Chapter 130 I want to farm

Passing through a tree-lined stone path, the big green cow stopped in front of the stairs up the mountain.

I saw a black rock reclining in the grass by the roadside, engraved with the three characters "Sunset Peak" on it.

Wang Chen jumped off the ox's back and took out about fifty catties of white corn.

Paid to Da Qing Niu as a reward.

Da Qingniu rolled his tongue and sucked all the Lingmi into his mouth.

It shook its head and turned away contentedly.

Wang Chen looked up, and saw the stairs leading up to the invisible mountain top.

I can't count how many levels there are.

Pick up the steps to the Dingping, the mountain peak stands tall and asks the Tianting Pavilion!
He climbed up the steps, step by step towards the sunset peak.

In fact, with Wang Chen's current strength, it doesn't take long for him to reach the top with the master-level shadowless movement.

But he prefers to go up step by step like this.

This way you can enjoy the scenery along the way.

In the past year, the first year Wang Chen traveled to this world, he has been struggling hard to survive.

Never look back at the road I have traveled.

The moment is just right.

After walking thousands of steps like this, Wang Chen stopped and turned to look down the mountain.

I saw the wilderness is open and criss-crossed, and a river meanders like a jade belt flowing eastward, separating pieces of spiritual fields, mulberry forests, orchards, flower beds and pastures.

There are also farmhouses, courtyards and elegant residences with white walls and black tiles.

"Ha ha!"

At this moment, a chuckle suddenly came from the air: "Sister, look, there is an idiot climbing a mountain here!"

Wang Chen looked up and saw two female cultivators flying over him, riding the clouds.

"Don't talk nonsense, everyone is from the same school, let's accumulate some virtue."

"Hee hee~"

Before Wang Chen could react, the other party had disappeared, leaving only the lingering sound lingering in his ears.

Wang Chen didn't care.

Thinking about whether I should also buy a flying weapon instead.

The inner gate of Yunyang has nine peaks and one city, and the distance between them ranges from a dozen miles to hundreds of miles.

Wang Chen came here from Yunshan City and ran two or three hundred miles!

The location of Sunset Peak is relatively remote.

If there is no flying instrument or mount for transportation, daily transportation will undoubtedly be very inconvenient.

Compared with mounts that need to be fed and cared for, flying artifacts are undoubtedly the best choice.

The problem is that the flying artifact is really too expensive!
Even for a very common flying magic weapon of the Yanlan type, the price ranges from a few hundred to as many as thousands of spirit stones.

And frequent use requires regular maintenance.

Subsequent costs are not low.

Wang Chen was able to scrape together this spirit stone now.

However, considering that he is new to the inner sect and needs expenses in all aspects, he must not be extravagant in the early stage.

Thinking in his heart, Wang Chen couldn't help speeding up his pace towards the peak.

After half an hour, he arrived at his destination.

Stepping up to the last step, the front suddenly opens up, as if you have come to another world!
The top of the Sunset Peak seemed to have been sliced ​​off by a powerful person with a sword, opening up a huge platform.

A majestic hall stands in the center, surrounded by pavilions, towers and pavilions with carved beams and painted buildings, guarded by towering trees, surrounded by exotic flowers and plants.

The dojo in front of the hall is extremely flat and open, with eight supportive stone pillars arranged around, and a high platform stands on the right side.

When Wang Chen came over, there were two monks fighting on the high platform, shouting, shouting and beating very fiercely.

And hundreds of men and women gathered around the high platform to cheer them on!

Another monk landed on the dojo with a magic weapon and a flying mount, and it was very lively with people coming and going.

Wang Chen didn't go over to watch the excitement, but walked straight to the main hall.

After asking the Taoist boy in front of the hall, he came to the side hall.

A middle-aged monk received Wang Chen.

The process of re-establishing the fairyland is very simple. After checking Wang Chen's identity plate, the middle-aged monk ordered Daotong to fetch a long-lived lamp and put it on the table, allowing him to inject mana.

The middle-aged monk reminded: "There will be a little pain, just bear with it."

The longevity lamp is also called the soul lamp.

It is a very special magic weapon, which needs to take out a trace of the monk's soul and condense it into a wick, and enshrine it in the Eternal Brightness Hall after it is activated and lit.

Once a monk falls, no matter how far the distance is, the long-lived soul lamp will go out instantly!
Compared with the soul card of the outer gate, the sensing distance of the soul lamp is much longer, and it has stronger restraint on monks.

After setting up the soul lamp, no matter whether it is a qi-training monk or a master of the Zifu, once they betray the mountain gate, the sect can rely on the soul lamp to pursue thousands of miles away, and even cast spells to kill them!

This can be said to be the biggest constraint on inner disciples.

Wang Chen knew the rules, so without any hesitation, he reached out and grabbed the handle of the soul lamp.

Infused with mana.

The long-lived lamp suddenly shook, and instantly produced a strong suction force.

Wang Chen only felt a sharp pain in his soul, as if he was being torn apart with brute force.

His complexion changed.

However, at this very moment, the ancient Taoist stele suddenly appeared in Wang Chen's sea of ​​consciousness, and thousands of rays of light shone from the stele, protecting his mind and soul!

At the same time, the longevity lamp held in Wang Chen's hand suddenly lit up, emitting a soft light.


The middle-aged monk was very surprised, and couldn't help asking: "What is the cultivation level of the younger brother?"

Wang Chen's performance of lighting the soul lamp just now is much better than most of his classmates.

You must know that there are some unbearable people who cried bitterly on the spot!
Wang Chen immediately let go of the soul lamp, and replied modestly: "Fifth level of Qi training."

He felt that his soul was perfect, and he hadn't been taken away by the soul lamp.

It is very likely that the ancient Taoist monument played a special role.

Protected his soul.

But judging from the expression of the middle-aged monk, there is no problem with the Longevity Soul Lamp!
Of course, Wang Chen wouldn't tell this matter even if he was killed.

"That's not easy."

The middle-aged monk has a lot of meaning: "To be able to capture ten gray-eyed robber heads and be promoted to the inner sect, the junior brother's skills are really extraordinary."

Wang Chen smiled dryly: "It all depends on the help of my uncle in the door."

The middle-aged monk smiled: "May I ask who is the brother's uncle?"


Wang Chen said sadly: "Unfortunately passed away a few days ago."

The middle-aged monk was dumbfounded.

He asked Dao Tong to send Wang Chen's longevity lamp to the Changming Hall for placement, and then gave Wang Chen a storage bag.

Here are the entry benefits.

There is something for everyone.

"Junior Brother Wang Chen."

The middle-aged monk finally said: "Our Sunset Peak is no better than the other eight peaks, and the cultivation resources allocated by the higher-ups are very few. Considering the daily cultivation needs of the disciples, we can provide part-time compensation."

"Zhan, Wei, Dan, Talisman, Weapon, Formation, etc. can be chosen, do you want to choose one?"

As for this question, Wang Chen actually thought of the answer a long time ago.

He replied without hesitation: "I want to farm!"
The second one will be delivered, there will be more tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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