I cultivate immortality by guarantee

Chapter 29 29. Attack and kill, spirit and body, no one can match it

Chapter 29 29. Attack and kill, spirit and body, no one can match it




Han Luozhu stared at the red "Ni" character on Lixin's wall, for a long time, without making a sound, until Lu Huan sprayed blood on her clothes again, then she quickly took out the Qi and Blood Pill and gave it to Lu Huan to eat .

Wang Chaoan also came to his senses, and stuffed a handful of pills into Lu Huan's mouth, and then taught him a lesson: "Why do you always make dangerous moves? If you want to win the championship, just carve a few Writing can also get full marks in Lixin, so why erase the engravings of the four generations of suzerains?"

"Based on your current state of mind cultivation, compared with the state of mind of the fourth suzerain at that time, if you are not careful, you will be in danger of going crazy!"

"But I won, didn't I?"

Lu Huan adjusted his breath a little bit, and said with a smile: "The lettering on the mountain wall hinders the development of the tourism industry. It has a pure negative impact. Leave one, and I will give him face."

As he said that, he ran to the bottom of the Lixin Wall, picking up all the way. For thousands of years, there were only nicks on the Lixin Wall, let alone large pieces of peeling stone chips, and there were no small gravels.

That stone chip must be a treasure!
It must be an excellent material to refine the magic weapon. It is almost ready to be used to refine the magic weapon!
After picking up half of them, Lu Huan turned around and yelled at the outer disciples: "What are you doing in a daze? Lixinbi's stone chips are also treasures. Even if they are useless, take them back and keep them A souvenir is also good!"

After finishing speaking, the disciples who were still in a daze for a long time, unable to believe the reality, burst into cheers.

"Senior Brother Lu! Senior Brother Lu!"

"It's unbelievable!"

"It actually peeled off the stone chips, and even erased the lettering of the four generations of suzerain!"

"This means that Senior Brother Lu's state of mind cultivation is the No. 1 in my Shang Qingzong's history!"

"No one can surpass him!"

The outer disciples made shocking voices. They couldn't believe their eyes, but the blood-red "Ni" character and the peeling stone chips on the Lixin wall were too dazzling.

What did Senior Brother Lu say just now?

Let them pick it up? ! !
Part of the stone chips from Lixinbi, good stuff!
Even if it is useless, it can still be used as a souvenir, and when you get old, you can still show it off to your children and grandchildren!

At that time, the suzerains of the Five Dynasties participated in the Dabi Lixin. They tried three times and failed three times. Look at it!
Yes, many people have already considered Lu Huan as the next suzerain candidate in their hearts. Even if his strength is not good, he can drive everyone and illuminate the gloomy fairy road. Such cohesion and popularity are undoubtedly the most powerful. The best suzerain candidate.

Anyway, the Shang Qing sect has practiced the generational suzerain system for many years, so there should be a serious suzerain. After the three generations of suzerains cleaned up the four generations of suzerains who were possessed by demons, they have been in seclusion, and it is estimated that they will not live long.

Without further ado, Li Xin ended and came to attack and kill.

Attacking and killing Dabi is very simple, two-two fights.

According to the performance of the questioning situation and determination, determine how many points the disciple is worth in the attack and kill link.

For example, Pang Qing, who scored [-] points in the realm of inquiry and [-] points in determination, he got [-] points.

Another example is Han Luozhu, who has a zero point in the questioning environment and a ten point in her determination, so she is a ten point.

As for Lu Huan, he scored nine points for asking the situation and one hundred points for determination, making a total of one hundred and nine points.

In the attack and kill, once you win, you can get the opponent's points, but the opponent's points will not be reduced, and the top ten points in the end will enter the inner sect.

In other words, ask the environment and set your mind to ensure the basic disk, and increase the upper limit of attack and kill.

At this time, Wang Teng entered the arena, and no one wanted to fight him. Wenjing and Lixin didn't participate, his personal value was zero, and his cultivation base was terribly high. Whoever fights him is stupid.

The idiot Situ Ji has already met Wang Teng, this guy must have drunk fake wine.

Without saying a word, he suddenly drew his sword out of its sheath and swung it lightly at Wang Teng.

Between heaven and earth, there was a sudden sound of rolling thunder.

This battle has attracted the attention of many people.


"This is Brother Situ's Sword Gang Jue. When the sword comes out, the heavens and the earth shake, and the aura is frightening!"

"Senior brother Situ has been drunk for half a year, and has washed away all his lead. Judging by this momentum, he has probably reached the level of perfect sword power, and it is not far away from sword intent!"

Seeing the momentum of this sword, all the disciples immediately exclaimed.

"I don't know how Senior Brother Wang should respond!"

Many people turned their attention to Wang Teng, with anticipation, Situ Ji was only in the middle stage of foundation establishment, and Wang Teng had already achieved the great perfection of foundation establishment, fused with the bones of Taoism!

What they didn't think of was.

Faced with such a terrifying sword force, Wang Teng stood motionless, as if he was frightened by the sword.

"Why hasn't Senior Brother Wang Teng moved yet? He must have been really frightened!"

"If you don't make a move, it will be too late!"

"He has already lost!"

"Senior brother Situ is amazing this time, senior brother Wang is a paper tiger, and any foundation he builds will be destroyed with a single blow!"

"Sure enough, if you drink too much, you will be awesome!"

Seeing Situ Ji's sword rushing into Wang Teng's body, all the disciples talked and exclaimed.

"Will not……"

Among the inner disciples.

Yang Yu looked at Wang Teng, without any worry in his eyes.

She has already discussed with Wang Teng that she will show thunderous means and suppress everyone.

There is no top ten in this competition, only the first.

Be it Situ Ji, Han Luozhu, Pang Qing, or even Lu Huan, all of them didn't even have the chance to chase after Wang Teng's back.

In full view.

Just when everyone thought Wang Teng was a paper tiger.


A sound of mana explosion suddenly sounded.

The voice was obviously low, but in the noisy environment at the moment, it reached everyone's ears very clearly.

next moment.

In the eyes of countless melon-eaters who were stunned, shocked, terrified, or in disbelief...

A stream of mana condensed like substance, forming a giant palm on Wang Teng's body, rising like a bright sun, the fierce killing breath raged, rushing into the sky, and the sword shadows gathered by the sword gang tactic, Shredded in an instant.

all of a sudden.

All the noise fell instantly, no matter the inner door or the outer door, there was silence!
Countless people froze in place, their faces full of horror.

"This is... the spiritual body?!"

The so-called spiritual body is the embryonic form of the dharma.

Only those with excellent talent and high comprehension can comprehend.

Otherwise, ordinary monks, even if they step into the Nascent Soul or even the Transformation God, they may not be able to cultivate the Dharma.

For example, the finger rocks and big footprints around Wenwen Rock are actually left by Dharma images.

And now.

However, Wang Teng came out of nowhere and displayed his spiritual body.

Even if the spiritual body is just a low-end version of the dharma form, with only one hand, one foot or even a hair of the dharma form, it is not a little monk in the foundation building period. Those who can look up to it already have part of the power of the dharma form!
"I lost!"

Situ Jiwang was wearing white clothes, he was half drunk, the wine gourd on his waist was a little blue, and his demeanor was aloof, like an exiled immortal.

But he still surrendered decisively. Drinking alcohol is easy to get on top of, but as soon as the spiritual body came out, he directly gave up on him.

The voice fell.

The giant palm of the Dao Ling Divine Body directly patted it up.

(End of this chapter)

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