Chapter 123

Wang Chen stayed up all night again.

He is like Nazha who just got Huntian Ling, Monkey King with a golden cudgel, a pig with a nine-toothed rake... cross this out.

Heart itching, overjoyed!

Tianluo Zhuxie Net is undoubtedly the most amazing treasure that Wang Chen possesses.

Although the mask of thousands of machines is also very good.

However, the ability to change appearances and changes is obviously far from being comparable to the fighting power of Zhuxiewang.

This treasure really deserves the name of "Zhu Xie".

Its power to kill evil spirits is extremely powerful, and its ability to transform spiritual energy is incomparably miraculous.

And treasures like this.

It is even more unheard of to be controlled by Wang Chen Jilian, who is in the realm of Qi training!

To know the high-level magic weapon.

It often takes an equal level of cultivation to exert its greatest power.

Qi training corresponds to a first-order magic weapon, Zifu corresponds to a second-order spiritual weapon, and Jindan corresponds to a third-order magic weapon.

Although mid-level and high-level qi cultivators can barely activate spiritual weapons, Zifu can also sacrifice magic weapons for their own use.

But Qi training monks don't want to control the third-order magic weapon.

It's like a child who can lift a big knife and swing it a few times, but can't even lift it with a copper hammer!
Wang Chen didn't know the rank of the Tianluo Zhuxie Network, and the magic weapon was nothing more than that.

But after he completed the initial sacrifice, he used it like an arm and a finger, without the slightest jerky stagnation.

Moreover, Wang Chen felt that the upper limit of this treasure was extremely high, but with his current cultivation strength, he could only arouse a small part of its power.

You must know that there is also the word "Tianluo" before "Zhuxie".

In short, it’s right to be very awesome and extremely awesome!

And such an awesome treasure fell into his hands, making Wang Chen couldn't help but think of Qian Jibian, which he got from a traveling merchant.

The unblocking points of this mask are exactly the same as Tianluo Zhuxiewang.

The two are very likely to exist at the same level!

There are also wishful golden needles.

In the eyes of others, it is like a bright pearl covered with dust, but when it falls into one's own hands, it shines brightly.

Wang Chen feels that his luck has always been good during the past year or so.

It seems like the destiny is coming, and it is also like a human-shaped cornucopia, sucking all the buried treasures around into its own bowl!
Even when meeting someone like a sweeping monk, he got exercises and relics.

However, Wang Chen currently has no plans to practice the follow-up method of Tianlong King Kong Dharma, and he is also cautious about the subduing dragon relic presented by Wuxiang, so he put the two things in the innermost part of the storage bag.

That's for later.

He practiced the Tianluo Zhuxie Net repeatedly until dawn.


Yuanyuan, who had just woken up, jumped into the quiet room, jumped on Wang Chen's body, grabbed his collar with her little paws and yelled.

Wang Chen chuckled, and took the evil-killing net that had been sacrificed in the middle of the night as armguards.

He touched the coquettish little guy and took him to the ground.

In fact, the outer sect of the Yunyang faction is very safe now, not to mention gray-eyed robbers in the past six months, and even evil spirits have not been seen.

Especially after the turmoil caused by the big hunting case has passed, the scene of rivers and seas inside and outside Yunshan City is peaceful, and the world is peaceful, recreating the grand scene of not picking up lost things on the road in ancient times.

But Wang Chen is used to living in an underground secret room, and he doesn't care about climbing up and down every day.

Besides, he can't live here for a few days.

Washing, lighting fires, cooking, no chickens to feed.

Wang Chen, who was full of food and drink, came to the spiritual field with a hoe on his shoulder.

The morning breeze blew across the earth, the golden ears of rice bent the stalks, and a scarecrow stood alone in the field.

Harvest is imminent!

After planting the land for a year, Wang Chen is now fully able to take on the role of Husband Ling Zhi.

The scene in front of him made him feel relaxed and happy, and he felt a deep sense of joy spontaneously.

By this time, the most stubborn weeds were gone, and there was no need for Wang Chen to do anything more.

He leaned over and reached out to pick off two grains of rice, stuffed them into his mouth and chewed them a few times.

A sweet taste instantly fills the mouth.

Harvest in two days!

Wang Chen planned to go to the inner sect to re-establish the immortal status after harvesting this season's rice.

As for the ten acres of spiritual fields and huts, he plans to return them to Lingzhi Church.

In fact, it is okay for Wang Chen to keep these spiritual fields.

As long as he sublets the spiritual field to others, even if he doesn't charge rent for a catty of rice, he will still get honor points.

It is said that some inner disciples operate in this way!

But Wang Chen wanted to cut it cleanly, so there was no need to leave a small tail for himself for that little contribution to the school.

In addition, the secret room and tunnel under the hut must also be cleaned up.

In order not to be discovered by latecomers, the secret is exposed.

"Wang Chen!"

While Wang Chen was thinking about the follow-up matters, four or five monks appeared on the rural road ahead.

One of the leading monks shouted loudly: "It depends on where you go this time!"

Wang Chen followed the sound, and suddenly became angry!

It's this one again!

The last time he ruined his hen, Wang Chen still hasn't settled with the other party.

I didn't expect to come here again today.

It's just lingering!
I saw those monks rushing to him quickly, forming a faint siege to him.

The rough monk held the spirit sealing lock in his hand, and sneered at Wang Chen: "Are you going to catch him without a fight, or do you want to arrest the stubborn?"

Wang Chen ignored the other party and looked at a middle-aged monk.

This cultivator's eighth level of Qi training can be seen as the core of this group of people.

"Cough cough!"

The middle-aged monk coughed twice, and said, "Wang Chen, someone accused you of murder and murder, and we are here to investigate."

His attitude was rather mild.

The rough monk said proudly: "This is our new Hall Master Cao."

"Chairman Cao's eyes are as bright as a torch. You can't escape his eyes. I advise you to confess your crime obediently!"

The middle-aged monk waved his hand and corrected: "It's the deputy hall master."

Wang Chen's eyes flashed, and he asked, "Murder for money? May I ask whose family's money I'm seeking, and who's life did I kill?"

"It was you who killed my uncle!"

At this moment, the young monk next to the rough monk said sharply: "You even forcibly took away his house deed, how dare you say that you are innocent?"


Wang Chen was stunned.

The other party was undoubtedly talking about Lu Defang.

But he didn't know that the latter also had a nephew.

Vice Hall Master Cao explained: "This is Lu Defang's nephew Lu Tailai. Lu Defang's soul card was shattered the night before yesterday. According to him, you went to the household hall yesterday morning and transferred the ownership of Lu Defang's house."

"It wasn't you who did it!"

Lu Tailai stared at Wang Chen's eyes as if they had been poisoned, it was terrifying.

"Master, let's stop talking nonsense with him."

Brother Chuhao couldn't wait to say: "Immediately take him back to the hall for interrogation, under the seven punishments, I'm not afraid that he won't confess!"

Vice Hall Master Cao frowned.

He didn't like the other party to be so self-assertive.

However, the rough monk was eager to show off, and raised the spirit seal with a smirk.

No matter what Wang Chen chooses this time, whether to run away, resist or be captured without a fight, he is all dead!

"Catch me?"

Wang Chen smiled: "You also have to have this qualification!"

He flipped his wrist, revealed a jade tablet, injected mana and activated it on the spot.

The five monks, including Vice Hall Master Cao, were all stunned, all dumbfounded!

Inner disciple!

Wang Chen turned out to be an inner disciple! !

The affairs of the inner sect are in charge of the inner sect, and the punishment hall of the outer sect is really not qualified to arrest the disciples of the inner sect.

Unless you get the oracle.

The rough monk subconsciously took two steps back, his eyes showing horror.

If he knew that Wang Chen was already an inner sect disciple, he wouldn't take the job from Lu Tailai even if he was killed.

Also invited Vice-Hall Master Cao.

dead dead!

At this moment, the rough monk really hated Lu Defang and Lu Tailai's uncle and nephew.

This is to kill him alive!
And Lu Tailai was completely dumbfounded.

He also hates.

The steward of the household hall must have known that Wang Chen was already an inner sect disciple, so he went through the transfer procedures for Wang Chen.

But she kept it from him and let him fall into a big pit.

Inner disciple!

What these four words represent, Lu Tailai is very clear.

A higher rank crushes people to death!
In desperation, he cast a pleading look at Deputy Hall Master Cao next to him.

Deputy Hall Master Cao didn't notice Lu Tailai's lovely and pitiful eyes at all.

He was stunned for a moment, and then he showed an extremely warm smile to Wang Chen: "It turns out that he is the junior brother of the inner sect, that is really flooding into the Dragon King Temple!"

The deputy hall master of the punishment hall stepped forward and handed Wang Chen a famous card, and said affectionately: "This matter must be a misunderstanding. I didn't notice for a while, and my junior brother was wronged. I will be the host of the Yueyue building to make amends at night, and I also invite my junior brother to make amends." Appreciation."

He was originally a disciple of the inner sect, and was sent to serve in the punishment hall of the outer sect.

Looking at Wang Chen is naturally like looking at his own family.

"Senior brother is too polite."

Wang Chen took the famous stab, smiled and said: "Those who don't know are not to blame, it should be treated by the younger brother!"

Vice Hall Master Cao laughed loudly: "It's the same, it's the same for everyone!"

Amidst the laughter, a little bitterness dissipated.

But at this moment, both Brother Cuhao and Lu Tailai were ashamed!
The first one is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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