Xiao Guizi, are you a eunuch Xiuyang God?

Chapter 85 Demon God Fighting Technique

Chapter 85 Demon God Fighting Technique
Xu Huaixiu didn't hide his clumsiness, visualized the Yin Sun God, Sitting Deer Arhat, and Laughing Lion Arhat, and rushed directly to the man with long and narrow eyes.

The opponent's blood is strong, and his internal organs have long been as hard as iron. He has initially developed a sense of martial arts, and he can sense killing intent very sensitively.

Controlling a long spear in his hand, he criss-crossed among several imaginary Demon God Arhats, fighting inextricably for a while.

The qi and blood of a congenital martial artist is strong after all, Xu Huaixiu is only in the state of repelling things, and his soul is still a little short of resisting this hot blood qi. Soon, some of these great demon gods and arhats began to be crippled after being beaten.

Xu Huaixiu is suspended in the sky, this is the benefit of practicing Yang Shenfa, even if he wants to escape now, if this innate martial artist has no other way, it is very difficult to catch himself if he only relies on himself.

He also just wanted to see how the innate martial artist is, and now he has seen it. Seeing that his several great visualization demon gods are gradually weakening, he did not hesitate at the moment, and directly summoned the Jade Embryo Sword, and then entered the Jade Embryo Sword Among them, it shot towards the long and narrow man.

The long and narrow man's hair stood on end, and he narrowly blocked the ray of light just now, but the spear in his hand shattered into two halves.

Immediately surprised.

"The magic weapon!"

Thinking of this, he was just about to jump, when the Jade Embryo Sword flew towards him with a puff, piercing through his chest in an instant. A person who is a congenital martial artist has a stronger physical body, and the Jade Embryo Sword slowed down slightly, but this This kind of hindrance was only temporary, his chest was still pierced, and he fell off the roof with a plop, his eyes glazed over.

"Big brother!"

Everyone in the room suddenly exclaimed.

The Jade Embryo Sword drew an afterimage in the void, puff puff puff!

Without stopping, they directly penetrated all the people here. Their cultivation base is not advanced, and they cannot resist the power of the Jade Embryo Sword. What's more, they can't see Xu Huaixiu at all.

After a while, there is no one alive in this village.

Xu Huaixiu's soul brought the body to the stockade, and then the soul re-entered the body.

He came to the room, looked at the wooden box on the table, and was not sure what was inside, but he couldn't waste time now, and it's not good to leave for too long, so he started to search a lot. He found a lot of good things in his room, including some silver ingots, jewelry and jade, as well as various weapons, etc. He didn't look at them carefully, and put all of them into his righteousness channel first.

Then he began to search in other places, until he came to a room, Xu Huaixiu heard a faint sound, and immediately opened a partition on the floor, and a staircase appeared.

"It's the cellar, and the sound came from inside?"

Xu Huaixiu walked down slowly, and then suddenly saw that this was actually an underground prison cell, in which many women and children were imprisoned, most of them were young and beautiful women, all of them were covered in ragged clothes and messy hair, obviously they had suffered a lot of humiliation before , It is very miserable, and some people even seem to be delirious and foolish.

When they saw Xu Huaixiu coming in, they huddled together in fright, just whimpered, and didn't dare to make a sound, as if something similar had happened before and they were scared of being beaten, so they didn't dare to make a sound.

Xu Huaixiu stepped forward and said, "Don't be afraid, I'm not a bandit. The bandits outside have already been killed by me. You are all snatched by them!?"

"Ah, no!"

Some people screamed, they were too frightened, and those who were skeptical didn't believe Xu Huaixiu at all, and just stared at him in fear.

Xu Huaixiu sighed, and immediately his soul dispersed, spreading to everyone, comforting them, a soft and peaceful feeling gradually rose in their hearts.

"Don't be afraid, I am indeed not a bandit. I will open the cell door and let you out. You can go out and see for yourself!"

It's useless to say more, Xu Huaixiu immediately punched him, and several prison doors were opened.

Xu Huaixiu didn't stay here, but went up instead. If he continues to be here, these people will only be afraid and dare not come out at all, because they don't believe in Xu Huaixiu.

After a while, Xu Huaixiu stood in the yard, and people gradually came out of the room.

Seeing the corpses of bandits all over the ground in the courtyard, these women were taken aback for a moment, then knelt on the ground and began to cry loudly. It was the relaxation after grievance and endless depression.

Xu Huaixiu sighed, they were all poor people, many of them looked at their clothes, they used to be wealthy families, and they were probably the family members of some merchants on their way, but the bandits in these villages were really hateful, they robbed houses, I don't know how many families were separated.

Xu Huaixiu took out a lot of silver taels from the Zhengqi Sutra and put them in front of them, and then said: "Here are some silver taels, you can divide them up. There are still a lot of horses and clothes in the stockade. You can change into the clothes, and you can ride horses." Those who can ride horses can also carry other people, there is a town not far ahead, there are people from the government, even if you go south, you will not encounter danger, so I will leave first!"

As soon as the words fell, Xu Huaixiu turned around and was about to leave.


Suddenly, a voice sounded, Xu Huaixiu turned her head, and everyone behind her knelt down, grateful.

Xu Huaixiu smiled, waved his hands and turned to leave, then his spirit came out of his body to control his body, and flew directly to the outside. After finding his Wanli horse, he went south on his horse, ready to find Princess Anning and others.

It has been about an hour since he left. According to this journey, Princess Anning and the others have almost arrived in the town, so Xu Huaixiu is not in a hurry. This road is occasionally checked, and the road to the mountain in the town is checked with the soul. Are there any other bandits? Fortunately, the journey was peaceful, but there were no other people.

That's right, bandits occupy the mountains as kings, so naturally they won't tolerate the existence of other bandits in an area, isn't this just stealing customers?


small town.

In a teahouse and tavern, Princess Anning was already sitting in her room, Commander Wang and the others were drinking below, and special people were guarding the food and grass outside.

Outside the window, the sun was setting and the sun was about to set. Princess An Ning snorted coldly in an instant: "This little Guizi, an eunuch, is really a lazy person who poops a lot. It's just for convenience. One hour is an hour, and I haven't followed her until now." Come on, I don’t know why you went there. When you come back, this princess will make you look good. You are a eunuch inside the palace. Outside the palace, you really think of yourself as an imperial envoy. Without this princess, you are still a eunuch !"

The horse neighed, and the horse's hooves fell heavily. Outside the inn, the galloping horse suddenly stopped, and a sound jumped off the horse.

Who else could it be if it wasn't Xu Huaixiu! ?
(End of this chapter)

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