Gou becomes a boss in the fairy world.

Chapter 120 The Power of Punishing Evil

Chapter 120 The Power of Punishing Evil

A fist-sized hole instantly appeared on the dark brown wrinkled ancient tree trunk.

Dark green sap gushes out!

This ancient tree, more than ten feet tall and thick, suddenly shook, and the thousands of vine branches that grew out of its body suddenly waved wildly like a convulsion.

Slap each other and crackle!

An abstract, distorted face emerged from the tree trunk, its black mouth gaping wide.

It seems to be making a silent cry: "It hurts~"

Jin Kemu.

Wang Chen's Gengjin finger is quite ineffective against evil creatures in the form of souls such as night wandering souls and lantern puppets.

Far less sharp than the fire crow technique.

But the situation of grandma tree is different.

Its body is an ancient tree with hundreds of years old, and its body was taken over by evil spirits after it transformed into a demon.

The strength and essence of the whole body are basically condensed in the wooden body.

Therefore, Wang Chen's master-level Geng Jin finger caused great harm to Grandma Shu.

A large amount of sap equivalent to blood was lost.

Moreover, the fierce Qi of Gengjin continued to wreak havoc in his body.

How can it not be painful, not angry?
But at the same time of pain and anger, Grandma Shu also felt deep fear!

The ancient tree demon has been cultivated for hundreds of years, and its body is as hard as gold and iron. It is difficult to damage it with the bombardment of ordinary magic weapons, and it is not afraid of chopping with swords and axes.

It was pierced by Wang Chen's blow, the sharpness of the spell made grandma tremble with fear!

This black travel-level evil spirit made a decisive decision and shook the huge canopy violently.

Accompanied by the dense cracking sound, the thousands of vine branches attacking Wang Chen snapped off.

Some of these vine branches were hit by the Firefall Talisman and were being burned into coke.

And the intact rattans turned into small wooden figures with all four limbs and teeth and claws.

They jumped, screamed, and rushed towards Wang Chen without thinking about their own safety.

Wooden puppets!
A Baiyou-level evil spirit parasitic on the body of Grandma Tree.

At the same time, countless night wandering spirits and lantern puppets gathered from all directions.

Let's besiege Wang Chen together!
The grandma tree quickly curled up her body, gathered the canopy to tightly wrap the inner three layers and the outer three layers of the trunk.

Its idea is actually very simple.

First strengthen the defense to protect yourself, and then consume the opponent with massive cannon fodder.

This evil spirit is quite smart.

It realized that it had underestimated Wang Chen, and immediately changed its tactics.

After all, Wang Chen is a first-time high-level Qi training monk, and he is practicing the Five Elements Kungfu without outstanding characteristics.

His mana compatibility is extremely strong.

But it is too moderate and stable to support continuous outbreaks!

As the saying goes, ants kill elephants more often.

Grandma Shu didn't care about the casualties of her men at all.

As long as it can cause trouble for Wang Chen and let him find a flaw, it will be totally worth it even if they all perish!

Yet it still underestimated its opponents.

Facing the swarms of evil spirits, and the tree grandma who has become a turtle.

Wang Chen immediately flew back.

But he didn't want to run.

Instead, after drawing a certain distance, he suddenly raised his right arm.

With five fingers spread, the sleeves of the robe retracted, and the black gold armguard wrapped around the forearm was immediately revealed!

The next moment, the mysterious gold armguard disintegrated soundlessly, and instantly turned into a small net that was thrown forward.

Tian Luo Punishes Evil Net!
This is the first time Wang Chen has put this treasure into actual combat after successfully refining it.

The small net exploded in the wind, expanding into a large net with a radius of three zhang.

Enveloped hundreds of night spirits, lantern puppets and wooden puppets!

All the evil spirits that were covered by the net of killing evil suddenly came to nothing like the doomsday, screaming and disappearing.

The power of killing evil is so tyrannical!
But while Wang Chen was pleasantly surprised by the true power of Zhu Xie Wang, his heart was secretly bleeding.

So many virtues.

He got none of it!

This is probably the most special feature of Tianluozhuxie.com.

Previously, Wang Chen thought it was because the treasure had not been unsealed, but he did not expect that it would still be the case after unsealed.

But Wang Chen was never the kind of greedy person.

As the saying goes, you can't have both.

With such a powerful evil-killing treasure, what more could one ask for!

Wang Chen reached out and took back the evil net.

However, at the moment he started, Wang Chen couldn't help being shocked.

An extremely pure aura surged out from the Xie Xie Net, and poured into his body instantly!

The five elements practiced by Wang Chen operates on its own, turning the spiritual energy into the body into mana and returning it to the dantian.

The dantian, which had consumed a lot of mana just now, immediately became full!

What the hell!

The shock in Wang Chen's heart at this time can hardly be described in words.

The Tianluo Zhuxie Net is not just as simple as killing evil spirits, it can even transform the power of evil spirits into heaven and earth aura, and feed them back to the holders!
Moreover, the spiritual power transformed by Zhu Xiewang does not contain the slightest abnormal force, nor does it contain any impurities.

I don't know how many times stronger than the Huiqi Dan he had taken before!
Wang Chen's biggest weakness in terms of combat power is that his talent and major skills are mediocre.

Although one of the spells has been brushed up to the master level, the mana of the dantian cannot support the long-term high-intensity output. Once you get into a fight, you can only rely on the Huiqi Pill to make up for the deficiency.

The problem is that it is not a big problem after taking a few Huiqi pills.

Eating too much will not only accumulate a large amount of erysipelas in the body, but it will take painstaking efforts to resolve it.

Moreover, frequent use will also hurt the meridians and affect Daoji!

In addition, in fierce battles, the momentary difference is often the difference between life and death, and there may not be a chance to swallow the elixir.

Tian Luo Zhu Xie Wang is completely different!
The aura it transforms is not only extremely pure, but also super fast to restore mana.

Moreover, this treasure has the ability to store aura, Wang Chen can draw as much as he wants, it is not a one-off!

What does this represent?
It means that from now on, he has an oversized blue bottle with automatic energy storage!
Mom no longer has to worry about me running out of blue water.

Wang Chen was almost moved to tears!

With a flick of his wrist, the Xiexie Net retracted to its original shape, and a crystal clear bead rolled into his palm.

A yin bead!


In an instant, Wang Chen was extremely ashamed.

Just now, he actually felt so resentful because he didn't get the points of human virtue.

Only now do I really understand.

What Tianluozhuxie.com can give him is actually far more than that!

Just when Wang Chen was in a daze, many evil spirits pounced on him, trying to engulf him with their fangs and claws.

Wang Chen, who came back to his senses, sneered, and grabbed a long sword of autumn water with his left hand.

His real opponent has only been Grandma Shu from beginning to end.

The evil spirits of the gray and white levels can only consume his mana.

Even if Wang Chen dissipated the aura shield armor.

Take off your robe.

Relying on the golden body of Tianlong can also resist their attacks!
And these evil spirits don't know it at all.

The more of them there are, the more spiritual energy will be filled into the Xiexie Net!

It's quite touching to be so desperate.

Wang Chen swung the long sword with his left hand, and the sword was instantly ignited with raging flames, showing the state of a fire crow flying.

This is the effect of adding the fire crow technique to the weapon.

The wooden puppets who had just rushed over couldn't dodge in time, and their heads were cut off in an instant.

The headless wooden body was immediately ignited, and turned into ashes in the blink of an eye!

[Human Virtue +9], [Human Virtue +10], [Human Virtue +9]...

Wang Chen killed it himself, so his moral points are naturally indispensable.

That wooden slave is similar to a lantern puppet.

At the same time, the evil net held by Wang Chen's right hand was thrown out again.

Dozens of evil spirits were covered again!
He stood still in place, with his left sword and his right net, slashing near and far away, and turning the attacking night ghosts, lantern puppets, and wooden slaves into human virtue points and pure spiritual energy.

Within half a stick of incense, there were three more beads of Yin Qi in Wang Chen's storage bag!
And the evil spirits in the mass graves are not endless.

Under his more and more skillful harvesting, the number decreased sharply, and the siege fell apart.

Some lantern puppets even developed a feeling of fear, and they didn't dare to approach Wang Chen at all!
At this moment, Wang Chen suddenly felt something strange under his feet.

It's like something is about to break out of the ground!

Here again?

Wang Chen raised his right foot without thinking, and then stomped it down heavily.

Once a spell has been cultivated to the master level, many inherent constraints will be broken.

Don't talk about using your feet to stimulate the mudstone technique.

As long as Wang Chen is willing.

He can sit on a rock with his butt!
The moment the pedals landed, the soil under their feet instantly turned into hard stones.

And this kind of transformation is spreading towards the surrounding and below the soil layer at an astonishing speed.

Dozens of living tree roots were solidified inside!

Under the heavy pressure, these tree roots shattered one after another, splashing out dark green slurry.

The first update is here, asking for a monthly ticket and a recommendation ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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