I cultivate immortality by guarantee

Chapter 6 6.39 Mysterious Art, Golden Light Across the Earth

Chapter 6 6. Sanjiu Xuangong, the golden light on the ground

Lu Huan took a step forward, showing a superior demeanor.

Although the two of them were exchanging ideas, it was the situation that Pang Qing originally conceived, but with Lu Huan's appearance, he would not be able to deal with it directly. What's wrong with just entering the foundation?
In the early stage of foundation establishment, even the realm was not stable. How can you be so confident when facing the middle stage of foundation establishment after learning the exercises?

After thinking for a long time, Pang Qing said in a deep voice, "Okay, Senior Brother Lu, please enlighten me!"

"Sword come!"


There was a clear sound.

Lu Huan stroked his palm lightly and held it empty.

An ax came through the air and landed firmly in his hand.

The scene was suffocating for a while.

The melon-eaters were dumbfounded, Senior Brother Lu slammed a sword, they thought they could see something like Wan Jian Chaozong, but they saw an ax instead.


Lu Huan was also silent. This time he didn't open it. Based on his sensitivity to the aura of heaven and earth during the foundation building period, he can control objects without opening it. It seems that his saber is too bad, and it can't gather much aura at all. , unable to echo, not psychic.

Anyway, it must not be the fault of his unstable realm.

"Mother, the forehead is dripping again!"

A handyman disciple ran over cursing, with half of the unsplit wood in his hand.

Lu Huan's expression didn't change, his face was aloof and arrogant, after all, he came here.


The outer disciples who were eating melons all gasped, did senior brother Lu really want to fight the enemy with an axe?

This means that Pang Qing is not even qualified to let Senior Brother Lu draw his sword from its sheath?
But with an ax, will it be too big?
After all, Senior Brother Lu is the one with the lower level!

Holding the ax in his hand, Lu Huan swung the ax and said flatly, "Use the ax."

As long as I'm not embarrassed, others will make up for it.

Axes are indeed not suitable for fighting against enemies, especially those cultivating immortals. The biggest obstacle is that their temperament does not match. White clothes fluttering with a big axe, no matter how you look at it, it is an eyesore.

Moreover, this ax is still a big ax used for chopping old mulberry trees. The width of the ax is bigger than the head. Although the lethality is strong, it is bluffing. If you meet a flexible person, once you make a mistake in the operation, it is easy to be walked as a dog.

The ax is big and useless, it looks extremely sturdy, but it is actually cumbersome.

But the more Lu Huan thought about it, the more he felt that this thing is so useful!
If it works, you won’t be afraid of poor accuracy. If you miss three chops, you will definitely hit the fourth one. Is it better to slash the face with an axe than scraping with a sword?

"Brother Lu, enlighten me!"

Pang Qing cupped his hands, and Lu Huan returned the salute.

The atmosphere was extremely tense, and the breeze became heavy.

Half a stick of incense time has passed.

One stick of incense time passed.

Three sticks of incense time has passed.

Pang Qing's complexion was gloomy: "As expected of Senior Brother Lu, you can see that I am practicing the Sanjiu Xuangong, and you want to waste me by delaying time!"

Before Lu Huan could react, the melon-eating crowd exclaimed.

"Three Nine Profound Arts?"

"The top skill in the door!"

"It is said that after practicing the Sanjiu Xuangong to the top level, after completing the ninth turn, you can strip away all the acquired yin, reveal the innate true yang, and even refine the natural three souls and seven souls, turn the nine turns into one, and the golden core will last forever. The primordial spirit will not be scattered, and the physical body will not be destroyed in a thousand kalpas!"

"Senior brother Pang is so strong? Senior brother Lu has just built his foundation and hasn't had time to practice the exercises yet, so what?"

"It's okay, Senior Brother Lu has seen Senior Brother Pang's Sanjiu Xuangong just now, and the confrontation between the two has consumed a lot of Senior Brother Pang's mana."

"I think Senior Brother Lu already has the chance to win, and he is going to make a move soon!"

There are three thousand roads, but physical training is one.

Disciples of the Shangqing sect, no matter whether they have entered the inner sect or not, as long as they go to Jianji, they can go to Wenyan to choose a skill. Among all the skills of the Shangqing sect, the Sanjiu Xuangong is the ultimate method. Many elders practiced it, and Wang Chaoan practiced the Sanjiu Xuangong.

This is Pang Qing's reliance. Lu Huan just built the foundation. The realms and chakras of the two have their own strengths and weaknesses, but the cultivation methods are different, and they are very different.

Refining qi is just refining qi, turning aura into mana for one's own use, and learning various techniques can truly be called stepping into the immortal way.

However, even though Pang Qing, who had practiced the Sanjiu Xuangong, looked extremely powerful, the outer disciples still gave Lu Huan the most sincere encouragement:
"Brother Lu, come on!"

"Get rid of Senior Brother Pang!"

"Senior brother Lu, try to cut him three ways, it must be a trap!"

"Xiasanlu? You don't have any thoughts about Senior Sister Han, do you?"

"Hey Hey"

Lu Huan's expression became serious.

Senior Sister Han is truly stunning.

Cough, it's important to get down to business. Let's try to see if it's useful in actual combat. He put on a stance and swung an axe.

"I'll give you three tricks."

Unexpectedly, Pang Qing spoke up suddenly, and gave way with three moves in a very gracious manner.

He has just started with the Sanjiu Xuangong, and it is limited to beating the physical body, and has not really shown its power. He has only learned one of the attached spells, the golden light on the ground, and is good at dodging. The best way to fight the enemy is to defend and counterattack.

And Pang Qing knew very well that Lu Huan hadn't practiced any kung fu, and could only move his weapon with force. Hit yourself.

Lu Huan on the other side didn't even think about it, he chopped three times in the air.

"Three tricks have passed."

[-]. Have you passed the three tricks?

Including Pang Qing, everyone found it incomprehensible.

It is indeed three tricks, but how can there be such three tricks?

Hacking the air three times without even hurting the flowers and plants, how about caring for the environment here?
Almost everyone felt that Lu Huan was being overrated.

Lu Huan's realm was lower, and he had never practiced any kung fu. Pang Qing used up some mana during the confrontation, and gave up three moves. Finally, he barely pulled the two into a [-]-[-] situation. If he can seize the opportunity, he will go all out. , and can even win with difficulty.

But what did Lu Huan do?
He's a bastard, he won't take advantage of it!
In a daze, Void hacked three axes, wasting mana, what's going on?

This is the three tricks, right? ? !

Pang Qing's complexion was uncertain, he didn't know what Lu Huan was paying attention to, but he was sure that Lu Huan was not a fool.

Is there really any special means?
Shaking his head, Pang Qing stopped thinking about it. Lu Huan has been squatting in the outer door and struggling hard. It took ten years to build the foundation. What can he do?
Even if he has a backhand, he can definitely dodge Zongdi Jinguang with all his strength. Without magic skills, the opponent is just a mortal with some magic power, so don't hesitate.

However, the expected fierce offensive did not appear.

Lu Huan closed his eyes, held the ax in one hand, and carried his back in the other, standing proudly.

"Senior Brother Lu, what is this going to do?"

The people who eat melons also closed their eyes. Now it is not a question of whether to trust the big or not, but a question of whether they have brains.

Situ Ji even showed a bit of depression, exhausted physically and mentally, completely wrong, all because of his own overcompensation!Lu Huan's breakthrough failed three times in a row, and he still didn't give up. It's not because he insisted on staying true to his Taoism, but purely. Stupid!
It's ridiculous that I am still arrogant, I feel that I see hope, I am firm in my heart, and I utter the bold words of quitting alcohol!

What a pity for the smashed wine gourds on the ground!
With his eyes closed, Lu Huan couldn't see the expressions of others, even if he opened his eyes, he couldn't see them either.

Because the life lamp was on when the three swords cut the air just now, but now the three lights of heaven, earth and man are really bright and blind.

"Junior Brother Pang, look behind!"

(End of this chapter)

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