Gou becomes a boss in the fairy world.

Chapter 110 Slashing Thoughts, Slaying Demons, Slashing Causes and Effects

Chapter 110 Slashing Thoughts, Slaying Demons, Slashing Causes and Effects

"Brother Shaoyuan, he is very lucky."

Lu Defang didn't notice Wang Chen's eyes, and seemed to be lost in memory: "Since the time I knew him, his luck has always been good."

Wang Shaoyuan was born in ordinary life.

As a mortal, he traveled tens of thousands of miles to the world of cultivating immortals. In addition to his own strength, luck is indispensable.

After that, Wang Shaoyuan entered Taoism with martial arts, promoted to a Qi training monk, and became an outer disciple of the Yunyang School.

And throw off a lot of peers.

Lu Defang and Wang Shaoyuan met Yu Weimo, and witnessed the latter's growth process step by step!
In Lu Defang's view, his friend's luck is really very good.

A little too good to be true.

We teamed up to hunt, and others often had problems, either injured or lost their lives.

Wang Shaoyuan is always safe and sound.

And quite rewarding.

He also bought a house in the city, married a wife and had children and really took root.

That's the house in Yunshan City!

Like all low-level monks, Lu Defang also dreamed of owning one.

Although Wang Shaoyuan's wife later died of illness, Lu Defang thought it was nothing at all.

If you have a house in the city, you're afraid you won't be able to marry Mei Jiaoniang?
Wang Shaoyuan did not remarry.

Lu Defang thought he was hypocritical.

What really made Lu Defang feel great resentment towards Wang Shaoyuan was the experience of the two of them exploring a certain secret place deep in the Tianyuan Mountains together.

"There were nine of us in total at the time."

As Lu Defang spoke, his expression became extremely gloomy: "In the end, only he and I came out alive!"

"He was unscathed, I was seriously injured and even lost my storage bag."

"I only picked up a useless broken net!"

"but I know."

The Qi-practicing Dzogchen monk stared at Wang Chen, his eyes were full of resentment and resentment: "Wang Shaoyuan must have obtained a great treasure, I know him too well."

"But when I asked him, he didn't tell me, he just pretended to me and thought I was a fool!"


"God is so unfair!"

His roar echoed in the hall and strongly impacted Wang Chen's eardrums.

Murder is revealed!
But Lu Defang didn't act immediately because he hadn't finished speaking.

"Fortunately, people can't be lucky forever."

"In that year, you suddenly fell ill with a serious illness, which damaged your foundation and longevity."

"In order to save you, he went to find that secret realm again."

"You know the result."


"God will actually open his eyes."

Hearing this, Wang Chen couldn't help asking: "Is this why you want to kill me?"

"of course not."

Lu Defang explained patiently: "I suspect that Wang Shaoyuan left that treasure to you before he left, but I searched and searched, and found out everything you know, but I didn't find anything."

"But I have always believed that the treasure must be there!"

"do you know?"

"This matter has become my demon."

"If I don't solve it, then my thoughts will not be able to get through, and I don't want to succeed in opening the house."

"Killing you is to slay the heart demon!"

Wang Chen is the only descendant of Wang Shaoyuan left in the world. As long as Wang Chen dies, all the resentment, obsession and causal involvement of Lu Defang towards Wang Shaoyuan will be completely cut off.

Wang Chen asked in a deep voice, "Then why did you wait until now?"

"Your father is very clever."

Lu Defang replied: "He anticipated that something might happen to him, so he entrusted you to my care before leaving."

"Then he made a deed in the main hall. As long as his soul card is broken, the house in Yunshan City will belong to me."

"But the condition is that I will take care of you, otherwise I won't be able to transfer the ownership!"

Wang Chen suddenly realized.

In order to prevent their inheritance from being embezzled after death, some monks who often go out for adventure and experience will sign a contract in the sect to leave things to designated people.

It's just that signing a contract requires a lot of honor points, which most people can't get.

This contract undoubtedly hit the key point of Lu Defang!

"Your father is really smart!"

Lu Defang admired: "He asked me to arrange for you to cultivate the spiritual field outside the city, because your root talent is too poor, your mind is very dull, and there is no future in cultivation. It is better to be a stable and stable husband of Lingzhi for a lifetime!"

"So I did as he wished, and let the old grandson take care of you."

"Do you understand now?"

Wang Chen took a deep breath: "Understood!"

"So, at that time last year, you didn't instruct others to recruit me into the night watch team, did you?"

Lu Defang was stunned: "How could I do such a thing!"

Wang Chen was not yet full last year.

Once something happened, according to the contract, the house in the city would no longer belong to him.

There is obviously someone else behind this incident!

"last question."

Wang Chen resolutely suppressed the new doubts that had just arisen in his heart, and said, "Those two punishment hall disciples were always ordered by you, right? If I didn't run away today and was taken away by them, what would happen?"

This question doesn't really make much sense.

But he wanted to delay a little longer.

At this time, Lu Defang could hardly hold back his killing intent!

"What will be the result?"

Lu Defang chuckled: "It must have saved me trouble in the end, but it's a pity that you didn't go according to my plan. There's no other way. Now I can only give you a ride myself."

"To be honest, I really underestimated you."

He looked at Wang Chen, with a look of anger on his fair face: "I was fooled before."

"But no matter what tricks you play now, the result is doomed."

"Because in this world, strength determines everything!"

Before he finished speaking, Lu Defang suddenly raised his right palm and patted Wang Chen from the air: "Die!"

He had finished all he wanted to say, his chest was empty, and most of his thoughts were understood.

As long as Wang Chen is killed, the inner demon can be completely eliminated.

Lay the foundation of breakthrough!

In the main hall of the Taoist temple, the situation suddenly changed.

A translucent giant palm appeared out of thin air, carrying a tyrannical force, and fell towards Wang Chen's head with overwhelming momentum, trying to crush him into powder!

And almost at the same moment, Wang Chen played ten Firefall Talismans in an instant.

Lu Defang wanted to use his life to kill the demons.

Coincidentally, Wang Chen also has a demon that needs the other's head to escape.

Here tonight, only one will make it out alive!

In fact, Wang Chen could run away when he learned about Lu Defang's plot today.

Running to the outer domain, running far away and hiding, there is no need to deal with the threat of this qi-training Dzogchen monk.

But Wang Chen practiced hard, accumulated strength little by little, and increased his hole cards step by step.

Not to run away better when facing the enemy!
Do what you should, be brave when you are brave!
This battle is the fateful battle that Wang Chen must face in order to inherit the karma of the original owner.

Suppose he fled without a fight.

Then there will always be a shadow in my heart.

I don't know when, in the process of cultivation, I will suddenly die because of this!
and so…

Come fight!
Third more.

(End of this chapter)

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