Chapter 158

Mount Tahoe.

Yunyang Jiufeng, Tahoe No. [-].

Taihao Peak is not only the main peak and main vein of Yunyang School.

Moreover, this majestic mountain peak, which is more than a thousand feet high, is also the highest peak in the Tianyun Mountain Range!

The three major golden elixirs of the Yunyang School all cultivated on Taihao Peak.

Suppress the land with a radius of thousands of miles.

Usually, Taihao Peak is covered by overlapping clouds and fog, making it impossible for people to see the true face.

But when it was time for Jiufeng to discuss the Tao, the clouds cleared and the fog cleared, and the sky was sunny.

Eight thousand inner sect disciples gathered at the peak dojo to witness the birth of the top ten true disciples of Yunyang Sect!
Except for Taihao's main line, the achievements of the other Eight Peaks disciples in the sect competition will determine the resource allocation ratio of each line in the coming year.

Therefore, the eighty representative figures who stood out from their respective peaks all tried their best to stage a wonderful and incomparable fight between dragons and tigers on the huge discussion stage!
One after another, the generation of arrogance burst out with their own brilliance.

Zhao Huaian is just one of the dark horses.

He is not the only one who catches the eye!
For example, Lin Feng from Feiyu Peak.

Although he was born in the Lin family of Zifu in Yunhu Lake, he was born to a maid, and was an accidental product of the drunk young master of the Lin family.

It is considered a disgrace by the Lin family and ashamed to mention it to outsiders.

Not only was Lin Feng not included in the genealogy, but he was also bullied and suppressed by his clan for a long time.

His status is not even comparable to that of a servant at home, and even the maid dares to laugh at him to his face.

However, Lin Feng didn't fall into the abyss and couldn't turn over because of this, but silently endured it.

Once he broke his sack, he was chosen by the elders of Feiyu Peak to be included in the gate wall.

Immediately ride the wind and fly high to show your sharpness!

On the Dao Discussion Stage, he defeated three opponents in a row and won the top ten true biography.

Lin Feng looks very handsome.

His demeanor of crushing opponents has attracted the attention of countless female cultivators from Mingxiu and Lingyuan!

Another example is Xiao Hongyi of Gu Jianfeng, whose appearance and temperament are not inferior to Lin Feng's, and his identity is a direct descendant of the Xiao family in the Zifu.

It's just that Xiao Hongyi was judged to be a waste since he was a child. He has incomplete bones and five elements, and his meridians were cut off by nature. Not to mention he has cultivated Tao, he can't even practice martial arts compared to ordinary mortals.

The Xiao family gave up early, leaving him to fend for himself.

But Xiao Hongyi also did not give up on himself, worked hard to strengthen his body, and then got a chance to reborn.

He also beat all his opponents and ranked among the top ten.

There are also Ye Junhao from Changyang Peak, Qin Ge from Lingyuan Peak...

All of them have emerged in this martial arts competition and have become the objects of much attention.

Wang Chen, who was eating melons and watching melons all the time, did the math, there are as many as six or seven people who can be compared with Zhao Huai'an!

Their light shone on the top of Taihao Peak, illuminating the entire sect.

People have to sigh, Yunyang School has a profound heritage!

This time, Jiufeng Discussed Dao.

A group of promising rookies emerged from the Yunyang faction, who were able to sweep away the depressed atmosphere after the big human hunting case.

At the same time, it also defended the glory of the first sect in Tianyun Mountain.

At the end of the discussion, Jindan Master Ji Guantao and Mu Qingqiu came to the discussion stage at the same time.

Ji Guantao personally presented awards to the newly promoted top ten true disciples, and at the same time announced that they would be listed as candidates for the head disciples.

At that time, the scene was lively and the atmosphere was boiling, like a raging fire cooking oil, like flowers blooming.

Get everyone excited!

The hearts of the inner disciples seem to be condensed into one body at this moment, without any disputes or barriers.

The only one who didn't feel anything was probably Wang Chen.

As a bystander, he seemed to be watching a grand and gorgeous stage play.

Although Zhao Huaian, Lin Feng, Xiao Hongyi and others performed extremely well, the audience cheered and applauded enthusiastically, and the director Ji Guantao even contributed his acting skills at the level of an actor.

But I don’t know why, maybe the joys and sorrows of human beings are not connected.

Wang Chen always has an inexplicable sense of falsehood!
But he hid his emotions very well, mingling among the eight thousand disciples without showing the slightest expression.

Speaking of this year's peak pulse theory and martial art competition, apart from watching the excitement, Wang Chen's biggest gain is probably getting to know Pang Zitong, the puppet master.

The other party is not only good at making organ puppets, but also very well-informed.

He told Wang Chen all the rumors about the identities, origins and deeds of Tianjiao such as Lin Feng, Xiao Hongyi, Ye Junhao.

With the end of Jiufeng's discussion, the Yunyang faction quickly returned to calm.

Everyone is getting ready for the New Year.

Wang Chen is no exception.

This is the second New Year he will spend in this world.

Before the opening of Tianyun Fairy Collection, Wang Chen added his elementary talisman-making skills to the Dzogchen level.

However, the result of this one hundred points of human morality made him a little disappointed.

Dzogchen's breathing technique can greatly reduce Wang Chen's sense of existence, making him very difficult to be noticed by others.

Dzogchen's fire technique can make Wang Chen condense into a heavy-winged fire crow, which can smash through tens of thousands of catties of boulders with one blow!
However, he has also reached the Dzogchen-level primary talisman-making technique. After repeated experiments, he found that it can only reduce the mana and spirit ink consumption of drawing talismans.

The cost is saved, but the problem is that the power of the refined talisman is not much different from that of a grandmaster.

Probably because the previous expectations were a bit high, so Wang Chen inevitably felt disappointed with such a result.

It even feels like the 100-point human debai has been smashed.

It's better to invest in other skills.

But he is an optimistic character after all, since the doneness cannot be changed, he quickly accepted the fact.

Then Wang Chen used Dzogchen's talisman making technique to draw a batch of commonly used talismans.

I'm going to take it to Tianyun Fairy Collection to earn some spirit stones back.

After all, no amount of spirit stones is too much, and mosquito legs are also meat.

He still needs a lot of spirit stones now.

For example, the cost price of the shrunken version of the spiritual plant puppet made by Pang Zitong is [-] yuan.

Normal use requires the consumption of spirit stones. I don’t have some in the storage bag, and I dare not take them out when I get them.

It's so sad that you can't afford to buy a car like this and can't fill it up!
Next, Wang Chen followed the originally agreed plan.

The last 100 points of human virtue that can be taken out are added to the art of controlling objects.

And the Dzogchen-level Controlling Art never disappointed Wang Chen again.

The control distance and strength of this skill increased sharply at the same time, and practicing sword control on this basis, he obviously felt that his control of the Fire Crow Sword had risen to another level.

Handy, like an arm and a finger, the slight sense of stagnation that appeared by accident has disappeared so far!
Encouraged by Wang Chen, he pushed his swordsmanship to the peak of Xiaocheng.

Then drop 10 points of morality to upgrade to Dacheng level!

Wang Chen tested it. The Dzogchen Controlling Technique plus the Dacheng Level Controlling Sword Technique, the farthest control distance of his flying sword has doubled.

The power of the Fire Crow Sword has increased again!
So Wang Chen was once again immersed in the cultivation of flying sword swordsmanship and couldn't extricate himself, and even almost missed Tianyun Fairy Collection.
The second is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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