I cultivate immortality by guarantee

Chapter 22 22. The road to breakthrough and practice of stealing the sky has widened!

Chapter 22 22. The road to breakthrough and practice of stealing the sky has widened!
Back at the hut at the foot of Xiaoqing Peak, Lu Huan practiced behind closed doors.

It was only half a month before the competition at the outer sect. Although Elder Gou had already guaranteed that he could enter the inner sect, he still had to do the face-saving work that should be done.

Even if it's a match-fixing match, the audience should have fun watching it!

If you can take the opportunity to play a ruthless hand in the big competition and seriously injure a few, so that those outer disciples have to spend a lot of money to buy pills to restore their injuries, wouldn't it be that they helped their master and made a fortune before getting started? ?
After all, Wuzhi Ding has been obtained, and Lu Huan still understands the principle of reciprocating.

Anyway, whatever went into Elder Gou's pocket, sooner or later he would have to take it out.

Lu Huan sat cross-legged.

The third grade Wugou Qi and Blood Pill was taken out and swallowed in one gulp.

Without even looking at it for a few moments, the Wugou Pill, which is extremely rare in the eyes of others, can produce energy after opening it, just vomit more blood.

After taking the pill, Lu Huan's body trembled slightly, and his whole face turned red immediately. He felt as if something hot had flowed into his body, and the thick medicinal power spread out and melted into his limbs.

"Stealing the secret!"

Lu Huan wants to use the power of medicine to practice the art of stealing the sky.

While waiting for the potency to evaporate, he re-read everything related to the Stealing Heaven Art in his mind.

"Take the principle of stealing the sky and changing the sun, create this method, and steal a sliver of hope of becoming an immortal."

The effect of Wugou Baodan was fully exerted, he immediately activated the exercises, and a large amount of spiritual energy was attracted, along the pores of the whole body, instilled into the limbs and bones, continuously washing the sea of ​​energy in the dantian and the seven chakras, the spiritual energy surged, It's like a vast ocean, flowing continuously!


Suddenly a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Sky lanterns, light up!

"This stealing trick is not as difficult as imagined?!"

Lu Huan frowned. Judging from the difficulty of practicing Stealing Heaven Jue and the price of failure, an ordinary fourth-grade Qi and Blood Pill was enough to pay the price of his three failures, and he was successfully introduced.

But the one in his mouth is a third-grade Wugou Qi and Blood Pill, which is close to the potency of a second-grade pill, and the potency overflows too much, and it is not worthwhile to lose too much.

And there is the most crucial point.

Ordinary people's practice, ranging from severed meridians, to madness, to death on the spot or exploding body, so the disciples of the outer sect break through, and the elders and kings of the outer sect will protect the Dharma.

This Stealing Heaven Art is not difficult enough, what if you are lucky and practice normally, half of the tendons are broken?
Then Qi and Blood Pill can't make up for it, and it's safer to vomit more blood.

Lu Huan is very clear about how to use the hang, relying on his extremely poor talent, coupled with deliberate practice, and extremely difficult exercises. If the meridians are not broken in time, he will fail, and the body will explode before it is too late. , it failed, and it was too late to be possessed by the fire, and it failed.

Fail three times, get a guarantee, and intercept a chance of survival, isn't it easy!

"Sure enough, it needs to be more difficult."

Lu Huan rubbed his chin, pondering a thing or two:
"Just practice backwards!"

It is not uncommon for the predecessors to practice reverse exercises.

But out of ten monks who came up with such ingenious ideas, five went mad and four became mad.

But the more Lu Huan pondered, the more feasible he felt, clapping his hands suddenly:
"I'll tell you something's wrong!"

"This technique is too stingy!"

"Digital cultivating skills, stealing and stealing, the road is narrow!"

"Still secretly stealing a chance to become a fairy, sneaking around the villain, this deity is so lucky to be born, and Chaos has to take a chance from this deity to open up the world!"

"Must practice against it, change its name to Kaitian Jue!"

Restoring the skills is equivalent to drawing cards and changing the card pool. Naturally, the guarantee has to be recalculated, and the sky lantern is extinguished.

Lu Huan doesn't care, there are many medicines.

He closed his eyes, lay down straight, and put the secret of stealing the sky upside down in his mind.


A mouthful of blood was spurted out suddenly, and the sky lantern was lit.

Lu Huan opened his mouth, and a stinging smell of blood came out. If it weren't for the Wugou Pellet filled with blood, half of his life would have been lost with this blow.

But he couldn't help but:

"That's how it feels, right!"

The more serious the injury and the more he vomited blood, the more powerful the kung fu was.

"Come again!"


A mouthful of blood was spurted out suddenly, Wugou Baodan quickly replenished blood, and the ground lamp lit up accordingly.


This time Lu Huan slowed down for a while, his body couldn't hold on anymore.

Opened another bottle of Qixue Pill and took it: "Every time is more powerful, fortunately there is enough Qixue Pill."

By the way, before the pill room left, Elder Gou gave him all the pills, and opened them for backup.


Without practice, Lu Huan vomited blood this time from the bottom of his heart.

He thought that Elder Gou found out with conscience and gave him a bunch of good pills. When he opened them, seven out of ten were empty, and the remaining three, one bottle of bad pills, one bottle of pill residue, and one bottle of good pills left.

"It has to be saved."

Lu Huan was speechless for a while, if he hadn't made a Wugou Pellet by himself, at most he would have learned the art of opening the sky this time, and he would never even think about breaking through the realm.

Practice continues.


With an unremarkable mouthful of blood, the human lamp lit up.

Lu Huan was used to it.

the fourth time!
Half a stick of incense time passed.

No poof.

Lu Huan exuded a violent aura, and his hair danced wildly.

The tables, chairs and benches in the house are all suspended in the air.

After a while, this aura was huge to the extreme.

Lu Huan himself was also suspended in mid-air!

Lu Huan, who was in mid-air, suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were slightly bright, and the art of opening the sky was successful!

"It turned out to be this kind of practice"

It's not an exaggeration to say that merit is good fortune.

Lu Huan didn't stay long, took advantage of the powerful medicine, turned around and broke through the realm!
The small goal this time is to get started with the Heaven Opening Art, and to break through from the early stage of foundation establishment to the late stage of foundation establishment!

There are two kinds of practice in the foundation building period, one is the seven chakras, Lu Huan has already opened all seven chakras, so there is no need to think about it, and the other is sitting on the path.

As the name suggests, enlightenment is achieved by sitting. Ordinary people need to sit for a hundred days to break through the realm.
When sitting on the Tao, the heart should not move, the heart will move the breath, and the breath will dissipate the breath. If the vitality is scattered and the foundation is unstable, you have to sit again. Those with less talent will spend many years in vain just sitting on the Tao.

To put it bluntly, it is to spend time and fight for talent.

Lu Huan obviously has neither the time nor the talent, but he has an interest.

Sitting on the road for a hundred days is no longer suitable for him now.

Lie down!

Stand up!


Lu Huan changed hundreds of postures, sat up and down a few times, opened and hung up too fast, and it was done in a while.

Except that he vomited blood as violently as when he was hacking, there was nothing unusual about it.


Suddenly, he spat out a mouthful of blood.

The spiritual energy in Lu Huan's body suddenly surged violently, and his mana was almost uncontrollable, forming a torrent.

But he didn't panic in any way, instead he was surprised.


The spit out blood, congealed but not dispersed, extremely heavy!

It even made a muffled sound when it fell to the ground!
You can see your breath with essence and blood!
Now the aura in his body, as well as the mana transformed from it, have reached the point where they are condensed and pure, and they gather together but never disperse!

It has reached the late stage of foundation establishment!Only one step away, Dzogchen can be achieved!

Still the same sentence, apart from spitting out more blood and the seriousness of the injury, it was extremely relaxing.

There is no embarrassment or obstruction.

There is no boundary shackles at all.

“It's so boring”

Lu Huan showed a look of loneliness.


Suddenly, a voice came from outside the door.

(End of this chapter)

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