Gou becomes a boss in the fairy world.

Chapter 151 Fighting the Gray-Eyed Bandit Again

Chapter 151 Fighting the Gray-Eyed Bandit Again

The thick five fingers closed together and grabbed a handful of dirt on the ground.

A huge head leaned over and sniffed vigorously with its flat nose. The muddy eyes dripping with pus looked in the direction of Wang Chen's escape, and greed appeared in the dark yellow pupils.

"Man, it tastes so good!"

It drilled out of the ground, and its huge body shook off countless soil.

Standing up to a height of more than five feet!
This giant with distinctly feminine features strode forward, leaving deep footprints in the ground with each step.

Its skin is dark gray and covered with folds like old bark.

Looking carefully, a wrinkle is a painfully distorted human face, wailing silently.

After chasing to the edge of Ruins City, the giant stopped.

It seems to be afraid of something.

But it was obviously unwilling to give up like this, and suddenly opened its bloody mouth.


A stream of mud-colored liquid spurted out from the giant's mouth, cascading down to the ground.

There are dark red blood cocoons in the middle.

The force of the impact shattered the blood cocoons one after another, and the people hiding inside jumped up one by one.

They were dressed in gray shirts, with staunch stature and dull expressions, and pairs of gray eyes were lifeless.

"go with!"

The giant opened his palm and sprinkled the soil he grabbed earlier on these gray-shirted men, and said in an urn voice, "Catch him back to me, he will live!"

As soon as it finished speaking, dozens of men in gray shirts rushed forward like arrows leaving the string.

The body speed is extremely fast.

"Cough cough!"

The giant's throat suddenly choked, and he coughed out a blood cocoon and held it in his mouth.

It hesitated for a moment, then chewed hard.

Blood and water mixed with slurry spilled from the corner of his mouth.

The human faces densely covered the body surface became even more distorted and hideous!

Darkness once again enveloped the ruins city.

And at this moment, Wang Chen, driven by a sense of crisis, flew across the wilderness under the night.

But it's a long way from Ruins City.

The sense of danger that haunted him still lingered.

And even more intense!
When Wang Chen rushed up a hill, he looked back.

I saw Li Xu Kaiwai, a series of gray shadows chasing from the direction of Ruins City!


Wang Chen's heart was awe-inspiring.

He didn't expect that there would be a large number of evil spirits running out of the ruins city, chasing him relentlessly.

Wang Chen's act of killing the ghost man obviously angered the boss hidden in the evil nest.

Just like the tree grandma in the mass grave.

But the breath of the huge monster that drilled out of the ground was ten times more terrifying than Grandma Tree's.

100% belong to resentment level evil spirits.

It is estimated that it is the existence of white resentment, or even black resentment level!

Wang Chen couldn't afford to provoke such a powerful evil spirit, so he chose a tactical retreat.

If it's still this evil spirit chasing after him.

Then he can only continue to run away and lead the other party to the inner mountain gate of the Yunyang faction.

At that time, not to mention the grievance-level evil spirits, even if the fierce-level evil spirits come over, they will definitely not be able to get any advantage!
But now the pursuers...

Wang Chen immediately calmed down, and was even a little excited.

One of the important reasons why Wang Chen came to the outer domain to take risks this time was to improve his moral value.

Even though he killed Ghost Langguan, the number of virtues he accumulated exceeded [-] points.

But it is far from enough to push all the important skills to Dzogchen.

These evil pursuers that appeared in Wang Chen's sight were clearly experience packs that came here to give away their heads!

Of course, Wang Chen did not underestimate his opponent.

The number of chasing soldiers should be at least thirty or more, even if they are all Baiyou level evil spirits, it is still quite dangerous.

If they are stronger.

Once a siege is formed against Wang Chen, the hunter becomes the prey in an instant!
Inspired by his thoughts, Wang Chen immediately grabbed a handful of talismans.

He opened his arms suddenly, waved his hands and shot more than a dozen evil spirit talismans in different directions.

Clouds of spiritual light exploded soundlessly around Wang Chen, and the strong and pure aura of Zhiyang quickly merged into the nearby air and soil.

It's not that there are too many talismans in Wang Chen, so it's okay to burn them for fun.

Instead, he wants to use these evil spirit talismans to create a fighting environment that is beneficial to him.

The pure yang energy released by the evil spirit talisman can last for a short time if it is not neutralized by the evil force.

Once low-level evil spirits break in, they will definitely be affected!
It's a pity that Wang Chen doesn't know how to set up an array, otherwise he could use the evil spirit talisman to construct a one-time evil formation.

That would be even more lethal to evil spirits!

After playing the talisman, Wang Chen immediately pinched the magic formula with his hands, which inspired the fire crow technique.

Under the agitation of strong mana, his body exuded a scorching breath, and a raven burning with flames quickly took shape in front of him, spreading its wings lingering with blazing light.


Wang Chen scolded lightly, and his arms shook suddenly.

The six fire crows on the left and right who had just condensed into reality immediately fluttered their wings and flew high.

They drew bright lines of fire in the night sky, condescendingly pounced on the chasing evil spirits!
Annihilating the enemy within the range of the magic attack is the most orthodox way of fighting for a monk.

Melee combat is actually an alternative or a last resort choice!

The true form of the fire crow condensed by the master-level fire crow technique flew extremely fast, and between breaths, the most violent collision occurred to the evil creature rushing to the front.

Groups of fireballs suddenly burst open.

With the help of the flames from the explosion, Wang Chen could see clearly the appearance of the pursuers.

Gray-eyed thief? !

Wang Chen is very familiar with Gray-Eyed Pirates.

He had fought against the opponent when he was training on the fourth level of qi, and even beheaded an evil cultivator.

Later, Wang Chen obtained more than a dozen heads of gray-eyed robbers from Lu Defang, and exchanged them for rewards to enter the inner door.

And he came out to take risks this time, and also took over the hunting mission related to the gray-eyed bandit.

Wang Chen and the gray-eyed bandit are really destined for each other!

But he had no idea that these evil cultivators were hiding in the ruins city and collude with other evil spirits.


The three gray-eyed thieves were hit by the fire crow, and their whole bodies instantly turned into torches, and they all let out hoarse howls.

But only half of the six fire crows released by Wang Chen hit the target.

The other three Firecrows were dodged by Gray-Eyed Pirate.

Their reaction was very fast, while avoiding the blow, they immediately launched a fierce counterattack!

Pieces of blue-gray wind blades whizzed through the air, flying towards Wang Chen standing on the hill in dense numbers with a distance of hundreds of steps.

These wind blades are almost transparent, they spin extremely fast, and there are a lot of them.

In an instant, the space around Wang Chen was blocked.

Let him have no retreat!
Facing the powerful counterattack from the enemy, Wang Chen's expression remained unchanged, and he raised his right palm to block in front of him.

A spiritual shield suddenly appeared!
Countless wind blades slashed at the spirit shield, and although they created waves of ripples, they failed to penetrate this thick and tough defense.

But more gray-eyed thieves appeared around Wang Chen! ——
The first update is delivered, and there are two updates tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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