his forehead, and the opponent stared, already dead and unable to die again!

In the rear, Wan Liju has already arrived here carrying Xu Huaixiu's body.

Xu Huaixiu's soul returned, and the Jade Embryo Sword was put back into the Zhengqi Jing. He glanced at the corpses all over the floor.

After pondering for a while, with a wave of his hand, he immediately put these corpses into the Zhengqi channel.

These dead things can be released.

He picked up those repeated crossbows and arrows again, touched the materials, and pulled the bowstrings violently.

A crisp sound came out, and there was a faint sound of wind and thunder.

"Sure enough, it's a good thing. It can hurt and kill martial artists, and even innate martial artists!"

Xu Huaixiu showed a smile on his face, and immediately put these things in. The scene was clean, and there were almost no traces of fighting. Even if Commander Li and others came, they could not see any clues.

As for the stockade, and the few people who traded with them...

Xu Huaixiu has an idea in his mind, but he can't act yet.

At the moment, the horse returns.

The team escorting food and grass stopped at the same place, and some people were sitting on the stones and leaves next to them. Commander Wang and others were talking to each other there, when they suddenly heard the sound of horseshoes, they turned their heads and saw Xu Huaixiu, and immediately looked towards this side come over.

Xu Huaixiu rode his horse and came in front of them, pulling the rein this time to stop Wan Liju from moving.

Commander Li smiled and said, "Eunuch Gui, how is the front going?"

Xu Huaixiu said with a smile: "I was worrying too much, let's continue on our way!"

Commander Wang spoke, with a somewhat complaining tone: "Let me just say, nothing will happen, Eunuch Gui, you are too careful, everyone... let's get on the road!"

"Sorry!" Xu Huaixiu smiled without explaining, and returned to the side of the carriage.

"Xiao Guizi, you're back. There's nothing wrong in front of you. It's a fuss. With me, Princess Anning, in charge, what are you afraid of? These robbers dare to come. It's because they feel that they have lived too long. I will definitely let them come and go. !"

"Yes, what the princess said is very true." Xu Huaixiu perfunctory.

"Hmph, of course, this princess is a master of martial arts, she has returned to the original, and has entered the realm of transformation. If she encounters a few robbers, it can only be that they think they are unlucky!" Princess Anning snorted.

Xu Huaixiu ignored it.

Everyone moved forward, and soon came to the dense forest where Xu Huaixiu killed these robbers before.

The forest is dark.

Commander Wang took a look and said with a smile: "Gui Gonggong, look, although this place is suitable for ambushes, look where there are people, even if the robbers saw that we are a government team from a long distance, they scared away early!"

Xu Huaixiu didn't answer, but looked not far away, there were several bloodstains on the leaves, these were the bloodstains left by beheading the robbers.

Everyone continued to move forward, and they walked for about half an hour.

Xu Huaixiu suddenly said: "Your Highness, the servants are going to make things easier. You go first, and I will catch up later!"

Immediately, these words were told to Commander Wang and Commander Li at the same time.

The two nodded, and Princess Anning snorted, "You are a eunuch, you don't even have that thing, why do you still have so much shit?"

Xu Huaixiu was speechless for a while.

Commander Li and Commander Wang looked at each other, feeling a little embarrassed and embarrassed, especially when they looked at Xu Huaixiu with weird eyes.

Some of those people in the crowd were holding back their laughter.

They all knew that the imperial envoy was a eunuch, and that he was not a perfect man, but a lifeless man, so they naturally found it funny, after all, they were all complete and real men.

Xu Huaixiu was angry and helpless.

This shrew was so unscrupulous, he cursed in his heart, when he cultivated to the realm of ghosts and immortals, and was reborn after being reborn, or a master of thunder, he must let this shrew princess taste his power.

What do you mean, kneel down and beg for mercy.

It's not easy for him to express his emotions at the moment, so he just pretended to laugh, and then galloped away.

As Xu Huaixiu left, the whole team burst into laughter instantly.

The same is true for Commander Wang and Commander Li.

Who knew that Princess Anning in the carriage would be furious when she heard the words: "Why are you laughing? This princess thinks that you are not as good as Xiao Guizi. You are bullying and afraid of being tough. That Laoshizi is not good-looking. If you laugh again, this princess will send you all to the palace." !"


The laughter stopped abruptly, and they all felt chills all over their bodies, and their hairs stood on end.

The two commanders also froze their smiles, their faces were embarrassed, and they secretly raised their vigilance in their hearts, this princess is not easy to mess with!

(End of this chapter)

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