Chapter 136
Wang Chen pointed out from the air.

A green light flashed across his fingertips, and a weed three steps away suddenly shook.

This weed just sprouted new shoots last night. It is only three inches high and looks very weak.

However, at the next moment, it was like eating a great tonic elixir suddenly. The stems and leaves swelled at an alarming speed, spit out the stamens, bloomed and withered, and completed a cycle of life between breaths.

The whole weed was silently annihilated in the dust.

[Dry Glory Technique Experience +1]

[Dry Glory Technique (Dacheng): 399/400]

add a bit!

Without any hesitation, Wang Chen directly dropped 10 points of morality on this spell.

Previously, Xiaocheng Jin Dacheng, he has already added a point.

[Dry Glory Technique (Grandmaster): 0/500]

It only took three days for Wang Chen to upgrade the Kurong Technique to the level of a master.

Although a certain price was paid, amazing progress was achieved!

With the unraveling of the magic oath and sealing spell, countless information related to the dry glory technique poured into his sea of ​​consciousness.

His understanding and mastery of this spell has reached a new level in a very short period of time!
Wang Chen silently comprehended the kung fu of a stick of incense.

when he opened his eyes again.

The pupil of the left eye is green and full of vitality, while the pupil of the right eye is a dead gray-brown!
But the abnormality of the double pupils disappeared in an instant.

Immediately returned to normal state.

Wang Chen took a deep breath.

Intangible and qualityless mana breath came out through the body, spreading silently in all directions.

With him as the center, the weeds within ten steps grew and withered crazily, turning into fly ash in just a few breaths.

Those dense roots hidden deep in the ground also no longer exist.

The grand master's dry glory technique is so domineering!

However, Wang Chen was not particularly satisfied.

Because his cultivation greatly limited the performance of this spell, otherwise the coverage would be wider and deeper!

It was replaced by a Zifu monk who used the same level of dry glory technique with all his strength...

Wang Chen couldn't imagine such a scene for the time being.

But for now, eradicating all the weeds in the fifty acres of spiritual fields is no longer a problem.

Although the growth of weeds cannot be truly eliminated.

But in the future, as long as it is before sowing and after harvesting, it will be processed in the same way.

Then his usual workload is bound to be greatly reduced.

It is also very easy for one person to take care of fifty acres of spiritual fields.

The most important thing is that the Kurong Technique at the grandmaster level can be upgraded to the Dzogchen level.

I don't know what kind of special power will be derived by then!
Wang Chen looked at the morality points displayed on the Immortal Cultivation panel, and felt that it was really not enough.

At this moment, a deep and distant bell rang into his ears.

It's time.

There is also a Dingyang Bell in Yunlong City, which is more powerful than the Dingyang Bell in Yunshan City. The sound of the bell can spread throughout the Nine Peaks of the Inner Gate, covering a range of hundreds of miles.

Wang Chen immediately threw out the willow-leaf boat and flew towards the sunset peak with this magic weapon.

If it were another Lingzhi husband, ten days had passed since the autumn sowing, and his own Lingtian hadn't sown a grain of rice, so he must be jumping in a hurry.

If the farming season is delayed, the harvest will inevitably be greatly affected.

But Wang Chen was as stable as an old dog, and he didn't panic at all.

"Spring Breeze and Rain Fertilization Technique" and "Autumn Sunshine Tree Hair Growth Technique" are both spiritual planting skills that help the growth of spiritual rice. As long as you are willing to work hard and spiritual fertilizer, it is not a problem to catch up with the farming season.

It's the Zifu lecture in the afternoon, he must go to listen to it!

In the past, as an outer disciple of the Yunyang Sect, Wang Chen had only one opportunity to attend lectures for free every month.

Moreover, most of the lecturers are the elders of the outer sect on the ninth floor of Qi training.

In the inner sect, however, every three, six or nine days, the elders of the Zifu from all peaks and veins will take turns to teach the Dharma in the dojo.

In other words, Wang Chen can attend nine free public lectures every month!

With such benefits, missing a session is a big loss.

Wang Chen pushed the willow-leaf boat under his feet with all his strength, and the flying boat rolled up billowing clouds and smoke, and flew forward like an arrow off the string.

The Willow Leaf Flying Boat is a low-level flying magic weapon. Its flying height and speed depend entirely on the cultivation strength of the driver. The stronger the magic power injected, the higher and faster it will naturally fly.

Without advanced qi training, it is difficult to control freely.

Wang Chen has just entered the advanced level, and he has no problem controlling the willow-leaf flying boat.

But his mana can't support long-distance high-speed flight.

Fortunately, the manor is located at the foot of Sunset Peak, only two or three miles away from the stone path up the mountain.

Wang Chen controlled the boat all the way to the top of the peak along the mountain road.

When he arrived at the Sunset Peak Dojo.

Hundreds of inner disciples were already sitting in front of the lecture platform.

And one stream after another landed, and more monks kept coming.

Of the [-] inner disciples of the Yunyang School, Sunset Peak has [-] disciples, the most among all the peaks!

So it's normal to be so lively.

Wang Chen noticed that the disciples who were already seated clearly divided into groups.

There is a clear distinction between each other!

There are as many as five or 60 people in these inner sect groups, and as few as a dozen or 20 people.

They gathered together, or whispered, or talked and laughed loudly, and there was no shortage of dissolute people.

New disciples joined in one after another.

Wang Chen made a rough calculation, and there were thirty or forty such groups!
It really opened my eyes.

Wang Chen also found that female disciples accounted for almost one-third of the audience.

There are also several teams of all-female cultivators.

They are all more beautiful than Hua, Yingyingyanyan is beautiful and delicious, attracting the attention of the male disciples around.

Then there are some teams that are clearly not coping.

The monks stared wide-eyed, as if they wanted to tear each other apart!
Such a situation made Wang Chen finally understand.

Why did Senior Brother Cao have such an expression when he mentioned Sunset Peak?

It's really too complicated!

The water is too deep.

But other people's excitement has nothing to do with Wang Chen, and he doesn't want to jump into the puddle either.

Quietly found a corner and sat down.

Enhanced the blessing of the Breathing Technique.

Listening to the law is not like watching a movie, and there is no need to occupy a good position at all.

Wang Chen did not forget Senior Brother Cao's earnest teaching: "It's none of your business, just keep it high..."

He added a sentence himself: low-key and low-key.

Anyway, just be a little transparent!
After another half a quarter, no flying magic weapon landed on the field.

I saw a monk wearing a purple robe and a high crown floating out of the hall and onto the lecture platform.

A divine consciousness that contained majestic aura swept across the entire dojo in an instant.

All the inner disciples were silent like cicadas!

Two pretty maids came to the stage and brought brocade futons, red sandalwood desks, Ningshen incense burners, red clay tea burners...

And this scene fell into Wang Chen's eyes, and the more he looked at it, the more familiar it became.

The purple-robed monk sitting on the futon picked up a small silver mallet and knocked on the copper bell on the table.

I'm dizzy!

Wang Chen remembered that this Zifu was the Master Changchun whom he had heard about!
Dare to love the other party is an elder from the Sunset Peak lineage.

That dress style, that style of posture, is exactly the same as what Wang Chen has seen before.

Wang Chen's expression became strange.

He once heard people say that Chang Chun had the nickname of "Master of Lingshi".

Whether you want to listen to his lectures, or ask him for help.

Seling stone will do.

As long as there are enough spirit stones, Master Changchun will not refuse anyone who can help, and he will definitely help, and his reputation is very good.

Even the true biography quota under his seat can be bid for with spirit stones.

That's right, it's bidding to buy!
The most creative thing is that the true disciple status of Master Changchun is valid for three years.

After the three-year period has passed, you have to participate in the bidding again.

The highest bidder gets it!

In addition, Changchun also has the nickname of "Tofu Master".

He never fought with monks of the same rank, and hid if he could if he was bullied, and hid in his cave to thank guests behind closed doors, and did not come out until the weather calmed down.

As for the disciples, don't expect him to provide protection if anything happens.

Unless you give Lingshi!
It is this style of behavior that gives him such a demeaning nickname, which makes Qi practitioners dare to talk about it behind their backs.

Wang Chen really didn't expect Master Changchun to be one of the three purple mansions on Sunset Peak.

No wonder Sunset Peak is so fat!
Wang Chen felt that it was necessary for him to get to know the other two elders.

At this moment, Master Changchun's lecture has already begun.

Although this "Tofu master" has a bad reputation, his level of teaching is quite good.

Wang Chen gradually became absorbed in listening, and felt that he had gained a lot.
The second is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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