Chapter 108
"Wang Chen, something happened to you!"

The fierce monk's roar made Wang Chen's expression slightly change.

What happened?

Was Lu Zhiseng's identity exposed, or was it revealed that he killed the disciples of the Zifu himself?
But this sudden attack did not make Wang Chen confused.

His thoughts turned, and he asked in a deep voice: "Who are you, why did you come to my house and talk nonsense?"

Before a breath, Wang Chen was almost bluffed by the opponent.

After all, there are ghosts in his heart.

However, Wang Chen's IQ did not go offline, and he immediately noticed something strange.

Whether it's pretending to be Lu Zhiseng or killing Zifu's disciples, if any matter is pursued on him, it is impossible for anyone from the punishment hall to sit and wait at his house in a grandiose manner.

It has already been apprehended through the soul card!
What's more, when they first came in, the other two were still eating and drinking.

"Punishment Hall!"

Seeing that he couldn't bluff Wang Chen, the monk Cuhao's expression darkened immediately, and he showed him a black iron nameplate: "There is a case that requires your assistance in the investigation, please come with me!"

As soon as the mana was stimulated, the nameplate immediately revealed a cold light.

Wang Chen took half a step back: "Sorry, I'm not free."

There is no doubt about the origin of the other party.

The color of the clothes on his body and the nameplate in his hand clearly showed his identity as a disciple of the outer punishment hall.

However, this is not the reason for Wang Chen to listen to him.

Because of the other party's malice, there is no cover-up at all!
Wang Chen had never known this rough monk before, so he didn't know why the other party wanted to trouble him.

But no matter what the reason was, he definitely couldn't be taken to the execution hall like this.

Where is the punishment hall?
For the low-level monks of the outer sect, it is the palace of the king of hell and the gate of ghosts.

Even if you are innocent, you will have to shed your skin if you go through it once!

Although some time ago, the two punishment and guard halls in the outer gate were cleaned up, and it is said that the hall master and deputy hall masters have all been changed.

But how could Wang Chen entrust his own life on the justice and conscience of the other party!
Moreover, he seriously suspected that this Xingtang disciple was doing private work!

The Cuhao monk was furious: "You don't eat the toast, you don't eat the fine wine, Xiao Wu, lock him up for me!"

As soon as the words fell, the black and thin monk next to him immediately took out a pair of spirit sealing locks.

He strode towards Wang Chen with big strides.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Wang Chen flew back immediately: "You guys are deceiving people too much, I want to sue the main hall!"

You can't do it with your hands.

Maybe the other party is waiting for him to make a move, and then openly question him.

As for murder.

Of course Wang Chen was sure to kill the two of them on the spot.

But these two Xingtang disciples were obviously just pawns, and the mastermind behind the scenes was still unknown.

Therefore, killing them not only cannot solve the problem, but makes the situation completely impossible to turn around.

So Wang Chen had no choice but to run away first.

Bet the other party won't make a big fuss!

"Don't run!"

The rough monk rushed out of the house and chased for a few steps, then stopped.

Seeing Wang Chen flying away, he spat bitterly: "You little bastard runs really fast!"

The black and thin monk who followed him asked: "Brother Yong, don't we chase after?"

"What are you chasing after!"

The rough monk slapped the other person on the back of the head: "We are doing private work. It would be troublesome if we took this kid back. It is best to scare him away now, and it will not be our business in the future."

The black and thin monk scratched his head embarrassingly: "Oh."

"You just came to the punishment hall, so you don't understand many things."

The rough monk said triumphantly: "Learn more from me in the future, and I guarantee that you will not suffer!"

The black and thin monk hesitated: "Brother Yong, is it okay for us to do this?"

"What can be wrong?"

The rough monk sneered: "We just asked him to assist in the investigation. He ran away with a guilty conscience. When asked by the higher-ups, we didn't do anything. What are we afraid of?"

After a pause, he said earnestly: "Xiao Wu, outsiders see our torture hall disciples as beautiful, but in fact they are hard workers who do dirty work haha. If you don't find a way to get some oil and water by yourself, you can only drink the northwest wind!"

The black and thin monk hesitated: "But now above..."

The rough monk frowned: "One emperor and one courtier, no one can be emperor without us working as errands and coolies!"

"To be honest, if it wasn't for your sister's sake, I wouldn't be bothered to take you on this job."

"Do you understand it?"

There was a hint of menace in his tone.

The rough monk became a little impatient.

If it wasn't for Xiao Wu's older sister who was so obedient and sweet, how could he have recruited a newcomer to cooperate with him!

The black and thin monk nodded suddenly: "Brother Yong, I will listen to you!"

"now it's right."

The rough monk patted him on the shoulder with satisfaction: "You go back first, I will come to your house to drink in the evening."

After the black and thin monk left, the rough monk took out a letter crane from the storage bag and let it fly.

With a hey smile, he turned his head and went back to Wang Chen's house.

The chicken tasted good.

The last fat hen in the chicken coop had to be taken away, and it was another delicious meal tonight!
At this moment, there were bursts of thunder in the hazy sky.

There was a tight sound.

got windy.

And when the bean-sized raindrops began to fall into the dust, Wang Chen quietly sneaked back to his home through the secret passage.

Because the two Xingtang disciples didn't chase after him, he didn't run very far before.

Out of caution.

The process of sneaking into the secret room took Wang Chen a lot of effort.

It turned out that the underground fortress he dug did not show any signs of being invaded.

Then Wang Chen used the sound transmission brass tube to confirm that the other party had left.

He just returned to the ground.

The condition of the room in the house is fine.

The bed, cabinet and other furniture were all safe and sound, and the disciples of the Xingtang Hall would not be so unscrupulous.

The entrance to the tunnel was therefore not discovered.

It's just that the yard outside is messed up everywhere.

Wang Chen was not in the mood to clean up for the time being, and sat down to think about this inexplicable trouble.

Who is trying to deal with him?
A figure of a person appeared in Wang Chen's mind instantly.

It has been a while since Wang Chen's birthday, and the monk who practiced Qi Dao has not moved, and Wang Chen doesn't know whether the other party is currently in the mountain gate.

But his vigilance against this cheap uncle has never diminished!
Now Wang Chen thinks differently, if the original owner encounters the situation he is facing, what will he do?
Wang Chen instantly had the answer!

The fog in his heart was cleared in an instant, and his mind had never been so clear at this moment.

What should come, is finally coming.

Come on then!

For all doubts, there must always be a moment when the truth comes to light.

Wang Chen was ready.

A person with seven layers of qi training, a row of master-level spells, a bag of talismans made by himself...

He is fearless!

Before he knew it, Wang Chen walked out of the main room to the small courtyard outside.

His face suddenly changed.

The door of the chicken coop at the corner of the yard was opened, and all the hens inside disappeared without a trace.

A nameless anger surged from the bottom of Wang Chen's heart.

Tolerable or unbearable!

The thunder was louder and the rain was heavier.
The first one is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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