Chapter 171 Ji Wanrong

Headless corpses fell to the ground.

A moment ago, they were still very lively, but now they are all cool.

And some casual cultivators around who watched the excitement, witnessed such a cruel scene, all of them were scared out of their wits.

He quickly hid back in his own stone castle, never daring to show his head again.

In fact, many casual cultivators are rebellious by nature, and don't take their life and death very seriously.

But no one wants to die as humble as an ant like those guys whose heads have been cut off!
Streams of light descended from the sky.

There are more than a dozen young monks who control magic weapons. The men are handsome and handsome, and the women are beautiful and charming, all of them have extraordinary temperament!

One of the female cultivators was wearing a moon-white Taoist robe, with blue silk in a bun, and was holding a Liuyun sword.

Stepping on auspicious clouds landed beside the handsome young man.

Others followed suit.

Seeing such a scene, Wang Chen immediately stopped and dodged to hide beside the stone house next to him.

Xie Yaoxiu, Zhao Huaian, Xiao Hongyi, Lin Feng, Ye Junhao, Qin Ge...

There are as many as six or seven of the top ten disciples he recognized at a glance!
The true biography of the Tianjiao of the Yunyang faction actually appeared in Huangni village together, and if it is spread out, it will definitely make headlines!

Wang Chen noticed that several true disciples surrounded Xie Yaoxiu like stars.

It was Xie Yaoxiu's flying sword that beheaded five casual cultivators just now.

Her sword made Wang Chen think of Mu Qingqiu who is known as "the first sword in Tianyun"!
I saw this female sword cultivator who ranked first in the "Seven Talents of Tianyun" grabbed the handsome young man by the ear, and said with a smile: "I just came out of retreat, and I heard that you sneaked to Sunset Peak, Are you so disobedient now?"


The handsome boy was about to cry: "I was wrong."

Xie Yaoxiu let go of his ears, sighed and said: "Do you know how worried my mother is about you? If something happens to you, you will be bullied just like before, how sad your mother will be!"

"You still change your appearance, you are really talented."

The handsome young man covered his face: "I won't dare again!"

"It's good to know it's wrong."

Xie Yaoxiu sacrificed a flying magic weapon: "Come back with me now, and stay at home to practice well. When you become as enlightened as I am, it won't be too late to come out to play."

The handsome young man was stunned: "Sister, have you opened your house?"

Xie Yaoxiu smiled slightly, and the beauty that bloomed in an instant made all the arrogances around her feel swayed.

"Yes, I am now in the Purple Mansion!"


The handsome young man yelled and grabbed her sleeve tightly: "Sister, you are too powerful!"

Xie Yaoxiu rolled his eyes at him: "Stop talking nonsense, this place is too dirty, let's go."

A group of people came in a hurry, and left even more hurriedly, soaring straight into the sky in an instant.

The handsome young man looked left and right before boarding the flying magic weapon and leaving.

He clearly heard a familiar voice just now.

But no one was found.

With a hint of doubt, the handsome boy, Xie Yaoxiu and others disappeared above the clouds!
After a while, Wang Chen came out from his hiding place.

Xie Yaoxiu broke her brain and opened the house!

This is really big news. It is estimated that there is no younger Zifu master than her in the entire Yunyang faction.

Just as he was thinking, suddenly several figures appeared from the nearby Shibaozi.

Crazy scrambling for things on those corpses.

There were noises and curses one after another, and the scene was chaotic!
At this time, the sound of the majestic horn reached Wang Chen's ears.

It was the Yunyang airship suspended in the sky, recalling all the disciples.

This weapon of war is about to embark on a new journey!

A gust of wind blew up the blood-soaked dust on the ground.

The few corpses had long since disappeared, and even the heads were not known by whom.

A woman in neon clothes quietly appeared in Huangni Village.

Her face is extremely gorgeous, her pair of phoenix eyes are naturally charming, her skin is more beautiful than snow, and her figure is graceful. Her gestures reveal a variety of amorous feelings, forming a sharp contrast with the dirty and messy environment around her!
Looking up at the direction where the Yunyang spaceship left just now, a sneer appeared on the pretty face of the woman in neon clothes.

"The Yunyang faction is really powerful."

She looked around, frowned, her phoenix eyes were full of displeasure: "Scared that old ghost away!"

And this extremely beautiful woman seemed not aware of the greedy prying eyes from the surrounding stone castles!
Soon, several casual cultivators couldn't bear it anymore and ran out to surround her.

A rough monk licked his lips and asked with a smile: "Little lady, who are you looking for here? Tell me, brothers can help you!"

The previous investigation by the Yunyang faction made them all terrified, fearing that they would suffer disaster.

But seeing such a moving beauty now, the courage of these people suddenly returned!
They exchanged glances with each other, tacit understanding.

Facing a group of malicious casual cultivators, the woman in neon clothes showed no fear, but instead gave them a wink: "Want to help me? That one is enough, how do you divide it?"

The rough monk's face suddenly changed.

He looked at his companions around him, his eyes full of violence.

Suddenly he drew out his weapon and slashed fiercely at the casual cultivator who was closest to him.

The opponent had no defense at all, and was split in half on the spot!
A bloody and cruel fight kicked off.

The casual cultivators who had just gathered around to get a share of the action were also involved.

Everyone's eyes are scarlet, like wild animals that have lost their minds!
But the woman in neon clothes who provoked them to kill each other watched with a smile and clapped her hands from time to time.

Like watching a monkey show!

However, after only watching half a cup of tea, she got tired and turned around to leave.


The girl in neon clothes suddenly stopped, and looked at a stone castle ten steps away.

The door there was ajar, and a six or seven-year-old girl was hiding behind the door and looking out.

The woman in neon clothes moved in her heart, and immediately walked over.

The little girl stared at her intently, her big black eyes reflecting the beautiful figure of a woman in neon clothes.

The girl in neon clothes came to the door and asked with a smile, "Little guy, what's your name?"

The little girl pursed her lips: "I, my name is Ji Wanrong."

"A nice name."

The girl in neon clothes looks at her more and more like her.

I can't wait to snatch the other party back immediately: "Are you willing to be my apprentice?"

Ji Wanrong tilted her head: "As your apprentice, can you kill people?"

The girl in neon clothes was stunned for a moment: "Who do you want to kill?"

"A bad guy!"

Ji Wanrong ground her teeth: "I'm going to kill him!"

"That's easy."

The girl in neon clothes pointed to a few casual cultivators who were still fighting, and said with a smile: "As long as you get my true biography, you can make these stinky men fight to the death with one sentence, and you can kill without using your hands!"

Ji Wanrong immediately knelt down and kowtowed three times: "Master!"


The girl in neon clothes suddenly laughed so hard that she almost burst into tears.

"Good disciple, good disciple!"

"You remember Master's name, my name is Mu Qingqing."

"Mu Qingqing of the Hehuan Gate!"
The third one is delivered.

PS: Thank you for your support and love. It will be on the 1st soon. Please guarantee the monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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