I cultivate immortality by guarantee

Chapter 1 1.3 years and 3 years, it's been years, I'm really a waste!

Chapter 1 1. Three years and three years, it's been ten years, I'm really a waste!
Fuluo Mountain, Shangqingzong, Xiaoqingfeng.

Xiaoqing Peak is the residence of the outer sect disciples of the Shangqing Sect.

From top to bottom.

The aura of heaven and earth is the most abundant on the top of the mountain, where the most powerful outer disciples live.

The spiritual energy on the mountainside is slightly thinner, and there are talented outer disciples living there.

"Traveling through another world, practicing penance for ten years"

Lu Huan stood with his hands behind his back, his green shirt moved lightly, and he raised his head to look up at the endless sky, and let out a leisurely voice.

"It's nothing."

He lives at the foot of the mountain.

You need talent but no talent, you need strength but no strength.

Capturing the stars and the moon, and crossing the void belong to others, and he has a beautiful skin.

Lu Huan traveled through time, and had to live a new life, so he was naturally unwilling to be unknown.

He knew that many sects would look for geniuses in the world of mortals and take them as the arrogance of heaven, and they deliberately showed their excellence since childhood.

Born to know it, he can read a thousand characters at the age of one, recite poems and proses at the age of three, make decisions to rule the country at the age of five, and establish martial arts at the age of seven.

Not only smart, but also ambitious.

He once pointed to the big mulberry tree in the courtyard and said, if I were Emperor Qing in his year, I would use it as a canopy.

Good character and disposition are rare in the world.

Lying on the ice in the winter, catching carp for the old father.

Get up every day when you hear the cock crowing, practice martial arts and study, day and night.

There is no prejudice against beggars and idlers. If there are merits, he must be called a teacher.

Many major sects sent people here, and even heard about some hermit inheritances. Princess Liyang even visited the thatched cottage three times to invite her to be an official in the court, almost seven years old.

All in all, head-to-head.

In the end, Lu Huan chose Shangqingzong.

It is said that the Shangqing sect inherited the true Taoism of the ancient times.

Even leaving aside the secrets behind the scenes, the Shangqing Sect is also the top sect. After countless years, there are like clouds among the sect's strongest.


Afterwards, Lu Huan did not show any other differences again. His talent in practice cannot be said to be mediocre, but not at all.

In the beginning, there were still some elders who paid close attention to him in private, but as time went by, they gradually disappeared from everyone.

"I was born in this world for seventeen years, and I have been worshiped in the Xianzong of the Shangqing for ten years. How can I refine my energy to the ninth level!"

"It must be some old bastard who didn't want others to be good, and pulled out the big mulberry tree of Lao Tzu's Dongcang Liwu. His thoughts were not clear, his ambitions failed, and he was backlashed by karma, and encountered immeasurable disasters!"

Lu Huan clasped his middle finger to the sky and folded his arms around his chest.

In fact, just yesterday, Princess Liyang came to visit again, looked around the thatched cottage, and invited him to be an official in the court.

Still be the prime minister.

I didn't pay homage to the prime minister at the age of seven, and it's not too late to do so at the age of 17.

After ten years of practice, it is hard to beat, but the character and wisdom that Lu Huan has shown in these years are still the best in the world.

The government decree proposed at the age of five has already been very effective, and Liyang is extremely powerful.

Lu Huan didn't agree.

Those who cultivate immortality, whoever has the biggest fist is the best.

The strong stand high above and overlook all living beings, while the weak are nothing more than ants, whose lives are worthless!

Being an official is so tiring. Restricted by secular etiquette and laws, you have to pay for the bride price when you get married!
It's still refreshing to cultivate immortals and be at ease. There are not many Taoist companions, and two are too few!

"Shangqing sect rules, if you can't advance to the inner sect, you have to go down the mountain by yourself."

"I live at the foot of the mountain, half of my feet are outside the mountain."

"There is only one month left, and after one month, the other half of the foot has to be stepped out!"

After ten years of practice, nine levels of Qi refining, many people don't know what this concept is.

We generally use two words to describe it, trash.

Da Neng of the sect went out for a stroll, picked up an orphan at random, and after ten years of practice, he had almost established his foundation.

What about Lu Huan?Qi refining nine layers, stunned can not break through!
"It's sad and deplorable." Lu Huan shook his head slightly: "It seems that although this world is big, it can't accommodate a supreme being."

Three years and three years, it has been ten years, he is really a waste.
I can only go to the mortal dynasty and be a prime minister with one person under ten thousand.


Lu Huan's mind suddenly flashed, and a line of gold-plated characters was reflected in front of his eyes.

[Fifty avenues, forty-nine in Tianyan, one of human escape]

Then three strands of golden flames appeared in his eyes.

"Fuck, life lamp?"

Everyone, no matter whether they step into the path of practice or not, has three lamps of life, which are the three lamps of heaven, earth, and human beings, and are the foundation of the body.

But this thing is invisible.

A giant and powerful person, such as the suzerain of Shangqingmen, can't see it.

Lu Huan saw it.

Moreover, those twelve big gilt characters were also integrated into one, and melted into the lamp of life.

"Talent? Supernatural power? Or spell?"

Lu Huan digested the things in his mind and felt that this thing was similar to talent.

He was able to intercept a glimmer of life.

To put it bluntly, there are only three things. If you fail three times in everything, after the three life lights are on, try the fourth time and you will succeed.

such as
Lu Huan let out a soft drink.

"Sword come!"

Only in the foundation building period can imperial objects be achieved. Lu Huan has nine levels of Qi refining, but the sword did not come.

But the sky lights came on.

Lu Huan whistled.

"The sword comes again!"

The sword did not come, and the floor lamp was on.

Lu Huan stretched out his hand to quote:
"Will Sword Love Come?"

The sword still didn't come, and the human lamp was also on. The three lamps in front of him were the only lights in the dark night.

Impossible, the only possibility, between heaven and earth, the only vitality.

"Heaven did not give birth to me, Lu Huan, the way of swordsmanship is like a long night, sword. Come!"


San Deng was dejected, a sword came from the hut at the foot of the mountain, pierced through the clouds and the sun, pierced through the sky, and landed firmly in Lu Huan's hands without taking a single fallen leaf.

Lu Huan used his sword to carve a chrysanthemum on the tree trunk beside him, feeling a bit awesome.

"But there are also some shortcomings."

such as
"The gold and iron in the world are all under my lord! Come with the sword!"

Lu Huan spat out a mouthful of blood, his energy and blood were exhausted, and his whole body was sluggish.

It's okay to use your own sword, but it's not okay to use someone else's sword. The cause and effect are too big, and he can't afford it now.

"Sure enough, you can't make money from this."

Lu Huan adjusted his breath and blood, smashed his mouth:

"I thought time-traveling was the biggest challenge, but I didn't expect to add another challenge, break through the realm first, enter the inner door, and then prove the Supreme."

After finding out that he was cheating, Lu Huan immediately made a plan.

With his current state, he can break through, but the success rate is very low and the price is very high.

But with the lamp of life and the guarantee, if you fail three times, you will succeed.

In other words, as long as you ensure to resist the consequences of three failures, and then make a fourth breakthrough, you will definitely succeed!

Qi and blood pill!
As the name suggests, it is a elixir that increases qi and blood and slightly enhances the physique.

The lowest-quality Ninth Grade Qi and Blood Pill is also a panacea for all diseases in the eyes of ordinary people.

But in Shangqingzong's Fangshi, you can buy it for only one hundred spirit stones.


"Unfortunately, I am a free and easy person, and I have never liked things outside of me."

Lu Huan was deeply sorry that he didn't have 100 yuan.

The Ninth Grade Qi and Blood Pill is probably not enough, and if you want to resist the price of three failed breakthroughs, you have to get an eighth grade Pill.

The eighth-rank Qi and Blood Pill has been directly multiplied by five times, five hundred spirit stones, there are quite a lot in the inner door, but not in the outer door.

"If you want to play, play with the big one"

The ninth grade is too expensive, the eighth grade is even more expensive, Lu Huan plans to get a fifth grade.

A senior sister in the inner sect was seriously injured, and it was the elder who personally refined a fifth-grade qi and blood pill, which saved her life.

Qi and Blood Pill is a fairly basic medicine, but it is not a treasure that can be measured by spirit stones when it reaches the fifth grade.

That's a life saver!
Don't look at the senior sister who saved her life with the fifth-grade qi and blood pill, but it was not without a price. After recovering, she forcibly worked for the alchemy elder for three years, with dark circles under her eyes every day, and a lack of sleep. Bald.

So it can be seen how high the value is!
"Go to Fangshi, the fifth-grade qi and blood pill, I, Lu Huan, will be a prostitute!"

(End of this chapter)

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