Chapter 91
"What, dead, all dead!"

Shang Shufu.

The night was as deep as water, and in the lobby, a servant knelt down on the ground, telling everything they had found out on the official road, but what they got in return was Wang Lian's surprised expression.

Wang Lian sat down on the chair, his face gloomy like water, very ugly, a congenital martial artist, and several martial arts masters at the level of martial arts, this power is already a bit terrifying, and when encountering something that cannot be solved, and dispatching them, It was just to find out who the nobles who followed to Hanzhou were, but they were wiped out in this way without leaving any one behind.

"Okay, ok, ruthless and merciless!" Wang Lian sneered.

"My lord, I'm afraid that nobleman's cultivation is so high that even the innate martial artist was directly beheaded. His cultivation might be a great master, and even..." the kneeling servant thought.

"Hmph, martial sage?" Wang Lian sneered, and then narrowed his eyes: "Are you a weed when you become a martial sage, but you are just escorting food and grass, and you have to send a martial sage there. Well, even in the entire Dali, there are several martial saints, not to mention, there is General Dongmen, how could the martial saint appear, it is simply ridiculous."

"My lord, what should we do now?" The servant didn't know what to do next, so he had to ask.

Wang Lian calmed down. The people he sent out had accidents one after another. It seemed that he was a little too hasty: "They should have arrived in Hanzhou soon. Jiang Yuandao doesn't know how to send messages. Is it inconvenient? Send messages directly to Those who have no desire to do so, let them contact Jiang Yuandao directly, Jiang Yuandao should have his own rules in his mind, we can't make any more moves, both times, something happened, if they are noticed, it will be a big trouble!"

"Yes, my lord!"


"Eunuch Gui, Hanzhou is in front of you."

The towering city wall in the distance blocked everyone's way. Xu Huaixiu raised his head and saw the two big characters written on the city wall, knowing that Hanzhou had indeed arrived. After so many days of driving, he finally arrived at this place.

The people of Hanzhou had already learned that His Majesty would send imperial envoys to escort food and grass to Hanzhou. They had always sent people to guard the city wall. At this moment, they saw a large number of people spreading towards the rear like a long dragon. , I also knew that this was someone from Kyoto, and immediately sent people to various places in the government to inform the adults of Hanzhou.

At present, before Xu Huaixiu and others came to the city wall, various officials in Hanzhou brought people to the city wall to wait.

Commander Li and the others flashed their badges, the city gate opened, and a group of officials immediately filed out and stood at the gate to greet them.

Xu Huaixiu drove forward to show his identity.

Ding Shangsheng, the governor of Hanzhou and inspector, is a somewhat obese middle-aged man. The flesh on both sides of his cheeks is almost higher than the bridge of his nose. , are waiting for Lord Gui’s arrival, a banquet has been set up in the city, to welcome you, please go.”

The officials next to him also nodded immediately.

Xu Huaixiu sneered in his heart, this winter drought in Hanzhou, how many people can't eat, the hungry are only skinny, looking at these officials, all of them are fat and big ears, with oily faces, it can be seen that the impact of the winter drought on them It's almost negligible. The last time the grain and grass were stolen, I'm afraid it has something to do with the officials in Hanzhou, especially Jiang Yuandao who was stranded in Zhenlongzhai.

But now the most urgent thing is to solve the drought. If he wants to implement it in Hanzhou, he can't directly fall out with these officials. Of course, he, a foreigner, doesn't know about Hanzhou.

Xu Huaixiu nodded, and a group of people gradually walked into the city of Hanzhou.

Because of the drought, the city is not prosperous, and there are hungry people everywhere, without energy, very withered.

Xu Huaixiu sighed, and walked all the way, first arrived at the mansion of the government office, and immediately told the people who followed behind that the grain and grass would be distributed soon, and let them disperse temporarily, and then everyone entered the mansion.

Ding Shangsheng looked left and right, but he didn't see Jiang Yuan. He was already very suspicious. After entering the house, he couldn't help but said: "Mr. Gui, I don't know where Mr. Jiang is. I haven't seen Mr. Jiang so far. , Could it be that Mr. Jiang has fallen behind because of something?"

Xu Huaixiu couldn't help but look sad, and immediately told Ding Shangsheng the cause and effect.

After listening, Ding Shangsheng was stunned and a little surprised: "Master Jiang died in the hands of demons?"

Xu Huaixiu nodded heavily: "That's right, I was lucky enough to escape, but Mr. Jiang...he's really jealous of talents!"

Lord Ding didn't know what he was thinking, but he had a complicated expression on his face. He came back to his senses after a while, and immediately persuaded: "Lord Gui, there is no need to be like this. Lord Jiang is also considered to have made meritorious service in protecting food and grass. If His Majesty finds out, he will reward you."

"Of course, we have passed the letter to His Majesty, and His Majesty will be very pleased if he sees it." Xu Huaixiu said.

"Lord Gui, you have worked hard along the way, you might as well take a rest first, the lower officials have already prepared a banquet tonight, please honor yourselves," Darren Ding said humanely.

Xu Huaixiu nodded: "Alright!"

Everyone was arranged properly and returned to their respective rooms to rest, while the food and grass were specially placed in the backyard.

Commander Li just wanted to go to bed here, and he was really tired from the journey. Now that he saw the bed, he naturally wanted to take a good rest, but at this moment, there was a knock on the door.

He opened the door and saw that it was Xu Huaixiu, he was a little surprised at the moment: "Lord Gui?"

"Go in and talk?" Xu Huaixiu said.

"Master Gui, please come in." Commander Li responded and said immediately.

After entering the room, Commander Li poured tea for Xu Huaixiu. He didn't know why Xu Huaixiu was looking for him suddenly. After sitting down, Commander Li said, "Your Excellency, what do you want from me?"

Xu Huaixiu nodded, and immediately beckoned: "Commander Li, come closer."

Commander Li was a little surprised, but he still leaned over. Xu Huaixiu listened to him and said something in Commander Li's ear, which immediately surprised the latter.

"My lord, are you sure you want to do this?" He really didn't understand what kind of medicine Xu Huaixiu bought in his gourd, but he actually wanted to do this.

Xu Huaixiu nodded: "Commander Li just do what I say, if something happens, I will take it personally."

"This..." Commander Li hesitated immediately.

This matter is no small matter, not to mention that it is a matter ordered by His Majesty himself, if it goes wrong, he and Eunuch Gui will have to move their heads directly!
"Commander Li doesn't trust me?" Xu Huaixiu said.

"Of course not." Commander Li shook his head, thought for a while, and then gritted his teeth: "Since Master Gui said so, I will naturally trust Your Excellency, and I will take care of this matter for Your Excellency."

A smile appeared on Xu Huaixiu's face, and then she stood up and walked out the door.

(End of this chapter)

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