Chapter 142
"what do you want?"

Xuan Gui asked with wide eyes, and at the same time looked at Wang Chen with scrutiny.

Wang Chen was stunned for a moment, then understood immediately.

Almost annoyed!
It turned out that Xuan Gui thought he had other plans for sending peaches and pears to it.

If you don't have anything to do, it's either rape or stealing!

Wang Chen replied: "I don't want anything, but I'm too full!"

He was speechless.

It is said that this thousand-year-old tortoise was enlightened by the founder of Yunyang when he established the sect in Yunyang.

Then bestow it as an auspicious beast to suppress the luck of the sect.

This sounds like an interesting legend.

But Patriarch Yunyang ascended to the upper realm many years ago, and Xuangui is still here silently enduring the wind and rain.

Unable to leave the stele for half a step.

Zifeiyu knows the joy of fish. Although Wang Chen is not a black turtle, he doesn't know what's in his heart.

But no matter what.

This is not a happy thing!

Wang Chen gave it spiritual fruit again and again, mainly out of pity.

Thinking that the old tortoise had also helped him, he had to show his conscience.

As a result, his kindness was taken as a donkey's liver and lungs!

Forget it.

It was impossible for Wang Chen to argue with an old turtle, so he shook his head and prepared to leave.

In the future, even if all the peaches and apricots in the orchard are rotten on the tree, he will never put his hot face on the other party's cold ass again!


At this moment, Yuanyuan suddenly jumped out of the spirit animal bag hanging on Wang Chen's waist.

It bounced high above the ground and landed on the skirt of the black turtle's tortoise shell.

He opened his mouth and took a hard bite.

Almost broke my teeth!
Turtles have the strongest defense.

This old tortoise has been lying at the entrance of the Neishan Gate for more than 1000 years, and its shell is as thick as a mountain.

Not to mention a little spirit mouse.

Even if the master of the Zifu made a full attack, don't even think about blasting away this layer of defense!


The little guy became even more angry, and jumped onto the black turtle's thick neck again.

It quickly got into the gap behind the turtle's neck!

Wang Chen was dumbfounded: "Xiao Yuanyuan!"

The little guy's movements were so fast that he had no time to react.

Seeing Yuanyuan disappearing into the crevice of the turtle shell, Wang Chen became anxious: "Senior Xuangui, I will catch it right away, you must not be as knowledgeable as it is!"

He was afraid that the old turtle would retract its head and squeeze Xiao Yuanyuan to death!

Xuangui shook his head, stretched out his neck, and shouted loudly: "Itchy, stop scratching!"

It was Yuanyuan inside, scratching the soft flesh of its neck desperately with its small paws!
Wang Chen watched with sweat on his forehead: "Yuanyuan, come out!"

He knew that Yuanyuan felt his grievance and anger, so he asked the old turtle for justice!
But justice in this world is determined by strength.

The gap is too big.

That is asking for death!
Wang Chen's thoughts turned, and he was trying to save Yuanyuan, but the little guy jumped out of the turtle shell.

An ups and downs jumped on top of him.

The two little paws grabbed Wang Chen's collar tightly, and let out an aggrieved cry: "嘤嘤嘤~"

The translation is "so smelly, so smelly".

Wang Chen quickly flew back, widening the distance between him and Xuangui.

At the same time, gently cover Yuanyuan with your left hand.

So that the little guy doesn't do the thing of "an ant stretching its legs and tripping an elephant" again!

Xuan Gui retracted his head, and complained angrily: "Where did the little mouse come from so aggressive, and your ancestors...cough, my old bones can't stand your toss!"

"That's all."

It raised its head and said to Wang Chen, "Send it here, and I'll have a few words with it."

Wang Chen hesitated for a moment, then lowered his head and asked Yuanyuan: "Senior Xuan Gui wants to say a few words to you, do you think it's okay?"

The old tortoise obviously didn't have any malicious intentions.

Otherwise, in the situation just now, as long as it counterattacks a little bit, there is no possibility of Xiao Yuanyuan surviving!

The little guy moaned and chirped, with a look of lingering anger.

The golden hairs on his head stood up.

But it nodded anyway.

Wang Chen took a long breath, and put Yuanyuan down in front of Xuan Gui.

Yuanyuan was not afraid, she raised her head and looked at the huge old tortoise.

Xuan Gui looked at Wang Chen: "Go away."

Wang Chen took ten steps back.

Xuangui was dissatisfied: "Go further!"

Wang Chen simply withdrew from Baibu.

Is this enough?
Then he saw from a distance that the old tortoise lowered its head, touching the ground to communicate with Xiao Yuanyuan.

After half a cup of tea, Yuanyuan turned around and ran towards Wang Chen bouncing around.

Wang Chen hurried up to meet him, and put the little guy back into his arms.

I don't know what Xuangui said to it, the golden hair on Yuanyuan's head has been smoothed out.

It's fine!

Wang Chen hurriedly took a photo of the flying boat, bowed to Xuangui and saluted: "Thank you senior, see you next time!"

Xuan Gui exhaled a thick breath from his nostrils: "Hmph!"

It opened its mouth to take the two baskets of spiritual pears in front of it, then retracted its head, closed its eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

Leaving the gate of the mountain, Wang Chen drove the flying boat to Yunshan City.

Halfway through the flight, Yuanyuan got out of the spirit beast bag again, grabbed his clothes and crawled to his chest.

Wang Chen held up his palm: "What's the matter?"

The next moment, a bright red vermilion fruit appeared on his palm.

A gust of pure spirit rushes straight into the nostrils, and Wang Chen just inhales it, and suddenly feels as if he is floating in the sky.

As if drunk to the third point.

Drunk Reiki!
Shocked, Wang Chen hurriedly lowered the flying boat to the ground, fearing that one would accidentally lose control and capsize.

He looked at Zhu Guo in his hand in disbelief.

When Wang Chen rented a cave in Yunshan City for the first time to break through, he was drunk when he first entered the cave, but as his cultivation continued to improve, the same situation never happened again.

He never expected that such a small fruit could make him, who is a high-level qi practitioner, drunk again!

After gathering his mind, Wang Chen had already understood.

This red fruit was obviously given to Yuanyuan by Xuangui.

It is probably to express apology to Wang Chen for the words of "taking the heart of Xiaoxiu with the belly of an old turtle"!
However, Wang Chen had a vague feeling that things were not as simple as he thought.

But no matter what, Yuanyuan must have gotten a big deal!

He smiled and said, "Since Senior Turtle gave it to you, then you can eat it yourself."

Thinking about this thing should be of great benefit to the little guy!

Yuanyuan shook her head.

Then there were second, third, and fourth more on Wang Chen's palm...

A total of ten red fruits!

The pure spirit emanating from these vermilion fruits made Wang Chen's newly sober head start to feel dizzy again.

He can't help but laugh.

What a rip-off that Xiao Yuanyuan has taken off the old tortoise!
Even so, Wang Chen didn't have the slightest greedy heart, he touched the little guy who offered treasure to him: "These are all yours, I don't want them."

Yuanyuan: "Hey!"
The second is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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