Chapter 95

"My lord, are you drunk?"

In the room, Xu Huaixiu looked very drunk, with sleepy eyes, leaning on Su Hexiang's soft body.


Yu Zhu, a maid in the room, immediately ran over to support Xu Huaixiu's other side, and put Xu Huaixiu on the bed.

"Miss, you are not..."


Just as Yuzhu was about to speak, Su Hexiang stopped her instantly.

Su Hexiang sized up Xu Huaixiu, then smiled like a flower, and said softly: "My lord, you are drunk, can this servant serve you to rest?"

Xu Huaixiu showed drunkenness on his face, and said with a smile, "Okay...Okay."

"My lord, look into my eyes." Su Hexiang said suddenly.

Xu Huaixiu was taken aback, but still looked at Su Hexiang.

In an instant, Xu Huaixiu felt a wave of consciousness rushing into her mind, which was to 'hypnotize' herself.

The Way of the Yang God!

The oiran of Baixianglou in front of me, Su Hexiang, is actually a practitioner of Yang Shenfa, not an ordinary person, something is wrong with this brothel...

Xu Huaixiu pretended to be hypnotized, and fell into a coma in an instant. The spirit had escaped and directly strangled this consciousness.

Seeing Xu Huaixiu falling asleep and completely silent, Su Hexiang said, "Okay, I've already put him to sleep, Yu Zhu, what did you want to say just now?"

"Well... then it's nothing. Just now, Yuzhu wanted to say that the lady hides her identity in Baixianglou. Didn't she never receive guests? Why did she suddenly indirect customers? Since the lady let the adult fall into a deep sleep, Yuzhu didn't feel strange "Yuzhu said.

"I don't want to either, it's just that the governor of Hanzhou and the inspector, the dog officer, insisted on entertaining the imperial envoy, and wanted me to pick up the guests, and gave my mother a lot of silver. Check the news of this imperial envoy, isn't this going straight to the tiger's mouth?" Su Hexiang said.

Xu Huaixiu closed her eyes tightly, listening to Su Hexiang's words on the bed, she couldn't help thinking.

I knew that the inspector was dishonest.

What is the Way of No Desire?
Is it a force colluding with Jiang Yuandao, who wants to rob food.

If so, it seems that this Su Hexiang is not on the same side as the Inspector Ding. What kind of situation is this? Or is it only Jiang Yuandao and Wuyu Dao who have colluded with each other, although the officials below are not a good thing. Food, each embezzling?

Su Hexiang looked at the sleeping Xu Huaixiu and said directly, "I'll use power words to inquire about the dog officer's news later, and you will watch at the door."

"Yes, ma'am."

Afterwards, Yu Zhu walked out and stood at the door.

Su Hexiang sat in front of the window and gently shook Xu Huaixiu's body: "My lord, my lord, wake up, my servant will undress you."

Xu Huaixiu murmured unconsciously, opened her blurred eyes slightly, and smiled: "Undress? Haha, okay."

When Su Hexiang saw this scene, a trace of disgust flashed in her heart. These are the lackeys of the Dali court. They are all full of wine bags and food bags. What a good thing, it looks handsome, what's the use, but it's just a stinky skin with a black heart.

Suddenly, just when Xu Huaixiu looked at him, Su Hexiang's eyes suddenly glowed with lavender, which was very faint, but the whole pupil seemed to be covered with a layer of purple color contact lenses. In the mind of the other party, it exploded with a bang.

The spirit of the other party is extremely powerful, much higher than his, and he is a master of Taoism above the realm of driving things.

Xu Huaixiu's mind was spinning, and he appealed to Zhao Zhaozhao in the scriptures of righteousness.

In the middle of righteousness, in the palace, Zhao Zhaozhao was eating the phantom pastry on his mouth, lying lazily on the reclining chair, curvy and graceful. At this moment, he heard Xu Huaixiu's shouts, but he yawned ignore.

"Miss Zhao!"

"I didn't expect that Ms. Zhao is also a person who doesn't believe her words. She talks back and forth. Forget it. Since Ms. Zhao doesn't want to help, I can only do it for you. At that time, if Ms. Zhao also falls into the other party's hands, then it's no wonder It's online, after all Miss Zhao and I are no longer on the same front." Xu Huaixiu said.

Hearing this, Zhao Zhaozhao suddenly became unhappy, and sat up abruptly: "Fart, my old lady is not a person who reneges on what she says, but a little ghost who shows her body, and dares to act presumptuously in front of me. She is looking for death, little eunuch, you let me go!" Happy God, let me come!"

Xu Huaixiu relaxed his mind at the moment and let Zhao Zhaozhao do what he did. It didn't matter what the other party's reaction was, the important thing was that she made a move.

An even bigger wave of soul poured in, and that rushing into Xu Huaixiu, the power of the soul from Su Hexiang was instantly enveloped by Zhao Zhaozhao, and created an illusion to deceive Su Hexiang.

Xu Huaixiu also cooperated and showed a little confusion.


Seeing this, Su Hexiang thought that her power word technique had succeeded, and immediately began to inquire about the news.

"What's your name, are you the imperial envoy sent to Hanzhou to escort the grain and grass this time?"

"My name is Xu Huaixiu, and I am the imperial envoy sent by His Majesty this time." Xu Huaixiu replied.

"How much food have been transported in total this time, how many martial arts masters are there, what are their cultivation bases, besides this, do you have any other goals?"

Xu Huaixiu still answered without thinking, but the martial arts master concealed part of it.

"There is no other purpose. I arrived in Hanzhou this time only to solve the drought."

"Hmph, is that right? You dog officials are all scumbags. You are also a dog official. It is a good job for you to come to Hanzhou to escort food. You must want to search and earn some money to go back. , If you care about the life and death of the common people, that is ridiculous!"

Hearing this, Xu Huaixiu couldn't help but swear in her heart. This Su Hexiang, a person who has no desire, may have a strong relationship with them in the theft of food and grass last time. Curse yourself as a corrupt official, if you are a corrupt official, then what is she, villain?Thief?Stealing people's food and grass, a thief without the slightest kindness, is it ridiculous?
"The people in Hanzhou are suffering. Your Majesty knows very well that they are worried every day. Although I am an official, I came from a poor family and I care about the people. The reason why Your Majesty sent me to Hanzhou is because he trusted me. The last time the grain and grass were stolen , Your Majesty suspects that Hanzhou is not peaceful, that's why I came here. The reason why I came to Baixianglou to drink with Mr. Ding and the others is just a temporary disguise. I want to see their true colors. The last time the grain and grass were stolen Does it have anything to do with them!"

"If there is, I will report it to His Majesty in time. If not, this time the food and grass must be distributed to every commoner, so that it cannot fall into the hands of thieves!"

(End of this chapter)

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