Chapter 148
Western Regions, Mount Fanjing.

On the top of the majestic and majestic mountain, a magnificent temple stands on it.

Tianlong Temple, the number one Buddhist sect in the Western Regions!

On the dark sky, there are dark clouds and thunderstorms, and the howling wind rolls up the thunderclouds, forming a huge vortex in the sky, and countless electric snakes swim in it.

The whole world seems to be collapsing!

And Tianlong Temple, which is located directly below the thundercloud vortex, is still brightly lit and incense candles are shining brightly.

Inside the resplendent and resplendent hall, there was a scene of chaos.

Countless monks are looking at a huge painting hanging next to the Buddha statue with horrified eyes.

The painting is about nine feet wide and more than ten feet high.

It hangs from the top of the dome of the main hall to the ground, and is then held up by a lotus platform made of pure gold.

There is only a lifelike five-clawed dragon with teeth and claws on the screen.

It was surrounded by black mist, and its long dragon body was twisting violently, as if it was about to fly out of the painting.

Anyone can see that this Tianlong is in a state of rage!
This giant painting is exactly the treasure of the town temple of Tianlong Temple - the picture of the true soul of Dawei Tianlong.

It is said that it was refined by a Buddhist master who extracted the soul of an evil dragon, and incorporated the image of the Buddhist guardian Dawei Tianlong. It has the powerful power to destroy all demons and suppress evil spirits.

And the famous Tianlong King Kong Dharma-rectification is derived from this picture of the true soul of the mighty Tianlong!

However, at this moment, the treasure of the town temple, which was devoutly enshrined by the monks of Tianlong Temple, is about to become their nightmare.

Many low-level monks in the main hall had blood oozing from their mouths, nose, eyes and ears under the strong mental shock.

All of them looked miserable.

At the same time, their souls and wills are also being eroded by Tianlong's violent thoughts.

Once the mind is lost, it is very likely to degenerate into a demon!

"The abbot is here!"

When all the monks were at a loss and frightened, a white-browed monk holding a Zen stick, surrounded by many red-clothed monks, walked into the hall with his head held high.

"Namo Amitabha ~"

The white-browed monk shouted the Buddha's name, and the chaotic situation in the hall was greatly improved immediately.

We have a backbone.

The monks bowed and saluted one after another, enduring the pain and retreating to the side.

The white-browed monk came to the front of the Dawei Tianlong True Soul Picture.

He looked up at the maddening Dawei Tianlong, and shouted in a deep voice, "Duh!"

The sound is like a bronze bell, shocking the soul!

A mighty Buddha power instantly wiped away the violent aura that filled the hall.

As soon as the mantra came out, Tianlong in the picture was shocked suddenly.

The blood-red dragon eyes took a deep look at the white-browed monk. With strong unwillingness and anger, it curled up its long dragon body, hid itself in the black mist, and hid again.

At this moment, the monk with white eyebrows noticed that Tianlong's neck was dripping with blood.

The original crescent-shaped silver scale disappeared.

Ni Lin was taken!

The white-browed monk suddenly changed his face.

The reverse scale of the real dragon is condensed by luck, it is not only a weakness, but also the location of the essence, and it will kill you with one touch.

Who would have thought that the mighty Tianlong enshrined in the main hall of Tianlong Temple would be stripped of its scales in full view of the public.

Dawei Tianlong's anger is completely understandable.

Its loss is great!

The problem is, looking at the entire mountain and sea world, who can do this?
Think about it here.

The white-browed monk's glazed Buddha's heart was cracked!

He immediately asked in a deep voice: "Is Wuming here?"

Immediately, a burly monk came forward: "The disciple is here!"

The white-browed monk said: "Pass down my decree, take back all the outflowing Tianlong King Kong Dharma, and will not carry it out in the future!"

His heart was bleeding.

It is precisely because of the "cheap and beautiful" Tianlong King Kong Dharma that Tianlong Temple not only makes a lot of money, but also recruits a large number of outstanding talents.

This "Huilong" plan has been implemented for a hundred years, and the effect is very good.

Now that it is suddenly abolished, it will inevitably cause heavy losses!
But when it comes to the map of Dawei Tianlong's true soul, such a price must be borne.

Otherwise, the consequences are disastrous!

The burly monk hesitated for a moment and asked, "Master, is the ghee still for sale? Do you want to take it back?"

"Keep selling!"

The white-browed monk said fiercely: "In the future, all prices will be increased by three times, no, five times before selling!"

In the past, there was no purpose, and diamond ghee could make small profits but sell more.

Now that the Tianlong King Kong Dharma cannot be used, the only way to make up for the loss is through this secret medicinal oil.

I believe that those monks who are used to using diamond ghee to temper their bodies don't care about spending five times the price!

The burly monk bowed and saluted: "Please follow the decree of the law!"

The white-browed monk waved his hands, and looked at the picture of Dawei Tianlong's true soul again.

There was an inexplicable shock!

But at this very moment, the inner sect of the Yunyang Sect is millions of miles away.

Wang Chen, who was at home, had just discovered that the data of the Taigu Daobei had undergone quite surprising changes.

[Master: Taigu Daobei (seal): 505720/10000000]

Its unblocking points suddenly increased by 50 points!

Is this because of the suppression of Tianlong Zhenxing?
Wang Chen was a little confused.

But he didn't investigate the question, which may never be answered.

After all, the ancient monument is too mysterious.

The practical problem that Wang Chen needs to solve now is that even though he breaks through the fourth level of Tianlong King Kong Dharma and enters the realm of Vajra Impeccable.

But if you want to stabilize your realm, you can unleash the true power of the diamond without leaking your body.

Then you have to continue to practice this technique.

Wang Chen has no shortage of skills.

The Wuxiang monk gave him all the middle and third layers of Tianlong King Kong's rectification.

But he has already used up the diamond ghee to assist his cultivation.

Without this special medicated oil, the effect of cultivation would be greatly reduced!

Wang Chen has a deep understanding of this.

He thought over and over again, and finally decided to fight for his own wealth and life!
Early the next morning, Wang Chen left the inner gate for Yunshan City.

He sold the Qiushui sword, the Danghun bell, and some of the talismans he had drawn before.

Although the price was kept very low by the talisman store.

But there is no way for Lingshi.

Wang Chen even sold a magic weapon that originally belonged to Lu Defang.

This artifact is of high grade.

It was only severely damaged in the battle, and it has been pressed to the bottom of the box since he picked it up.

Now it's treated as leftovers.

Of course, all the things were sold by Wang Chen in the three cities of the outer gate wearing the mask of Qianji Transformation.


The things that Yuanyuan dug up here and there, regardless of whether they were valuable or not, were all emptied at once.

He only kept the Xuanjia Ring.

Running around like this, my legs are almost thinner.

In the end, Wang Chen got 170 six bottles of diamond ghee.

The higher the realm of Tianlong King Kong Dharma, the greater the demand for King Kong Ghee.

More than 100 bottles seem to be a lot.

The consumption rate in actual use is very fast.

But there is no way, he can only get so many spirit stones, he can't cut his kidneys and sell his blood, right?
I practiced at home for another three days.

Only when King Kong's body was stabilized did Wang Chen go to the Zongshitang to accept the sect's mission.

As the saying goes, raising soldiers for a thousand days and using them for a while.

He practiced hard and tried his best to equip himself. It's time to make a difference!
The third update is sent, please support the monthly ticket, thank you everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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