Gou becomes a boss in the fairy world.

Chapter 156 The Son of Fortune

Chapter 156 The Son of Fortune
Wang Chen and Pang Zitong quickly put away the melon seeds on the bench, sat upright and did not look sideways.

Before the discussion begins.

The dojo, which accommodated nearly two thousand monks, was noisy.

Some of these inner sect disciples of Sunset Peak talked loudly, and some laughed and played.

There are even people who are talking to each other!

Under such circumstances, the two hiding in the corner eating melon seeds would not attract the attention of others at all.

But now an elder of the Zifu has just stepped onto the stage of discussing the law.

The master of Zifu's spiritual consciousness is very powerful, and no movement on the scene can escape his perception.

So under the eyes of this elder, it is best to be honest.

Otherwise, if you are caught out to kill chickens and monkeys, don't cry for injustice!
The whole dojo quickly became quiet.

Everyone sat on the futon in a serious manner, listening to the elder's speech seriously.

No one dares to jump out and be a stabbing head at this time.

Just after a stick of incense, a rumbling sound reached the ears of all the disciples.

I saw that the platform of Falun was trembling violently, and the rocks that were the main components began to move.

The sound comes from the rubbing of stones against each other.

After a moment of effort, the upper half of the altar slowly unfolded in all directions.

Its height decreases and the area of ​​the top platform continues to expand.

In the end, the structure of an inverted pyramid was formed, and it still stands firmly on the dojo!

According to the rules of Fengmai Discussion, disciples who want to compete for the top ten positions need to board this huge platform and challenge the representatives who participated in the sect competition last year.

If the challenge is successful, it will naturally be replaced.

If you fail, you will have to pay [-] points to the winner!
The challenged person can also refuse, provided that he voluntarily relinquishes his representative status.

The top ten are for those who can!
In addition, the disciples who rank among the top ten will automatically obtain the status of true inheritance and enjoy considerable treatment.

In short, for ambitious and powerful monks, the theory of the peak pulse and the martial art competition are undoubtedly a path to the sky!

"Lu Hong!"

To everyone's surprise, the Elder of the Zi Mansion just announced the start of this year's Sunset Peak Dharma Discussion, and a monk in green shirt jumped onto the Dharma Discussion Platform and shouted in a deep voice, "Come up and die!"

There was an uproar!
Who is Lu Hong?

The Chief True Disciple of Sunset Peak, and one of the peak line representatives who participated in the sect competition last year.

He is a direct descendant of the Lu family in the Purple Mansion, and he has already practiced Qi to perfection at the age of 22. It is said that he is very likely to break through and open the mansion this year.

Many people speculated that Lu Hong would try to break through for the first time after participating in this year's martial art competition.

Regardless of whether he can succeed or not, there is no doubt that his cultivation talent is high.

Because of his noble background and outstanding talent, Lu Hong is very popular among the more than 2000 inner disciples at Sunset Peak, and he has a large number of fans around him.

In the past, there were people who challenged Lu Hong at Fa conferences, but they all ended in failure.

Who would have expected that the first top ten disciples to be challenged this year turned out to be the so-called strongest Lu Hong!

However, when everyone saw the appearance of the challenger, many people's faces changed.

"It's Zhao Huaian."

Pang Zitong, who was sitting next to Wang Chen, snickered and said, "This is a good show!"

The grievances between Zhao Huaian and Lu Hong are already considered an open secret in Sunset Peak.

It has long been known that Lu Hong suppressed this "lucky" disciple!
All along, it was Zhao Huai'an who was so suppressed that he couldn't hold his head up.

Even disappeared in the sect.

No way, Lu Hong can crush Zhao Huai'an regardless of strength, cultivation or status.

It's just that the door rules are strict, and the head of the door once opened a golden mouth for Zhao Huaian.

So he was able to survive.

But everyone believed that this casual cultivator from the outer domain would disappear completely sooner or later!
But when he reappeared, he went on stage brazenly to slap Lu Hong in the face!
And none of the monks present was a fool.

Since Zhao Huaian dared to openly challenge Lu Hong, who was much stronger than himself.

That's unless he's tired of life.

Otherwise, he must have some kind of trump card that can deal with Qi training Dzogchen monks!

On the platform, the aura and fighting spirit shown by Zhao Huai'an, who called the array, confirmed this guess.

"How brave!"

Under such circumstances, how could senior brother Lu Honglu sit firmly on the Diaoyutai!
He immediately snarled, and then jumped onto the Dharma platform.

Form a confrontation with Zhao Huaian!

"Eldest brother is mighty!"

Those inner disciples who followed Lu Hong cheered for him one after another.

However, no matter how many of them there were, they couldn't go up to help Lu Hong besiege Zhao Huaian, so these chaotic shouts seemed a bit ridiculous.

Zhao Huaian sneered coldly, and met Lu Hong's eyes, how many swords and swords were hidden in each other's eyes!
The elder of the Zifu who presided over the discussion on the Sunset Peak said in a deep voice: "On the Dharma, let's go to the end."

As soon as his words fell, a nearly transparent barrier instantly appeared on the four sides of the altar.

The protective magic circle arranged inside the high platform has been activated!

This magic circle can not only protect the audience in the dojo, but also protect the opponents on the stage from death.

And the moment the protective circle opened, Lu Hong and Zhao Huaian moved at the same time!
A bright sword light instantly dazzled the eyes of all the monks present.

Before everyone could react, Lu Hong flew upside down like a kite with a broken string, blood gushing from his mouth.

He slammed into the barrier of the magic circle, rebounded and fell, and fell completely on the spot!
There was complete silence in the dojo, countless monks were stunned, and they couldn't believe their eyes.

Big brother Lu Honglu, lost like this?

He didn't even take Zhao Huaian's move, and was kicked out of the game!
The magic robe Lu Hong was wearing was shattered, and he fell to the ground and struggled to get up, but failed miserably after several efforts.

It wasn't until his younger brothers came back to their senses as if they had just woken up from a dream that they hurriedly stepped onto the stage to escort Lu Hong to the main hall for treatment.

Now everyone's attention was focused on Zhao Huaian.

I saw this young monk holding a long sword, standing proudly on the altar, with a stern and astonishing aura.

It shocked the hearts of the female cultivators at the scene!
"Zhao Huaian wins."

As the elders of the Zifu announced the results of the competition, the disciples present suddenly realized that the power structure of Sunset Peak might undergo a huge change!
At this moment, Wang Chen was also looking at Zhao Huai'an who had just won a brilliant victory.

It seemed that the other party was a little different from the Zhao Huaian I knew before.

This person seemed to be shrouded in an incomparably dazzling halo.

It's hard to see his true face!

Wang Chen faintly sensed the existence of something called "air luck".
The third one is delivered.

(End of this chapter)

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